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【商业】中国“清零”政策连锁反应重创东南亚果农  A Side-Effect of China’s Strict Virus Policy: Abandoned Fruit   2022-02-07 11:26
  HANOI, Vietnam — At Pham Thanh Hong’s dragon fruit orchard in Vietnam, most of the lights are turned off. All is silent except for the periodic thud of the ripe pink fruit falling to the ground.

【新闻】发声还是沉默?中国人权问题让冬奥会运动员陷入两难  In Beijing, the Subject on Everybody’s Mind but Not Lips   2022-02-07 05:01
  BEIJING — The conversation at the Wukesong Sports Center veered dangerously from the growth and speed of women’s hockey toward the question of political statements at the Olympic Games. Hilary Knight, wrapping up practice ahead of her fourth Olympic appearance for the United States, paused, glanced around, and chose her words carefully.

【体育】延庆大风扰乱冬奥赛事安排,男子滑降比赛被迫延期  In Yanqing, the Wind Blows and the Skiers Wait. And Wait. And Wait.   2022-02-07 02:43
  YANQING, China — The chatter about the wind started on Thursday, as soon as Matthias Mayer of Austria completed the first training run down the slope nicknamed “Rock.”

【新闻】中华台北还是中国台北?冬奥会台湾代表团名称再掀争议  What’s in a name? For Taiwan, a lot.   2022-02-06 10:20
  A week ago, Taiwan said it would not participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Beijing. Then the island democracy reversed its decision, citing pressure from the International Olympic Committee.

【新闻】中国是如何为缺雪的北京冬奥会造雪的?  Beijing Wanted the Winter Olympics. All It Needed Was Snow.   2022-02-06 03:55
  BEIJING — China did not move mountains to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. But it flooded a dried riverbed, diverted water from a key reservoir that supplies Beijing and resettled hundreds of farmers and their families, all to feed one of the most extensive snow-making operations in the history of the Games.


【新闻】徐州八孩母亲视频引发愤怒,中国女性权益保障再受质疑  Video of Mentally Ill Woman Chained in Shack Stirs Anger in China   2022-02-04 11:24
  The video was seemingly everywhere on the Chinese internet: A middle-aged woman standing in a doorless brick shack, a dazed expression on her face, wearing no coat though it was the middle of winter. Around her neck was a metal chain, shackling her to the wall.

【体育】在疫情和人权问题争议声中,北京冬奥会将继续推进  Once Again the Olympic Games Will Begin, Despite Everything   2022-02-04 05:07
  The Winter Olympics will go forward. They always do.


【新闻】米妮换新颜 红裙变裤装  Minnie Mouse is trading her iconic red dress for a new look   2022-01-28 15:01
  For the first time in her nearly century-long life, Minnie Mouse will add a pantsuit to her wardrobe. And it won't be just any old pair of tailored slacks, but an iconic silhouette from British fashion designer Stella McCartney.

【新闻】作为亚裔学生就读纽约精英高中,是一种什么样的体验  How It Feels to Be an Asian Student in an Elite Public School   2022-01-28 12:32
  Tausifa Haque, a 17-year-old daughter of Bangladeshi immigrants, walks in the early morning from her family’s apartment in the Bronx to the elevated subway and rides south to Brooklyn, a journey of one and a half hours.

【新闻】《搏击俱乐部》结局遭篡改,中国审查制度再掀争议  The End of ‘Fight Club’ Was Cut in China. The Pattern Goes Back Decades.   2022-01-28 10:59
  When viewers watch “Fight Club” on a popular Chinese streaming platform, most of the film looks exactly as it did when it was released in 1999 — except for the apocalyptic ending.
  当中国观众在一个受欢迎的流媒体平台上观看电影《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)时,影片的大部分内容与1999年刚上映时看起来完全一样,除了那个世界末日般的结局。

【新闻】春节习俗大不同:那些来自各国的农历新年“年菜”  8 Lunar New Year Recipes for Good Times Ahead   2022-01-28 06:11
  If Jan. 1 didn’t feel like quite the annual reset you were hoping for, you can celebrate now by cooking for the Lunar New Year. For this Year of the Tiger, that’s Feb. 1, and the inaugural feast commences the night before. In China and other Asian countries that recognize the holiday, such as Singapore, Vietnam and South Korea, the festivities can last for two weeks, and the foods often symbolize promises for a better year ahead. But the immediate reward is something delicious to eat, whether you’re preparing a feast or just one dish.

【文化】研究:家庭贫富改变婴儿大脑  Landmark poverty experiment shows extra money changes babies' brains   2022-01-27 15:54
  Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according to a study in the United States.

【新闻】战棋推演报告称台湾半导体工厂停产可能引发中美冲突  How the Computer Chip Shortage Could Incite a U.S. Conflict With China   2022-01-27 12:05
  WASHINGTON — The war game scenario conducted by a Washington think tank began with a sudden failure at three Taiwanese semiconductor foundries that make high-end computer chips used in such items as smartphones, automobiles and military equipment.

【新闻】印度新人将举办元宇宙婚礼派对 邀请过世父亲出席  Couple plan India's 'first metaverse marriage'   2022-01-26 15:48
  As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or cancel their traditionally large-scale weddings, one couple has found a venue unaffected by restrictions: the metaverse.

【新闻】面对新冠疫情,美国彻底躺平 | 小象漫评  US 'lies flat' facing COVID   2022-01-26 15:42
  The COVID-19 pandemic has surged again in the US, with over a million new infections daily. That has almost overwhelmed its “powerful” medical system.

【商业】国际货币基金组织称中美经济放缓将拖累全球经济  Slowdowns in the U.S. and China will hold back global growth, a report says.   2022-01-26 12:25
  Slowdowns in the world’s two biggest economies — the United States and China — are likely to be larger than expected this year, dragging down output on every continent and reducing global growth, a new report warned on Tuesday.

【新闻】朝鲜突然频繁试射导弹传递了什么信息?  Why Is North Korea Suddenly Launching So Many Missiles?   2022-01-26 10:14
  SEOUL — North Korea began the new year by convening a meeting for the ruling Workers’ Party during which very little was said about the United States. That ominous silence didn’t last long.

【新闻】新冠疫情催生新潮流:韩国掀起传统米酒热  This Ancient Brew Has Retro Appeal in South Korea   2022-01-26 05:03
  SEOUL — Jeong Mi-hee, a South Korean businesswoman, used to buy a lot of whisky in airports. When the coronavirus pandemic brought her travels to halt, she started paying more attention to local booze she had overlooked.

【文化】养猫还是养狗?调查显示,它才是最受欢迎的都市宠物  Cats Clinch the Title of Urban China’s Favorite Pet, Report Says   2022-01-25 08:00
  A new report released Tuesday by Pethadoop, a platform specializing in China’s pet industry, said cats accounted for 59.5% of all the pets among the 30,000 respondents surveyed for the research. As of last year, there were some 58 million pet cats in China’s urban households, compared with some 54 million pet dogs.派读宠物行业大数据平台1月18日发布报告称,在接受调查的3万名受访者中,他们的宠物59.5%是猫。截至去年,中国城市家庭中约有5800万只宠物猫,而宠物狗约为5400万只。

【商业】复制北京防疫策略,清零政策重创香港经济  Zero-Covid Policy Shakes Hong Kong’s Economy and Its ‘Soul’   2022-01-25 07:41
  HONG KONG — Perry Lam felt confident that his business had weathered the worst of the pandemic. Several rounds of bar closures in Hong Kong had dimmed the city’s vibrant nightlife, threatening to destroy his brewery. But things seemed better late last year.

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