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【新闻】关于韩国总统大选,你应该知道的几件事  ​South Korea’s Presidential Election: What to Watch   2022-03-09 02:35
  SEOUL — South Koreans go to the polls on Wednesday to elect their 20th president as the country faces deep anxiety over North Korea, bleak job opportunities, a housing crisis and growing generational divides.

【健康】科学家新疗法让中年老鼠“重返青春”  Ageing reversal: scientists rejuvenate tissues in middle-aged mice   2022-03-08 15:26
  Researchers in the US treated healthy mice with a form of gene therapy that refreshed older cells, making the animals more youthful according to biological markers that are used to measure the effects of ageing.

【新闻】扼杀媒体自由,普京关上俄罗斯“开放”的大门  With New Limits on Media, Putin Closes a Door on Russia’s ‘Openness’   2022-03-08 04:47
  One of the paradoxical things about Vladimir V. Putin’s increasingly authoritarian rule of Russia was how relatively open society always remained.

【文化】调查发现:管理层女性占比高的公司盈利能力更强  Companies with female leaders outperform those dominated by men, data shows   2022-03-07 15:53
  Women should play a central role in the post-pandemic economic recovery, with evidence revealing companies with more female leaders outperform those dominated by men, according to House of Commons research.

【新闻】武装乌克兰:17000件反坦克武器和一个秘密网络部队  Arming Ukraine: 17,000 Anti-Tank Weapons in 6 Days and a Clandestine Cybercorps   2022-03-07 06:09
  On a snowy tarmac at Amari Air Base in northern Estonia on Sunday morning, pallets of rifles, ammunition and other weapons were being loaded onto one of the largest cargo planes in the world, an Antonov AN-124, belonging to the Ukrainian air force. It is an artifact of the Cold War, built and purchased when Ukraine was still part of the Soviet Union.

【新闻】Quora精选:你觉得什么样的人值得尊重?     2022-03-06 08:00
  1. They Dress Well - I’m not someone to judge someone for a brand they wear, but I do take notice of a guy or gal who consistently looks fly. My dad used to tell me to dress for the job I desire, not the job I have. I think that applies here.

【科技】研究:睡前玩手机8分钟兴奋1小时!网友:因为手机砸脸吗?  Screen-Time Before Bed Can Disrupt Sleep   2022-03-05 08:00
  Digital screen time before bed can have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep. A US study found that as little as eight minutes of exposure to blue light keeps you mentally stimulated for over one hour, which tends to throw off the body's circadian rhythm or biological clock, Beijing Youth Daily reported.
  被调查者中70%的人承认自己有报复性睡眠拖延症(revenge bedtime procrastination)。专家提醒,睡前过度使用手机,会使人出现入睡困难、入睡时间延迟等问题。

【新闻】美国一州长训斥戴口罩学生:摘掉吧,太可笑了  Florida Gov DeSantis berates students for wearing masks   2022-03-04 17:27
  A visibly annoyed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis admonished a group of high school students for wearing face masks at an indoor news conference Wednesday, saying it was time to stop what he called “this COVID theater.”佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯在3月2日的一场室内新闻发布会上斥责一群戴口罩的高中生,称是时候停止所谓的“新冠骗局”了。
  The Republican governor approached the students and asked them to remove their masks as they waited for him at the press event at the University of South Florida in Tampa. The college is located in an area where the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still recommends indoor masking due to high COVID-19 risk.在南佛罗里达大学坦帕分校的新闻发布会上,这位共和党州长走向学生们,要求他们摘掉口罩。该校位于新冠疫情高风险地区,美国疾病控制和预防中心仍建议在室内戴口罩。

【科技】好奇号探测器在火星上发现“花朵”  Tiny 'flower' formation spotted on Mars by Curiosity rover   2022-03-04 15:26
  During its ongoing investigation of Martian rocks in Gale Crater, the Curiosity rover stumbled on a tiny surprise. The rock artifact, which resembles a piece of coral or a flower, is smaller than a penny.

【新闻】俄罗斯入侵乌克兰一周后战况如何?  One Week After Russia’s Invasion, Here’s How the War Is Evolving   2022-03-04 10:39
  LVIV, Ukraine — One week into their invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces are ramping up assaults on civilian areas, making strategic advances in the coastal south and beginning to lay siege to major cities.

【新闻】坚强、妥协与恐惧:泽连斯基的记者会透露了什么  Behind Sandbags, Ukraine’s Leader Meets the Media   2022-03-04 04:37
  KYIV, Ukraine — Unshaven and wearing a military T-shirt, a haggard President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine on Thursday hosted his first news conference since the war began, inviting journalists into his office building, now fortified with sandbags.

【体育】俄罗斯和白俄罗斯运动员被禁止参加北京冬残奥会  In Reversal, Paralympics Bars Athletes From Russia and Belarus   2022-03-04 03:09
  BEIJING — On Wednesday night, the organizers of the Paralympic Winter Games were resolute that they had no option except to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete. On Thursday afternoon, they were equally resolute when they came to the opposite conclusion.

【健康】研究:新冠疫情加剧全球性别不平等  Covid has intensified gender inequalities, global study finds   2022-03-03 16:01
  The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic threatens to reverse decades of progress made towards gender equality, according to a global study that reveals women have been hit much harder socially and economically than men.

【新闻】拜登国情咨文:危机中展现团结,仍有问题待解  Unity in a Foreign Policy Crisis, but Questions Still to be Answered   2022-03-03 10:39
  WASHINGTON — President Biden’s challenge on Tuesday night was to unite Americans behind his confrontation with a brutal Russian leader who has shattered more than three decades of post-Cold War peace without setting off fears that the return of superpower conflict will inflict an unacceptable cost.

【新闻】新冠危机中的香港:经济不平等加剧,弱势群体陷入困境  Hong Kong, Buckling Under Covid, Leaves Its Most Vulnerable in the Cold   2022-03-03 03:39
  HONG KONG — For Chan Shun Ki, a cleaner at a construction site in Hong Kong, getting over the coronavirus was the easy part.

【新闻】“我们站在自己这边”:为何一些亚洲国家不愿谴责俄罗斯  ‘We Are on Our Side’: Across Asia, a Mixed Reaction to Ukraine War   2022-03-03 03:35
  SINGAPORE — Much of the world has united against Russia in the aftermath of its incursion into Ukraine. Envoys have walked out of meetings rather than listen to a top Russian diplomat speak. Western nations have been in near lock step on international sanctions. Bartenders are banning Russian vodka.

【新闻】揭晓:世界各国的人分别爱看哪种书?  The world's favorite book genres revealed   2022-03-02 14:01
  Reading habits look different around the world. In India, the average person devotes 10 hours and 42 minutes to reading per week—which is five hours more than the average person spends in the US. What people choose to read also varies depending on their geographic location.

【新闻】“我们仅是幸存者”:为何中国人坚持追问“铁链女”真相  Seeking Truth and Justice, Chinese See Themselves in a Chained Woman   2022-03-02 12:17
  The Chinese government faces a quandary: how to convince its people that what it said about a chained woman is true.

【新闻】【世界看冬残奥】外国友人北京冬残奥初印象:“村里”设施完善,乐趣多     2022-03-02 08:00

【新闻】俄罗斯在乌伤亡暴露普京战略潜在弱点  Russian Troop Deaths Expose a Potential Weakness of Putin’s Strategy   2022-03-02 05:42
  WASHINGTON — When Russia seized Crimea in 2014, President Vladimir V. Putin was so worried about Russian casualty figures coming to light that authorities accosted journalists who tried to cover funerals of some of the 400 troops killed during that one-month campaign.

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