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【新闻】香港将扑杀数千只仓鼠以预防病毒传播  Hong Kong will cull thousands of hamsters after Covid cases in a pet shop.   2022-01-19 10:12
  Hong Kong will cull more than 2,000 hamsters and ban the import of small animals after a pet shop worker, a customer and at least 11 hamsters tested positive for the Delta variant of the coronavirus.

【经济】预防境外物品“物传人”,快递包裹、进口水果这样处理更安全  How to sanitize your food and packages   2022-01-19 08:00
  The first individuals in Beijing and Shenzhen infected with the Omicron variant of COVID-19 both had contact with parcels from North America, health authorities from the two cities said on Monday.北京和深圳两地卫生部门17日表示,两地的首例奥密克戎本土确诊病例都接触过来自北美的包裹。

【科技】人人都在谈论的元宇宙到底是什么?  What’s All the Hype About the Metaverse?   2022-01-19 03:29
  The term “metaverse” is everywhere.

【科技】研究:全球变暖会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖  Global heating linked to early birth and damage to babies’ health, scientists    2022-01-18 16:44
  The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetuses, babies and infants across the world, six new studies have found.

【体育】北京冬奥会将不对公众出售赛事门票  China decides not to sell Olympics tickets to the Chinese public.   2022-01-18 11:48
  China had already barred foreign spectators from attending the Winter Games that begin in Beijing in less than a month. On Monday, it announced that most Chinese people won’t be able to attend either.

【旅游】地球尽头与冷酷废土:探访纳米比亚骷髅海岸  The Eerie, Lunar Nothingness of Namibia’s Skeleton Coast   2022-01-18 06:00
  We had been driving for four hours and had yet to see another soul. No people. No cars. Just eerie, lunar nothingness stretching south to the horizon. To the left, desert; to the right, ocean. A packed salt road sewed a tight seam between the two. Under an overcast sky, the three surfaces faded into a single indistinguishable gray-brown smear.

【新闻】汤加火山爆发和海啸造成“毁灭性”影响,灾情仍不明朗  In Volcano’s Aftermath, an Agonizing Wait for Tonga News   2022-01-18 03:00
  Two days after a colossal volcanic eruption spawned a tsunami that struck the island nation of Tonga, severed communication lines left Tongans around the world waiting anxiously for news of their loved ones, while aid agencies and the country’s Pacific neighbors struggled to assess the scale of the damage.

【健康】加拿大魁北克将对拒打疫苗者征收“健康税”  Covid: Quebec to impose health tax on unvaccinated Canadians   2022-01-17 14:48
  The Canadian province of Quebec will charge a health tax to residents who are not vaccinated against Covid-19.

【新闻】柬埔寨也要建防火墙?中国互联网监控模式“走向世界”  Cambodia’s Internet May Soon Be Like China’s: State-Controlled   2022-01-17 12:06
  PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The day Kea Sokun was arrested in Cambodia, four men in plainclothes showed up at his photography shop near Angkor Wat and carted him off to the police station. Mr. Kea Sokun, who is also a popular rapper, had released two songs on YouTube, and the men said they needed to know why he’d written them.

【新闻】德约科维奇签证“闹剧”落幕:规则、特权与争议  How the ‘Djokovic Affair’ Finally Came to an End   2022-01-17 10:51
  SYDNEY, Australia — The day before the Australian Open was set to begin, Novak Djokovic, possibly the greatest tennis player of all time, ran up against a group of determined opponents that no amount of talent, training, money or willpower could overcome.

【科技】欢迎来到元宇宙:2022年四大技术趋势  The Tech That Will Invade Our Lives in 2022   2022-01-14 10:59
  Each year, I look ahead at what’s new in consumer technology to guide you through what you might expect to buy — and what will most likely be a fad.

【新闻】普京的“朋友圈”:抵御西方的堡垒还是“牢笼”?  For Putin, Propping Up Allies Is Turning Into a Perilous Bargain   2022-01-14 10:58
  From Eastern Europe to the oil fields of Central Asia, President Vladimir V. Putin is straining to maintain a sphere of influence that will keep the forces of history at bay.

【新闻】河南一新冠检测中心负责人被抓  The police in China detain a testing lab official on suspicion of helping spread   2022-01-14 10:27
  The police in a city in central China have detained the manager of a regional coronavirus testing laboratory on suspicion of “committing acts that caused the spread of the coronavirus or seriously increased the danger of spreading it.”

【新闻】特权与丑闻:英国王室与首相约翰逊同时深陷危机  U.K. Monarchy and Government Plunge Into Simultaneous Crises   2022-01-14 05:03
  LONDON — When Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain was hospitalized with Covid in April 2020, the alarming news bulletin came soon after a televised address by Queen Elizabeth II, in which she reassured the British public that after the pandemic ebbed, “We will meet again.”

【新闻】暖气太贵用不起?英国供热企业建议客户“抱宠物取暖”  Customers are furious after energy supplier tells customers to cuddle pets to ke   2022-01-13 15:28
  A British energy supplier has apologized for the "poorly judged and unhelpful" advice sent to customers which suggested they could snuggle up to their pets and exercise to cut back on their heating bills.

【健康】如何在2022年改善你的心理健康  How to Improve Your Mental Health in 2022   2022-01-13 06:05
  The year 2021 was one of emotional whiplash. There was anticipation for vaccines, followed by confusing rollouts. Then, we saw some hope as many Americans were inoculated, only to find new variants, a tumultuous news cycle and widespread confusion around the bend. The good news is that people across the country — including experts, public figures and kids — started talking more openly and helpfully about the importance of mental health. Here at Well, we offered tools to stay balanced in the face of so much stress and anxiety. As the year comes to a close, we’ve collected the top pieces of advice from our most popular mental health stories to help you carry calm and clarity into 2022.

【新闻】你遭遇过“爱情轰炸”吗?  What Is ‘Love Bombing’?   2022-01-13 03:10
  Imagine you’re at a restaurant one night, and after dinner you decide to order not one but two slices of cheesecake for dessert. Many would say that’s unhealthy — or at least indulgent — but everyone deserves a treat once in a while. Right?

【新闻】对不起,全世界:名人道歉大盘点  Sorry, World: Famous Apologies by High-Profile Figures   2022-01-13 02:25
  Some of the I’m Sorries are too little, too late, others are greeted sympathetically. Some are for transgressions that festered into scandal, others for spectacular errors of judgment or worse.

【新闻】俄罗斯到底想对乌克兰做什么?除了普京没有人知道  Putin’s Next Move on Ukraine Is a Mystery. Just the Way He Likes It.   2022-01-12 11:44
  GENEVA — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has spent months massing close to 100,000 troops near the Ukraine border. But Moscow says it has no intention of invading.

【新闻】德约科维奇事件背后,澳大利亚总理的一步败棋?  How the ‘Djokovic Affair’ Came Back to Bite Australia’s Prime Minister   2022-01-12 10:37
  SYDNEY, Australia — Novak Djokovic received the bad news on Thursday at 7:42 a.m. His entry visa into Australia was canceled and he was being detained, despite his arrival with a medical exemption from the country’s vaccine mandate for international visitors.

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