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【科技】新研究证实:濒死者大脑中会“回放”人生重要片段  Life may actually flash before your eyes on death - new study   2022-03-01 15:47
【新闻】新研究:新冠疫情始于武汉华南海鲜市场  New Research Points to Wuhan Market as Pandemic Origin   2022-03-01 11:21
【新闻】普京调高俄军核力量戒备状态,拜登选择缓和局势  Putin Declares a Nuclear Alert, and Biden Seeks De-escalation   2022-03-01 05:39
【新闻】俄罗斯出师不利,乌克兰战局将如何发展?  After a Fumbled Start, Russian Forces Hit Harder in Ukraine   2022-03-01 04:55
【新闻】香港疫情大暴发,老年人为何不愿接种疫苗?  ‘I Don’t Dare Get the Shot’: Virus Ravages Unvaccinated Older Hong Kongers   2022-03-01 02:51
【科技】别再把手机电量一次性充满了!这样做才能延长手机电池寿命  Stop charging your phone to 100% once a day and other battery-saving tips   2022-02-28 14:58
【新闻】泽连斯基,乌克兰国家危难中的意外英雄  How Volodymyr Zelensky rallied Ukrainians, and the world, against Putin.   2022-02-28 12:43
【科技】“烘焙使人快乐”,原来是有科学依据的  The Reason Why Baking Makes You Feel Good, According to Psychologists   2022-02-28 08:00
【新闻】拜登vs.普京:从冷战走出,在新冲突中一决胜负  Biden and Putin, Children of the Cold War, Face Off in New Conflict   2022-02-28 01:24
【新闻】三月份的这些新片最值得一看!  Best films to watch this March   2022-02-25 16:31
【新闻】俄罗斯入侵乌克兰:局势发展时间线  A timeline of the tensions between Russia and Ukraine.   2022-02-25 10:57
【新闻】关于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,你应该知道的几个关键问题  The Invasion of Ukraine: How Russia Attacked and What Happens Next   2022-02-25 10:44
【新闻】研究:枪击取代车祸,成美国人创伤致死的首要原因  Guns overtake car crashes as leading cause of US trauma-related deaths, study sa   2022-02-25 08:00
【新闻】普京的真正目标不只乌克兰,还有美国的“谎言帝国”  Beyond Ukraine, the Target Is What Putin Calls America’s ‘Empire of Lies’   2022-02-25 05:30
【新闻】俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,下一步会发生什么?  Beyond the Battlefield: What Might Happen Next in the Ukraine Crisis   2022-02-25 01:58
【健康】世卫组织创建新技术中心 拟“复制”莫德纳疫苗供应低收入国家  WHO works to spread COVID vaccine technology to more nations   2022-02-24 16:42
【新闻】当战争幽灵再现,俄罗斯人的震惊、恐惧与忧虑  For Many Russians, a Deep Unease Over Gathering Specter of War   2022-02-24 03:58
【新闻】六年不使用社交媒体 少年完成母亲挑战拿到现金奖励  His mother promised him $1,800 when he turned 18 -- if he stayed off social medi   2022-02-23 15:26
【新闻】“Tinder喊你投票”,约会软件鼓励法国年轻人为大选投票  French Tinder hooks up with NGO to turn out young voters   2022-02-23 08:00
【商业】乌克兰危机将如何影响全球经济  What’s at Stake for the Global Economy as Conflict Looms in Ukraine   2022-02-23 05:51

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