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【新闻】关于加拿大卡车司机抗议,你需要了解的几个问题  Trucker Protests in Canada: What You Need to Know   2022-02-11 01:54
【科技】穿哪种颜色的衣服最招蚊子?研究找到了答案!  New research says mosquitoes are most attracted to a specific color   2022-02-10 16:34
【体育】冬奥会短道速滑赛场上演中韩“新仇旧恨”  In a speedskating showdown, short races and lingering grudges.   2022-02-10 11:16
【新闻】“睡眠休息舱”成冬奥记者打盹儿神器,这个细节太人性化了  Beijing offers high tech power naps to journalists at the Games   2022-02-10 08:00
【体育】亚裔美国人撑起美国花样滑冰“半边天”  The Asian American Pipeline in Figure Skating   2022-02-10 05:49
【体育】代表中国夺金后,“谷爱凌热”席卷中国网络  Eileen Gu fervor takes over China’s social media.   2022-02-10 02:30
【经济】看懂冬奥:观众为何向花样滑冰运动员扔毛绒玩具?  Why do people throw stuffed animals at figure skaters?   2022-02-09 15:45
【新闻】修改片尾引发争议后,腾讯视频恢复《搏击俱乐部》原结局  ‘Fight Club’ Ending Is Restored in China After Censorship Outcry   2022-02-09 10:30
【新闻】报告称朝鲜在中朝边境建洲际导弹基地  North Korea Builds ICBM Base Near China as Fears of New Test Loom   2022-02-09 10:00
【新闻】机器人、围栏和例行检测:走进北京冬奥会“闭环泡泡”  Inside Beijing’s Olympic Bubble: Robots, Swabs and a Big Gamble   2022-02-09 04:34
【新闻】一座东北煤矿小城何以成为“中国冬奥冠军之乡”  At Winter Games, a Hard-Bitten Chinese Coal Town Hunts for Gold   2022-02-09 03:33
【体育】团结象征还是粉饰镇压?争议旋涡中的维吾尔火炬手  Bearing an Olympic Torch, and a Politically Loaded Message   2022-02-09 02:58
【新闻】每秒旋转数圈,花滑运动员们为什么转不晕?  Why Don’t Figure Skaters Get Dizzy When They Spin?   2022-02-08 16:40
【新闻】美国民众应对物价飙升:啥也不买  The people fighting price rises by trying to buy nothing   2022-02-08 16:29
【新闻】彭帅与国际奥委会主席巴赫会面  Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis player, meets I.O.C. leader at the Olympics.   2022-02-08 10:53
【体育】朱易摔倒引发嘲讽,中国归化运动员面临严格审视  Criticism of Zhu Yi, a U.S.-born skater, shows the harsh scrutiny of naturalized   2022-02-08 10:47
【新闻】李文亮逝世两年后,中国民众记忆仍未褪色  Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembe   2022-02-08 09:48
【体育】谷爱凌:我承认,我爱上了恐惧  How Eileen Gu, Olympic Freeskier, Manages Fear   2022-02-08 04:49
【文化】《红毯》:当好莱坞来到中国  Hollywood Came to China; It Was Epic.   2022-02-08 02:23
【新闻】美国中情局再曝侵犯人权丑闻,用数百名儿童做人体实验  Documentarian reveals unethical CIA experiments on children   2022-02-07 15:59

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