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【经济】OpenAI:阿尔特曼将重返公司担任CEO 组建新董事会  OpenAI restores Sam Altman as CEO after his tumultuous ouster   2023-11-22 17:25
【经济】【双语财讯】报告:大型主题公园营收同比增长15.29%  China's theme parks increase in revenue and development   2023-11-22 14:51
【新闻】小雪将至:关于小雪的7个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 7 things you may not know about Minor Snow   2023-11-21 16:45
【科技】【双语财讯】工信部:积极培育5G工业互联网新兴独角兽企业和领军企业  Tech in focus to push new industrialization   2023-11-21 16:42
【新闻】【双语财讯】中国商务部:APEC经济体应秉持开放态度  Openness crucial for APEC economies   2023-11-17 15:39
【新闻】【双语财讯】中国经济四季度将保持回升向好态势  Q4 GDP seen putting China in driver's seat   2023-11-15 16:00
【健康】研究:超加工食品并非全都有害健康  Some ultra-processed foods are good for your health, WHO-backed study finds   2023-11-14 16:14
【新闻】【双语财讯】“双11”快递量再创新高 彰显中国经济韧性强  "Double 11" shopping shows resilience of China's economy   2023-11-14 14:03
【新闻】开在悬崖上,飞檐走壁才能去!“最不便利的便利店”火了  Convenience store offers relief for mountain climbers in Hunan   2023-11-13 12:21
【文化】欧洲臭虫危机蔓延至韩国 韩国民众不敢坐地铁怕去电影院  South Korea declares war on bedbugs after surge in reported cases   2023-11-10 16:57
【科技】【双语财讯】世界互联网大会乌镇峰会聚焦人工智能  Specialists offer peek at the future of AI   2023-11-10 16:50
【经济】【双语财讯】进博会持续向最不发达国家分享发展机遇  Expo expands biz for developing nations   2023-11-09 16:15
【新闻】纪念费城交响乐团访华50周年 用音乐铸就中美友谊之桥     2023-11-09 16:00
【新闻】【双语财讯】IMF上调今年中国经济增长预期至5.4%  IMF ups its forecast on China's economic growth   2023-11-08 16:51
【新闻】今日立冬:关于立冬的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you may not know about Start of Winter   2023-11-08 15:44
【新闻】为什么秋天树叶会变色?  Why do leaves change color in the fall?   2023-11-07 17:22
【新闻】【双语财讯】投资中国年:中国将进一步提升利用外资水平  Nation going all out to be investment magnet   2023-11-07 15:27
【新闻】特朗普在纽约出庭作证,情绪暴躁回击欺诈指控  Trump Assails Judge and Concedes a Role in Valuing His Empire’s Property   2023-11-07 03:25
【新闻】【双语财讯】越办越好,今年进博会更精彩  How and why this year's import expo is bigger and better   2023-11-06 17:35
【新闻】《孤独星球》发布2024年全球最佳旅游目的地榜单  Lonely Planet’s top places to go in 2024   2023-11-06 15:25

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