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【经济】OpenAI:阿尔特曼将重返公司担任CEO 组建新董事会  OpenAI restores Sam Altman as CEO after his tumultuous ouster   2023-11-22 17:25
  OpenAI on Tuesday said it reached an agreement for Sam Altman to return as CEO days after his ouster, capping frenzied discussions about the future of the startup at the center of the artificial intelligence boom.

【经济】【双语财讯】报告:大型主题公园营收同比增长15.29%  China's theme parks increase in revenue and development   2023-11-22 14:51
  The eighty theme parks received a total of 75.74 million visits last year in the Chinese mainland with the revenue totaling 15.36 billion yuan ($2.13 billion), an increase of 15.29 percent from a year earlier, the news portal ThePaper reported on Sunday.

【新闻】小雪将至:关于小雪的7个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 7 things you may not know about Minor Snow   2023-11-21 16:45
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Minor Snow, the 20th solar term of the year, begins this year on Nov 22 and ends on Dec 6.

【科技】【双语财讯】工信部:积极培育5G工业互联网新兴独角兽企业和领军企业  Tech in focus to push new industrialization   2023-11-21 16:42
  China will ratchet up efforts to cultivate leading global enterprises and unicorns in industrial internet — a high-tech frontier where major countries are all scrambling to establish a beachhead — the country's top industry regulator said on Monday.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国商务部:APEC经济体应秉持开放态度  Openness crucial for APEC economies   2023-11-17 15:39
  Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies should uphold the principles of open regionalism and avoid the formation of closed and exclusive "small blocs" within the region, said a senior government official.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国经济四季度将保持回升向好态势  Q4 GDP seen putting China in driver's seat   2023-11-15 16:00
  China's economy will likely pick up in the fourth quarter after faster-than-expected expansion in the third quarter, and play a key role in driving global economic development, officials and experts said against the backdrop of a key regional meeting.

【健康】研究:超加工食品并非全都有害健康  Some ultra-processed foods are good for your health, WHO-backed study finds   2023-11-14 16:14
  Some ultra-processed foods increase the risk of developing cancer, heart disease and diabetes – but others are good for you, new research into the demonised foodstuffs suggests.

【新闻】【双语财讯】“双11”快递量再创新高 彰显中国经济韧性强  "Double 11" shopping shows resilience of China's economy   2023-11-14 14:03
  The number of express packages collected during "Double 11," China's shopping festival similar to Black Friday, has proven the resilience and strong recovery of China's economy from the COVID-19 pandemic, Kresimir Macan, a Croatian economic expert, told Xinhua in an interview on Monday.

【新闻】开在悬崖上,飞檐走壁才能去!“最不便利的便利店”火了  Convenience store offers relief for mountain climbers in Hunan   2023-11-13 12:21
  Climbers in Pingjiang, Hunan province, don't have to imagine this. For them, such a store built on a cliff is a reality.

【文化】欧洲臭虫危机蔓延至韩国 韩国民众不敢坐地铁怕去电影院  South Korea declares war on bedbugs after surge in reported cases   2023-11-10 16:57
  South Korea has become the latest country to declare war on bedbugs following a wave of outbreaks, with bathhouses, university dorms, and train stations across the country on high alert.

【科技】【双语财讯】世界互联网大会乌镇峰会聚焦人工智能  Specialists offer peek at the future of AI   2023-11-10 16:50
  At the World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit on Thursday, top executives of China's biggest internet and technology companies called for accelerated efforts to develop AI infrastructure and an open AI ecosystem.

【经济】【双语财讯】进博会持续向最不发达国家分享发展机遇  Expo expands biz for developing nations   2023-11-09 16:15
  The China International Import Expo has given companies from Least Developed Countries a premier platform to showcase their products and expand businesses, helping create more local jobs and improve their quality of life, said exhibitors to the ongoing sixth CIIE.

【新闻】纪念费城交响乐团访华50周年 用音乐铸就中美友谊之桥     2023-11-09 16:00

【新闻】【双语财讯】IMF上调今年中国经济增长预期至5.4%  IMF ups its forecast on China's economic growth   2023-11-08 16:51
  The International Monetary Fund has revised its forecast of China's economic growth to 5.4 percent from 5 percent in October due to a stronger-than-expected third-quarter output and recent policy announcements.

【新闻】今日立冬:关于立冬的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you may not know about Start of Winter   2023-11-08 15:44
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Winter, the 19th solar term of the year, begins this year on Nov 8 and ends on Nov 21.

【新闻】为什么秋天树叶会变色?  Why do leaves change color in the fall?   2023-11-07 17:22
  Within temperate and boreal forests, trees and shrubs that drop their leaves are called deciduous plants; they include groups such as aspens, cottonwoods, maples and oaks. On the other end of the spectrum are plants that don't shed their leaves — for example, the pines, spruces, cedars and firs that make up the conifers, or evergreens. Both types of trees produce less energy in the winter, but conifers have adaptations, such as a waxy coating to minimize water loss, that help them keep their needles year-round.

【新闻】【双语财讯】投资中国年:中国将进一步提升利用外资水平  Nation going all out to be investment magnet   2023-11-07 15:27
  China will strengthen efforts to remain an investment hotspot by lowering market entry thresholds, creating a better business environment and improving foreign investment utilization levels, officials said.

【新闻】特朗普在纽约出庭作证,情绪暴躁回击欺诈指控  Trump Assails Judge and Concedes a Role in Valuing His Empire’s Property   2023-11-07 03:25
  He was belligerent and brash, unrepentant and verbose — regardless of the courtroom setting, he was the quintessential Donald J. Trump.

【新闻】【双语财讯】越办越好,今年进博会更精彩  How and why this year's import expo is bigger and better   2023-11-06 17:35
  Two weeks ago, various unique exhibits from the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu, together with Manuka honey, grass-fed venison, wine and cheese from New Zealand, completed their long maritime journey and arrived at the Waigaoqiao port in Shanghai.

【新闻】《孤独星球》发布2024年全球最佳旅游目的地榜单  Lonely Planet’s top places to go in 2024   2023-11-06 15:25
  Get your wishlist fired up, Lonely Planet just revealed its top travel destinations for the year ahead.

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