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【健康】世卫组织高级官员:奥密克戎为疫情常态化带来希望  Omicron Offers Hope Pandemic Could Stabilize, W.H.O. Official Says.   2022-01-25 03:03
  The astonishing spread of the Omicron variant could help set the stage for the pandemic to transition from overwhelming to manageable in Europe this year, a top health official said on Monday, potentially offering the world a glimpse at how countries can ease restrictions while keeping the virus at bay.

【新闻】“我们在残害我们自己”:华裔教授陈刚案背后的愤怒与幻灭  ‘In the End, You’re Treated Like a Spy,’ Says M.I.T. Scientist   2022-01-25 02:38
  CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — When Gang Chen returned to his laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Friday, the day after the government had dismissed charges of lying on grant applications, he was surrounded by well-wishers, offering hugs and congratulations.

【新闻】新的一年要更阳光:6个好习惯让你保持好心情  6 habits that are guaranteed to put you in a good mood   2022-01-24 13:53

【新闻】拜登赞赏英特尔在美建厂计划,推进中国竞争法案  Biden Looks to Intel’s U.S. Investment to Buoy His China Agenda   2022-01-24 11:51
  WASHINGTON — In celebrating a $20 billion investment by Intel in a new semiconductor plant in Ohio, President Biden sought on Friday to jump-start a stalled element of his economic and national security agenda: a huge federal investment in manufacturing, research and development in technologies that China is also seeking to dominate.

【新闻】多地封锁引发沮丧与抱怨,中国“清零”政策还能走多远?  China Holds the Line on ‘Zero Covid,’ but Some Wonder for How Long   2022-01-24 11:09
  In a glitzy Shanghai shopping district, about 40 people who happened to be at a Uniqlo store were informed that they would be spending the night there. A suspected Covid case had been traced to the shop.

【新闻】洛杉矶火车盗窃猖獗,大量货物散落铁轨如“垃圾场”  Sifting Through the Train Thefts of Los Angeles   2022-01-24 10:36
  The railroad tracks are a wasteland of discarded cartons, envelopes and boxes. Pieces of clothing lie disgorged from packaging and tossed aside. A family photograph, propped up in the garbage, stands sentimental to someone, somewhere, but of no interest to those who loot the tracks of Lincoln Heights.

【新闻】探访北京冬奥场馆:时报记者见证云顶滑雪场修建历程  I Watched the Building of an Olympic Venue   2022-01-24 02:35
  In the past 17 months, I made five trips to a village northwest of Beijing. I was curious whether one of the Olympic venues there would be ready for the Games.

【文化】Quora精选:怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人?  Tips: How to become an attractive man?   2022-01-23 08:00
  1. Clothes that fit.

【新闻】国际大牌又来蹭中国新年热度了,不过有人格局打开了……  Luxury Brands Create Tiger-Inspired Collections For Chinese New Year   2022-01-22 08:00

【体育】奥运转播公司CEO:北京冬奥会开幕式“非常震撼” 千万别错过  Don't miss impressive opening ceremony, says broadcast chief   2022-01-21 15:46
  The opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics will be "very different" from that of the 2008 Summer Games but will be "equally impressive," according to Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS).

【新闻】中国女子相亲遇封城,意外收获爱情  On their second date, they got stuck together in lockdown. Would romance bloom?   2022-01-21 10:21
  When Zhao Xiaoqing first met Zhao Fei on a blind date, the sparks didn’t really fly.

【文化】《汉字王国》:一场塑造现代中国的语言革命  They Wanted to Write the History of Modern China. But How?   2022-01-21 05:24
  KINGDOM OF CHARACTERSThe Language Revolution That Made China Modern By Jing Tsu
  《汉字王国——中国走向现代的语言革命》(Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution That Made China Modern)作者:石静远

【新闻】美军为何轰炸一座“非打击名单”上的叙利亚大坝  A Dam in Syria Was on a ‘No-Strike’ List. The U.S. Bombed It Anyway.   2022-01-21 04:18
  Near the height of the war against the Islamic State group in Syria, a sudden riot of explosions rocked the country’s largest dam, a towering, 18-story structure on the Euphrates River that held back a 25-mile-long reservoir above a valley where hundreds of thousands of people lived.

【商业】中国新一轮防疫封锁或进一步扰乱全球供应链  Supply Chain Woes Could Worsen as China Imposes New Covid Lockdowns   2022-01-21 03:50
  WASHINGTON — Companies are bracing for another round of potentially debilitating supply chain disruptions as China, home to about a third of global manufacturing, imposes sweeping lockdowns in an attempt to keep the Omicron variant at bay.

【新闻】美国撤销对麻省理工华裔教授陈刚的指控  U.S. Drops Its Case Against M.I.T. Scientist Accused of Hiding China Links   2022-01-21 03:46
  BOSTON — Federal prosecutors on Thursday dropped the government’s charges against Gang Chen, a professor of mechanical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in a high-profile setback to the China Initiative, a nearly three-year-old government effort intended to stop scientists from passing sensitive technology to China.

【新闻】今日大寒:关于大寒的知识和习俗你了解多少?  6 things you must know about Major Cold   2022-01-20 14:43
  Cold current 寒流来袭
  During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather is very cold. Although modern meteorological observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal areas.

【新闻】纽约一名亚裔女性被推落地铁轨道后身亡  Woman Dies After Being Pushed Onto Subway Tracks in Times Square   2022-01-20 09:56
  In a horrifying instant, a man walked up to a 40-year-old woman waiting for the subway in Times Square on Saturday morning and shoved her to the tracks as a train screeched into the station, killing her, the police said.

【新闻】汤加海底火山爆发对世界有什么影响?  Here’s What Scientists Know About the Tonga Volcano Eruption   2022-01-20 03:44
  While residents of Tonga struggle to recover from a devastating volcanic explosion that smothered the Pacific island nation with ash and swamped it with water, scientists are trying to better understand the global effects of the eruption.

【健康】奥密克戎会导致新冠长期症状吗?  Can Omicron Cause Long Covid?   2022-01-20 03:02
  Many public health officials have taken heart in early evidence that suggests infections from the Omicron variant tend to cause less severe illness than other versions of the coronavirus. But another important question looms: whether infection with Omicron, including breakthrough cases in vaccinated people, can result in long Covid — the constellation of physical, neurological and cognitive symptoms that can last for months and impair people’s daily lives.
  早期证据表明,与其他类型的新冠病毒相比,奥密克戎变异株感染往往导致轻症,这让许多公共卫生官员感到振奋。但另一个重要的问题出现了:感染奥密克戎,包括疫苗接种者当中出现的突破性病例,是否会导致长期新冠(long Covid),也就是一系列身体、神经和认知症状,可持续数月,并损害日常生活。

【健康】疫情期间如何缓解心理压力?专家为你来支招  5 ways to manage stress, according to mental health experts   2022-01-19 15:26
  1. Practice the "STOP" skill.

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