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【新闻】面对普京的野心,欧洲还能保持“完整而自由”吗?  The Limits of a Europe Whole and Free   2022-02-23 03:59
  PARIS — For the prime minister of Lithuania — and Lithuania knows something of life in Moscow’s imperium — President Vladimir V. Putin’s rambling dismissal of Ukrainian statehood, used to justify sending Russian troops into the eastern part of that state, “put Kafka and Orwell to shame.”

【健康】世界各地多条河流发现药品残留 威胁水生物和人类健康  Pharmaceuticals in rivers threaten world health - study   2022-02-22 16:03
  Pollution of the world's rivers from medicines and pharmaceutical products poses a "threat to environmental and global health", a report says.

【新闻】示好台湾的代价:立陶宛遭中国贸易封锁  In an Uneven Fight With China, a Tiny Country’s Brand Becomes Toxic   2022-02-22 06:08
  VILNIUS, Lithuania — A family-owned semiconductor company in Lithuania sold nothing to China, so it did not worry much last year when Beijing, furious at the Baltic nation for cozying up to Taiwan, began blocking imports of milk products, peat and anything else it could find with a “Made in Lithuania” label.

【新闻】为什么很多华裔美国人对谷爱凌感同身受?  Why Chinese Americans Are Talking About Eileen Gu   2022-02-22 05:45
  When it comes to Eileen Gu, the 18-year-old Olympic gold medalist freestyle skier who was born in San Francisco but competed for China, Chinese Americans have lots of opinions.

【新闻】美国司法部拟修改特朗普时代“中国计划”  Justice Dept. Is Set to Modify Trump-Era Program Aimed at Fighting Chinese Threa   2022-02-22 04:52
  WASHINGTON — The Justice Department will soon announce changes to the China Initiative, a Trump-era effort to combat Chinese national security threats, after civil rights proponents, business groups and universities told the Biden administration that the program had fostered suspicion of Asian professors working in the United States, chilled scientific research and contributed to a rising tide of anti-Asian sentiment, according to people briefed on the matter.
  华盛顿——据知情人士透露,司法部将很快宣布修改“中国计划”(China Initiative),这是特朗普时代为应对中国国家安全威胁所做的一项努力。此前,民权支持者、商业团体和大学向拜登政府反映,该计划助长了对在美国工作的亚裔教授的怀疑,冷却了科学研究的热情,滋长了反亚裔情绪的高涨。

【体育】外媒:北京冬奥会闭幕式“打动人心” 巴赫呼吁发扬奥运团结精神  Winter Olympics: Closing ceremony marks ends of 2022 Beijing Games   2022-02-21 13:29
  The Beijing Winter Olympics came to a close on Sunday in a touching ceremony.

【新闻】法国选手穿“老虎装”参赛,还在空中“挥爪爪”……  French athlete stole the show at the Winter Games with her tiger suit   2022-02-20 08:00
  Donning an orange-and-black suit while miming a pair of claws in the air, Lefevre captured the crowd's attention in her second run, despite opting for a straightforward jump with no tricks due to a knee injury she sustained during the slopestyle competition on Feb 5.

【新闻】“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”将成北京冬奥会最重要遗产  Involving people in winter sports called legacy of Games   2022-02-18 16:05
  During its bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, China made a commitment to the international community to "engage 300 million people in ice and snow activities", and recent statistics showed that the country has achieved this goal.

【体育】高山滑雪参赛资格争议:冬奥会可以既精英又多元吗?  Competing in the Winter Games, Without a Snowball’s Chance   2022-02-18 10:49
  YANQING, China — One by one they zigzagged down the mountain, near the end of a line of nearly 90 racers in a snowy giant slalom, looking more like ski hobbyists on a weekend jaunt than world-class competitors.

【新闻】“我们不再沉默”:旧金山学区罢免选举,亚裔的政治觉醒?  ‘You Have to Give Us Respect’: How Asian Americans Fueled the San Francisco    2022-02-18 05:25
  SAN FRANCISCO — As Election Day approached, a flurry of messages flashed across the phones of San Francisco’s Chinese American community. “Remember to vote,” said one message in Chinese from a campaign organizer, Selena Chu. “And throw out the commissioners who are discriminating against us and disrespecting our community.”

【体育】冬奥赛场上,陷入中美政治和民族主义漩涡的华裔运动员  The Olympians Caught Up in the U.S.-China Rivalry   2022-02-18 02:46
  BEIJING — When the figure skater Nathan Chen won an Olympic gold medal for the United States, the state media in China, his parents’ birthplace, practically ignored his victory.

【体育】天才、丑闻和泪水:从花滑巅峰跌落的瓦利耶娃  A Russian Star Falls and Another Rises in a Blur of Jumps, Tumbles and Tears   2022-02-18 02:10
  BEIJING — Kamila Valieva, the Russian figure skating star at the center of a doping scandal, showed up at the Olympic rink on Thursday night facing a single, heavy expectation, especially heavy for a 15-year-old who has soared to the top of her sport in a quick four months, only to fall from it while the world was watching.

【科技】北京冬奥会高科技场馆让运动员“如虎添翼” 助其打破多项纪录  Beijing’s high-tech Olympic venues add ‘wings’ to athletes   2022-02-17 15:47
  Halfway through the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, athletes from all over the world have gone on and on renewing their personal records, breaking and setting new Olympic records and world records in various venues in China. Behind such faithful practices of the Olympic motto of "Faster, Higher, Stronger - Together," Beijing's high-tech venues have played a crucial role in the athletes' pursuit of career ambitions.

【新闻】纽约唐人街亚裔女子被陌生男子尾随并杀害  Killing of Christina Yuna Lee Heightens Safety Fears in Chinatown   2022-02-17 10:23
  Police officers who responded to a 911 call about a disturbance in a Lower Manhattan building on Sunday heard a woman screaming when they reached the sixth floor, but the door to the apartment where the screams had come from was locked.

【体育】“当我穿上它们时,我感觉最好”  ‘I Just Feel the Best When I Wear Them’   2022-02-17 05:59
  BEIJING — As soon as Karen Chen skates onto the ice, the dreaded feeling returns.

【体育】在闭环“泡泡”里打卡北京冬奥“美食地图”  In the Olympic Bubble, a Small Taste of the Food Finds of China   2022-02-17 04:47
  BEIJING — The robot bartender was an ominous sign.

【体育】从“水立方”到“冰立方”:一座冰壶场馆的诞生  Beijing Got All Ready for Olympic Curling. But About the Ice …   2022-02-17 02:48
  BEIJING — Ice might just seem to be ice.

【新闻】北京冬奥会的人造雪获运动员盛赞:迄今为止最好的  Beijing 2022 gets high marks for sustainable artificial snow   2022-02-16 15:16
  Beijing normally doesn't have much snow in winter, so artificial snow is being used at venues for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, with the quality of the white snow drawing praise from many athletes, and even officials.

【新闻】俄罗斯到底会不会对乌克兰开战?  On Ukraine, U.S. and Russia Wage Signaling War to Avert Actual War   2022-02-16 08:28
  As their standoff over Ukraine continues, Moscow and Washington are playing an increasingly high-stakes, increasingly complex game of signaling to try to secure their aims without firing a shot.

【新闻】“一墩难求”折射出中国知识产权保护的大进步  Difficulty in finding official merchandise reflects commitment to stop counterfe   2022-02-16 08:00
  The enthusiasm for the mascot merchandise has led to a shortage of products, with many netizens complaining that it's too difficult to get a Bing Dwen Dwen doll.对冰墩墩的热情导致产品断货,许多网友抱怨称,想要买个冰墩墩玩偶太难了。

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