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【新闻】关于加拿大卡车司机抗议,你需要了解的几个问题  Trucker Protests in Canada: What You Need to Know   2022-02-11 01:54
  Truck drivers protesting vaccine mandates are parking their rigs in the middle of intersections in Canadian cities, blocking traffic and, in some places, bringing daily life and business to a standstill.

【科技】穿哪种颜色的衣服最招蚊子?研究找到了答案!  New research says mosquitoes are most attracted to a specific color   2022-02-10 16:34
  While there are plenty of factors that go into how attractive you are to mosquitoes, new research has found the colors you’re wearing definitely play a role.

【体育】冬奥会短道速滑赛场上演中韩“新仇旧恨”  In a speedskating showdown, short races and lingering grudges.   2022-02-10 11:16
  The rivalry between South Korea and China on the short-track speedskating rink took another turn on Wednesday when South Korea’s Hwang Dae-heon won the men’s 1,500-meter race after a Chinese rival was disqualified in an earlier round.

【新闻】“睡眠休息舱”成冬奥记者打盹儿神器,这个细节太人性化了  Beijing offers high tech power naps to journalists at the Games   2022-02-10 08:00
  Journalists reporting on the Winter Olympics are being offered the chance to sleep on the job thanks to high-tech cabins at the Beijing media centre.

【体育】亚裔美国人撑起美国花样滑冰“半边天”  The Asian American Pipeline in Figure Skating   2022-02-10 05:49
  BEIJING — Tiffany Chin scanned the arena at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships last month and marveled at how things had changed.

【体育】代表中国夺金后,“谷爱凌热”席卷中国网络  Eileen Gu fervor takes over China’s social media.   2022-02-10 02:30
  You know Eileen Gu is a hot topic in China when even the transportation ministry joins in the celebration of her gold medal.

【经济】看懂冬奥:观众为何向花样滑冰运动员扔毛绒玩具?  Why do people throw stuffed animals at figure skaters?   2022-02-09 15:45
  Moments after a figure skater finishes their program, adoring fans fling gifts onto the ice. There have definitely been some weird ones over the years. As NBC Sports reports, Sasha Cohen was once given multiple cashmere sweaters; Canada’s Elvis Stojko and Patrick Chan have walked away with lingerie; and Debi Thomas even got a box of Domino’s pizza after her performance at the 1987 world championships. (Another skater, Doug Mattis, had tossed it onto the rink because Thomas had jokingly wondered why people “don’t throw something good, like pizza?”)

【新闻】修改片尾引发争议后,腾讯视频恢复《搏击俱乐部》原结局  ‘Fight Club’ Ending Is Restored in China After Censorship Outcry   2022-02-09 10:30
  Some viewers who watched “Fight Club” on a popular Chinese streaming platform last month noticed that its violent, dystopian ending had been cut, and replaced with a message promoting law and order.
  上个月,在中国一个受欢迎的流媒体平台上观看《搏击俱乐部》(Fight Club)的部分观众注意到,电影中反乌托邦的暴力结局被删,取而代之的是一条宣扬法律和秩序的字幕。

【新闻】报告称朝鲜在中朝边境建洲际导弹基地  North Korea Builds ICBM Base Near China as Fears of New Test Loom   2022-02-09 10:00
  SEOUL — North Korea began this year with a record-breaking spate of missile launches, but stopped short of a truly provocative step: ending its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests​.

【新闻】机器人、围栏和例行检测:走进北京冬奥会“闭环泡泡”  Inside Beijing’s Olympic Bubble: Robots, Swabs and a Big Gamble   2022-02-09 04:34
  To Chinese officials, the creation of a vast bubble was their best (and maybe only) hope to stage the Olympic Games safely and preserve the kind of “zero Covid” policy that has been a priority for the government and a point of national pride.

【新闻】一座东北煤矿小城何以成为“中国冬奥冠军之乡”  At Winter Games, a Hard-Bitten Chinese Coal Town Hunts for Gold   2022-02-09 03:33
  BEIJING — When Fan Kexin tensed in readiness before a women’s 500-meter speedskating race at the Winter Olympics in Beijing, a small coal-mining city 860 miles away in China’s northeast held its breath.

【体育】团结象征还是粉饰镇压?争议旋涡中的维吾尔火炬手  Bearing an Olympic Torch, and a Politically Loaded Message   2022-02-09 02:58
  ZHANGJIAKOU, China — The Uyghur athlete had been a relative unknown — a first-time Olympic Games competitor and a cross-country skier in a country not renowned for its skiing tradition. Then she was thrust into the limelight, beaming as she clutched the Olympic torch at the opening of the Games, becoming not just a symbol of China’s snow sports ambitions but also its strident defiance of Western criticism.

【新闻】每秒旋转数圈,花滑运动员们为什么转不晕?  Why Don’t Figure Skaters Get Dizzy When They Spin?   2022-02-08 16:40

【新闻】美国民众应对物价飙升:啥也不买  The people fighting price rises by trying to buy nothing   2022-02-08 16:29
  Prices in the US soared 7% last year - the biggest annual increase in nearly four decades. Now US consumers - whose spending powers the world's largest economy - are starting to signal they have had enough.

【新闻】彭帅与国际奥委会主席巴赫会面  Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis player, meets I.O.C. leader at the Olympics.   2022-02-08 10:53
  BEIJING — Peng Shuai, the Chinese tennis player who largely disappeared from public life after making sexual abuse accusations against a political official in November, held a private meeting with Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee, in Beijing over the weekend.

【体育】朱易摔倒引发嘲讽,中国归化运动员面临严格审视  Criticism of Zhu Yi, a U.S.-born skater, shows the harsh scrutiny of naturalized   2022-02-08 10:47
  For two days, social media users in China have been heaping scorn onto Beverly Zhu, a 19-year-old figure skater who was born and raised in the United States but competes for China under the name Zhu Yi.

【新闻】李文亮逝世两年后,中国民众记忆仍未褪色  Two years after his death, the Chinese doctor who warned of the virus is remembe   2022-02-08 09:48
  Two years after the death of Li Wenliang, the doctor who tried to warn China about the coronavirus only to succumb to it himself, his memory remains a source of equal parts grief, anger and hope for many Chinese.

【体育】谷爱凌:我承认,我爱上了恐惧  How Eileen Gu, Olympic Freeskier, Manages Fear   2022-02-08 04:49
  Eileen Gu is only 18. Born and raised in California, Gu competes for her mother’s native China, where she hopes to win three gold medals: in halfpipe, slopestyle and big air.

【文化】《红毯》:当好莱坞来到中国  Hollywood Came to China; It Was Epic.   2022-02-08 02:23
  RED CARPET Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy By Erich Schwartzel
  《红毯:好莱坞、中国以及文化霸权的全球斗争》作者:埃里希·施瓦策尔(RED CARPET Hollywood, China, and the Global Battle for Cultural Supremacy By Erich Schwartzel)

【新闻】美国中情局再曝侵犯人权丑闻,用数百名儿童做人体实验  Documentarian reveals unethical CIA experiments on children   2022-02-07 15:59
  A Danish radio documentary series, The Search for Myself, did not hold back in leveling claims against the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that it had financially aided experiments on 311 Danish children in the early 1960s. A good number of them were orphans or adopted.丹麦广播纪录片《寻找自我》向美国中情局提出指控,称其在20世纪60年代初资助了一项针对311名丹麦儿童的实验,其中很多受试者是孤儿或领养儿童。
  One such victim was the documentary maker Per Wennick, who claims that he was subjected to tests with no knowledge of their background in the basement of the Municipal Hospital in Copenhagen. These tests were supposedly designed to investigate links between heredity and environmental factors in engendering schizophrenia.纪录片作者佩尔·温尼克就是其中一位受害者,他声称自己在哥本哈根市医院的地下室里接受了对其背景一无所知的测试。据称这些测试旨在研究遗传和环境因素在导致精神分裂症方面的联系。

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