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【科技】新研究证实:濒死者大脑中会“回放”人生重要片段  Life may actually flash before your eyes on death - new study   2022-03-01 15:47
  New data from a scientific "accident" has suggested that life may actually flash before our eyes as we die.

【新闻】新研究:新冠疫情始于武汉华南海鲜市场  New Research Points to Wuhan Market as Pandemic Origin   2022-03-01 11:21
  Scientists released a pair of extensive studies over the weekend that point to a large food and live animal market in Wuhan, China, as the origin of the coronavirus pandemic.

【新闻】普京调高俄军核力量戒备状态,拜登选择缓和局势  Putin Declares a Nuclear Alert, and Biden Seeks De-escalation   2022-03-01 05:39
  WASHINGTON — When Vladimir V. Putin declared Sunday that he was putting his nuclear forces into “special combat readiness” — a heightened alert status reminiscent of some of the most dangerous moments of the Cold War — President Biden and his aides had a choice.

【新闻】俄罗斯出师不利,乌克兰战局将如何发展?  After a Fumbled Start, Russian Forces Hit Harder in Ukraine   2022-03-01 04:55
  BRUSSELS — When Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine with nearly 200,000 troops, many observers — and seemingly President Vladimir V. Putin himself — expected that they would roll right in and the fighting would be over quickly. Instead, after five days of war, what appears to be unfolding is a Russian miscalculation about their own tactics and about how hard the Ukrainians would fight.

【新闻】香港疫情大暴发,老年人为何不愿接种疫苗?  ‘I Don’t Dare Get the Shot’: Virus Ravages Unvaccinated Older Hong Kongers   2022-03-01 02:51
  HONG KONG — For two years, Hong Kong had largely avoided a major coronavirus outbreak with tight border controls and strict social distancing measures. Then Omicron triggered an explosion of infections, exposing the city’s failure to prepare its older — and most at risk — residents for the worst.

【科技】别再把手机电量一次性充满了!这样做才能延长手机电池寿命  Stop charging your phone to 100% once a day and other battery-saving tips   2022-02-28 14:58
  DON’T: Burn out your battery

【新闻】泽连斯基,乌克兰国家危难中的意外英雄  How Volodymyr Zelensky rallied Ukrainians, and the world, against Putin.   2022-02-28 12:43
  Before Russia invaded Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky was often derided as a comic turned unlikely politician. But with the help of social media, he has become the leader Ukraine did not know it needed.

【科技】“烘焙使人快乐”,原来是有科学依据的  The Reason Why Baking Makes You Feel Good, According to Psychologists   2022-02-28 08:00
  Studies have shown that creative activities like baking and knitting contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Boston University associate professor of psychological and brain sciences Donna Pincus told HuffPost that there’s “a stress relief that people get from having some kind of an outlet and a way to express themselves.”研究表明,烘焙和编织等创造性活动有助于提高幸福感。波士顿大学心理学和脑科学副教授唐娜·平卡斯在接受《赫芬顿邮报》采访时表示,“人们有了发泄和表达自己的方式,就能缓解压力。”
  Baking is very good for focusing the mind because it often relies on very exact measurements. You have to add ingredients in the correct order or your profiteroles won't rise, or your cookies will be soggy. Having complete focus on a recipe and not allowing yourself to be distracted by your thoughts can have a therapeutic affect.烘焙对集中精神非常有帮助,因为其过程中通常需要非常精确的测量。你必须按照正确的顺序添加配料,否则你的泡芙就不会膨胀,或者饼干可能会变软。将注意力完全集中在食谱上,不允许自己分心,可以产生治疗效果。

【新闻】拜登vs.普京:从冷战走出,在新冲突中一决胜负  Biden and Putin, Children of the Cold War, Face Off in New Conflict   2022-02-28 01:24
  WASHINGTON — As President Biden tells the story, he was blunt with Vladimir V. Putin during a meeting in Moscow more than a decade ago. “I’m looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul,” Mr. Biden recalled telling the K.G.B. veteran. Mr. Putin smiled. “We understand one another,” he said.

【新闻】三月份的这些新片最值得一看!  Best films to watch this March   2022-02-25 16:31
  The Batman《新蝙蝠侠》
  The world isn't exactly short of Batman films, but this one, directed by Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes), is grungy and gritty enough to distinguish it from the others. The Batman introduces a prosthetics-covered Colin Farrell as a gangland Penguin, Zoë Kravitz as a drug-dealing Catwoman, and Paul Dano as the Riddler, a sadistic psycho modelled on the Zodiac-Killer. Most importantly, Robert Pattinson is in the title role, playing a seriously screwed-up Dark Knight.

【新闻】俄罗斯入侵乌克兰:局势发展时间线  A timeline of the tensions between Russia and Ukraine.   2022-02-25 10:57
  Two founding members of the Soviet Union — Russia and Ukraine — are once again at a flash point. Here are some pivotal moments leading to a Russian invasion that some fear could become the largest military action in Europe since World War II.

【新闻】关于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,你应该知道的几个关键问题  The Invasion of Ukraine: How Russia Attacked and What Happens Next   2022-02-25 10:44
  After months of troop and tank buildups, of grim warnings of violence and vague assurances of peace, and of efforts at diplomacy in Washington, the halls of the United Nations and the capitals of Europe, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began early Thursday morning, with shelling and rocket attacks on several major cities including the capital, Kyiv.

【新闻】研究:枪击取代车祸,成美国人创伤致死的首要原因  Guns overtake car crashes as leading cause of US trauma-related deaths, study sa   2022-02-25 08:00
  Firearm-related deaths are continuing their rapid rise in the US, with a new study finding they have overtaken car crashes as the leading cause of "years of potential life lost" due to trauma.一项新研究发现,因美国的枪击死亡人数持续激增,枪击已经超过车祸,成为该国创伤致过早死亡的主要原因。
  In 2017, there were 1.44 million years of potential life lost due to firearm deaths, edging out that of motor vehicle crashes (1.37 million years), according to the study published Tuesday in the journal Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open. And that trend continued in 2018.根据2月22日发表在《创伤外科和急诊护理》杂志上的研究,2017年,枪击导致的潜在寿命损失年数为144万年,略高于车祸的137万年。2018年依然保持这一趋势。

【新闻】普京的真正目标不只乌克兰,还有美国的“谎言帝国”  Beyond Ukraine, the Target Is What Putin Calls America’s ‘Empire of Lies’   2022-02-25 05:30
  PARIS — President Vladimir V. Putin has ordered Russian troops into Ukraine but made clear his true target goes beyond his neighbor to America’s “empire of lies,” and he threatened “consequences you have never faced in your history” for “anyone who tries to interfere with us.”

【新闻】俄罗斯入侵乌克兰后,下一步会发生什么?  Beyond the Battlefield: What Might Happen Next in the Ukraine Crisis   2022-02-25 01:58
  WASHINGTON — Much of the world woke up on Thursday to the specter of an all-out war in Europe after President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia ordered his troops to invade Ukraine. That left millions of people — in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, but also in the United States and elsewhere — wondering how the conflict would affect their lives.

【健康】世卫组织创建新技术中心 拟“复制”莫德纳疫苗供应低收入国家  WHO works to spread COVID vaccine technology to more nations   2022-02-24 16:42
  The World Health Organization is creating a global training center to help poorer countries make vaccines, antibodies and cancer treatments using the messenger RNA technology that has successfully been used to make COVID-19 vaccines.

【新闻】当战争幽灵再现,俄罗斯人的震惊、恐惧与忧虑  For Many Russians, a Deep Unease Over Gathering Specter of War   2022-02-24 03:58
  MOSCOW — Waiting for her friends on Moscow’s primly landscaped Boulevard Ring, Svetlana Kozakova admitted that she’d had a sleepless night. She kept checking the news on her phone after President Vladimir V. Putin’s aggrieved speech to the nation that all but threatened Ukraine with war.

【新闻】六年不使用社交媒体 少年完成母亲挑战拿到现金奖励  His mother promised him $1,800 when he turned 18 -- if he stayed off social medi   2022-02-23 15:26
  If someone said they'd pay you $1,800 to stay off social media for six years, would you do it? Could you?

【新闻】“Tinder喊你投票”,约会软件鼓励法国年轻人为大选投票  French Tinder hooks up with NGO to turn out young voters   2022-02-23 08:00
  Just a few days after Valentine’s Day, Tinder and the French NGO A voté made their liaison official, “to match Generation Z with voting”. The partnership kicked off on Thursday and will run through April 8 – two days before the first round of France’s presidential elections – and has one goal: to get more French youths to cast their votes. The slogan is catchy too: “If you can date down your street … You can vote down your street.” 情人节刚过没多久,Tinder就和法国非政府组织A voté正式联手,"将Z世代与投票匹配"。这一合作于2月17日开始,将持续到4月8日——法国总统大选第一轮投票结束的前两天,旨在呼吁更多法国年轻人为大选投票。活动口号也很吸引人:“如果你能出门约会......你也能出门投票”。
  In practice this means that, from now on, French Tinder users will see election ads pop up as they swipe the app while on the lookout for potential love interests. 这意味着从现在开始,法国的Tinder用户在滑动应用程序寻找潜在的交友对象时,将看到选举广告弹出。

【商业】乌克兰危机将如何影响全球经济  What’s at Stake for the Global Economy as Conflict Looms in Ukraine   2022-02-23 05:51
  After getting battered by the pandemic, supply chain chokeholds and leaps in prices, the global economy is poised to be sent on yet another unpredictable course by an armed clash on Europe’s border.

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