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【体育】丑闻vs.烤鸭:冬奥会中外记者报道方式的“平行宇宙”  At Beijing Press Conferences, the Questions Tell Their Own Story   2022-02-16 03:51
  BEIJING — The first question at the Olympics daily news conference on Saturday came from a German reporter, and anyone could have guessed what he would ask.

【体育】“青蛙公主”、“跳跳虎”与中国体育迷的网络文化狂欢  Fly High, Frog Princess! Well Done, Chen No. 3!   2022-02-16 03:27
  BEIJING — While sports fans worldwide marvel at the aerial contortions of the skier Eileen Gu, many in China are professing their admiration for one “Frog Princess.”

【新闻】看懂冬奥:冰壶上为什么会亮红灯和绿灯?  What are those red and green lights on curling stones?   2022-02-15 16:13
  If the ball goes out of bounds in say, a soccer game, it’s up to the referees to call the violation. But in a high-level curling match, the stones are somewhat self-policing—thanks to the red and green lights atop each one.

【新闻】“山葵保卫战”:日本美食经典佐料面临危机  ‘A Sense of Crisis’ for Wasabi, a Pungent Staple of Japanese Cuisine   2022-02-15 12:01
  IZU, Japan — For three decades, Mitsuyasu Asada has proudly tended the same lush mountainside terraces where his father and grandfather grew wasabi, the horseradish-like plant with a fluorescent green hue and head-clearing pungency that unmistakably connotes Japanese cuisine.

【新闻】兜售特朗普:后总统时代的一本“生意经”  Selling Trump: A Profitable Post-Presidency Like No Other   2022-02-15 10:26
  In early December, Donald Trump boarded the private jet of a scrap-metal magnate and crypto-miner for a short flight across Florida, touching down at an airport in Naples. There, a red carpet marked the pathway into a hangar filled with Trump supporters who had paid $10,000 to $30,000 to be there.

【体育】国际奥委会官员盛赞北京冬奥:筹办超出预期,运动员纷纷点赞  Athletes are all smiling and praising quality of Beijing 2022, says IOC official   2022-02-15 08:00
  Dubi introduced that the IOC president Thomas Bach used to have a very important meeting every morning to go through Games coordination, but he called it off just a few days ago, which, as Dubi explained, is "very rare."杜比介绍说,国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫过去每天早上都要开一个非常重要的赛事协调会议,但就在几天前,他取消了这个会议。杜比称,这是“非常罕见的”。

【新闻】“冰墩墩”在中国引发购买狂热和市场短缺  What’s black and white, weighs half a pound and is popular in China?   2022-02-14 11:48
  Nobody expected a shortage of stuffed pandas when China won the rights to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. But a week into the Games, the Chinese public now appears interested in little else.

【新闻】揭秘:情人节为什么要送红玫瑰?  Why do we give red roses for Valentine's Day?   2022-02-14 10:59
  For people in satisfying and committed relationships—or at least pretending to be—there’s Valentine’s Day, a holiday in which romance comes with a price tag attached and warm feelings are represented by a fresh bouquet of red roses.

【新闻】谷爱凌称中国人人都可以下载VPN引发争议  After a reply on Instagram, Eileen Gu faces criticism over ‘special treatment.   2022-02-14 10:47
  With one gold medal under her belt, Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old American-born Chinese skier, has become a superstar almost overnight in China, charming the country with her superior athletic skills, model looks and standout intellect.

【新闻】创新高:超七成纽约选民认为,该市犯罪问题非常严重  74 pct of New York City voters say crime very serious problem: survey   2022-02-14 07:55
  As much as 74 percent of voters in New York City say crime is a very serious problem in the city, reaching the highest level since the topic was included in the Quinnipiac University Poll in 1999.纽约市高达74%的选民表示,犯罪是该市非常严重的问题,这是自1999年昆尼皮亚克大学将这个话题纳入民意调查以来的最高纪录。
  "Until now, the highest number of voters thinking crime was a very serious problem was 50 percent back in January 2016," said a release on a Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters in New York City on Wednesday.昆尼皮亚克大学2月9日发布了一项对纽约市登记选民进行的民调结果。“2016年1月进行的民调显示,50%的选民认为纽约市犯罪问题非常严重,这是此前的最高纪录。”

【新闻】中美“熊猫外交”50年,这项政策是否需要改变?  50 Years Later, Some Question Value of U.S.-China ‘Panda Diplomacy’   2022-02-14 03:25
  Fifty years ago this month, Chairman Mao made President Richard M. Nixon a promise: He would send two giant pandas to the United States.

【体育】俄罗斯花滑明星药检风波唤醒奥运黑暗历史  In the Kamila Valieva Story, Echoes of a Dark Era of Doping   2022-02-14 02:47
  The announcement that Kamila Valieva, the 15-year-old Russian figure skating star, had tested positive for a banned substance echoed another dark Olympic era. And it sent a chilling reminder that female athletes in certain sports have long been considered disposable in countries that support state-sponsored doping.

【新闻】冬奥小百科:为什么速滑运动员要佩戴眼镜?  Why do speed skaters wear glasses?   2022-02-11 16:07
  The reasons skiers and snowboarders don goggles or glasses might seem a little obvious, especially if you’ve ever hit the slopes yourself. Sunlight reflected off the snow can make it hard to see, and UV rays can even damage your eyesight. Special colored lenses also create contrast, so your whole path won’t look like one flat expanse of whiteness. Not to mention that eyewear shields your eyes from any snow you displace (or that the wind blows into your face).

【商业】数据显示中国未履行美中贸易协定承诺  China fell far short of promises it made to purchase American goods.   2022-02-11 11:40
  China fell far short of the commitments it made in a 2020 trade deal with the United States, failing to purchase the promised volume of American airplanes, soybeans, energy, services and other products before the end of last year, data released Tuesday morning showed.

【科技】美国的中国技术难题  America’s Chinese Tech Conundrum   2022-02-11 11:38
  This article is part of the On Tech newsletter. Here is a collection of past columns.
  本文是On Tech电邮简报的一部分。点击查看过去的专栏文章

【体育】华裔花滑运动员陈巍夺冠在中国遭冷遇  Friction between the U.S. and China leaves Chinese American athletes in the midd   2022-02-11 11:12
  In a different political moment, Nathan Chen’s gold medal at the men’s individual figure skating event might have been celebrated as a victory in both the United States, his home country, and in China, the nation where his parents were born.
  陈巍(Nathan Chen)获得冬奥会花样滑冰男子单人滑金牌,若是在一个不同的政治时刻,这也许会在他的生长地美国和他父母的出生地中国都被当作胜利来庆祝。

【体育】冬奥会现场颁奖为何只颁发冰墩墩?  Why are the winners holding stuffed animals instead of medals?   2022-02-11 10:23
  Shortly after the most triumphant moments of their lives, the winning Olympic athletes are holding not the medals they’ve dreamed of for years, if not decades, but stuffed animals encased in a plastic shell.

【经济】俄罗斯保安上班无聊给名画化“眼睛”,致价值百万画作被毁  Faceless painting worth £750k ruined after 'bored' security guard draws   2022-02-11 08:00
  A painting worth £740,000 has been destroyed after a ‘bored’ security guard drew eyes on faceless figures depicted in the artwork at a Russian gallery.一家俄罗斯画廊的一名保安在无聊时,为画作上本没有脸的人物画上了眼睛,一幅价值74万英镑(约合人民币637万元)的画作被毁。
  On his first day on the job, the security guard had drawn two pairs of eyes with a ballpoint pen onto artist Anna Leporskaya’s ‘Three Figures’ (1932–1934) painting during an abstract art exhibition at the Yeltsin Center in the city of Yekaterinburg, western Russia.在上班的第一天,在俄罗斯西部的叶卡捷琳堡市叶利钦中心举行的抽象艺术展上,一名保安用圆珠笔在艺术家安娜•莱波尔斯卡娅的画作《Three Figures》 (1932–1934)上画了两对眼睛。

【健康】FDA委员会不建议批准礼来肺癌新药,因其仅在中国试验  F.D.A. Panel Rejects Lilly’s Cancer Drug Tested Only in China   2022-02-11 05:50
  An advisory committee to the Food and Drug Administration overwhelmingly voted on Thursday against recommending agency approval of a lung cancer drug that was tested only in China and sold there.

【新闻】美国能成功打捞擦撞航母后坠入南海的战斗机吗?  What Happens When a Stealth Jet Ends Up on the Ocean Floor?   2022-02-11 03:59
  WASHINGTON — On Jan. 24, one of the U.S. Navy’s most expensive warplanes crashed as it tried to land on an aircraft carrier and sank to the bottom of the South China Sea. The $94 million F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is now the subject of a salvage operation.

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