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【新闻】中国对外国投资者吸引力进一步增强  Nation more attractive to investors   2022-03-15 16:09
  Amid its pursuit of high-quality development and economic structural upgrades, China has become increasingly attractive to foreign investors due to long-term development prospects and a continuously improving business environment, analysts said on Monday.3月14日,分析人士指出,中国正在追求高质量发展和经济结构升级,长期的发展前景和持续改善的商业环境使得中国对外国投资者的吸引力越来越大。
  Their comments came as the Ministry of Commerce said actual use of foreign capital surged 37.9 percent year-on-year to hit 243.7 billion yuan during the first two months of the year. That amounts to $37.86 billion in US dollar terms, up 45.2 percent year-on-year, the MOC said.同一天商务部公布,今年前两个月全国实际使用外资金额2437亿元人民币,同比增长37.9%,折合378.6亿美元,同比增长45.2%。

【新闻】想睡个好觉?你可以这样训练自己的大脑!  Train your brain for better sleep with 3 expert tips   2022-03-15 15:16
  1. Make a schedule, and stick to it

【新闻】中国2/3省份感染激增,清零政策面临最严峻考验  Surge of Omicron Infections Prompts Lockdowns in China   2022-03-15 11:03
  BEIJING — Several of China’s largest factory cities have ordered a lockdown, halting production of Toyota cars and Apple iPhones. Theaters, cinemas and many restaurants have closed in Shanghai. The northeastern province of Jilin on Monday banned its 24 million residents from leaving the province or traveling between cities.

【体育】残奥会荣光之外,中国残障群体仍面临歧视与困境  Disabled Chinese Fight for Equal Rights Despite Paralympic Glory   2022-03-15 09:04
  BEIJING — As Li Xiang strapped himself into a seat mounted atop a single ski and raced down the snowy slope, he reveled in the feeling of freedom that had become all too rare after a car accident required him to use a wheelchair as a child.

【新闻】专家:中国将进一步深化改革 改善营商环境  China to build on good business climate   2022-03-14 13:22
  China is expected to further improve the business climate, unleashing more market vitality and adding resilience to the economy, and thereby propelling high-quality development, analysts and business leaders said on Sunday.

【新闻】年度热门书单来了,榜首竟然是它!     2022-03-13 08:00
  Annual reports and lists by different platforms show that psychology, comics about history, and works of literature were the most popular book categories among Chinese readers in 2021, reflecting the major concerns and topics in society.

【新闻】美国“大离职潮”的首要原因披露:和疫情无关  The No. 1 reason American workers quit their job has nothing to do with the COVI   2022-03-11 15:13
  US workers are walking off the job — and finding a better one.

【新闻】美国生物实验室在乌克兰干什么,全世界都想知道  The mystery of US bio-labs in Ukraine   2022-03-11 08:00
  The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has led to some unexpected discoveries. Russian media outlets recently reported that the Pentagon had commissioned more than 30 biological laboratories in Ukraine, where large quantities of dangerous viruses were stored.正在进行的俄乌冲突带来了一些意外发现。俄罗斯媒体近日报道,美国在乌克兰资助了30多个生物实验室,那里储存着大量危险病毒。
  The United States supposedly depends on these laboratories to implement its biological warfare research. And these are only a handful, or less than 10 percent of the 336 biological laboratories the US reportedly controls in 30 countries around the world.据推测,美国依靠这些实验室开展生物战研究。据报道,美国在全世界30多个国家共设有336个生物实验室,而乌克兰的实验室占了近十分之一。

【新闻】泽连斯基正在出演他的“人生之戏”  Volodymyr Zelensky Is Playing the Role of His Life   2022-03-11 02:20
  Shortly after his surprise election as the president of Ukraine, Vasyl Petrovych Holoborodko gets a Pygmalion-like makeover and an introduction to his retinue of staff. There is his stylist. There is his psychologist. There is his “personal motivator.” And there is … himself?

【新闻】炮弹、废墟与血泊:死在逃难路上的乌克兰一家人  They Died by a Bridge in Ukraine. This Is Their Story.   2022-03-11 02:14
  KYIV, Ukraine — They met in high school but became a couple years later, after meeting again on a dance floor at a Ukrainian nightclub. Married in 2001, they lived in a bedroom community outside Kyiv, in an apartment with their two children and their dogs, Benz and Cake. She was an accountant and he was a computer programmer.

【科技】科学家发现蚂蚁能嗅出癌症 比狗更胜一筹  Ants have the ability to sniff out cancer in humans, study reveals   2022-03-10 15:26
  Ants have the ability to sniff out cancerous cells in humans, a new study has discovered, suggesting they could be used for cancer diagnosis in future.

【新闻】俄罗斯与西方的另一场竞赛:经济拉锯战  Russia’s Other Contest With the West: Economic Endurance   2022-03-10 12:58
  As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grinds on, Moscow is finding itself mired in a parallel conflict: a contest of economic and political endurance against the West.

【新闻】抢购潮和离港潮:香港疫情和防控措施引发恐慌  Empty Stores and an Exodus: Hong Kong’s Covid Crackdown Stirs Panic   2022-03-10 10:13
  HONG KONG — As the government in Hong Kong struggles to contain the city’s worst Covid outbreak ever, some residents have panicked. They have emptied supermarket shelves of vegetables and meat. They have raided drugstores for pain and fever medication. Those who could afford it have jumped on flights out of the city.

【新闻】【世界看两会】中国两会意义重大,繁荣、开放的中国令世界受益  Two Sessions of great significance for entire world   2022-03-10 08:00
  China has achieved the highest percentage of economic growth, and no pandemic or any challenge will slow this down. Due to its sustainable growth model, China has built the trust of global investors. In 2021, China announced the end of poverty in the country, with millions of people coming out of poverty. China has created millions of job opportunities and offered a social security system covering nearly one billion people across China. This miraculous development and historic accomplishment have been recognized globally. The country is in a moderately prosperous society having a threshold to achieve and build hopes for people in the future. As these sessions will be happening soon, one aspect is sure, that is, if China prospers, the world will benefit, including Pakistan.

【新闻】俄罗斯富人的“游乐场”:阿联酋会阻碍对俄制裁吗?  How a Playground for the Rich Could Undermine Sanctions on Oligarchs   2022-03-10 06:02
  Stretching into the Persian Gulf from the beaches and skyscrapers of Dubai is a man-made archipelago in the shape of a vast palm tree, its branchlike rows of islands lined with luxury hotels, apartments and villas.

【新闻】“街上只有尸体”:俄军血腥围攻下的乌克兰马里乌波尔  ‘Just Put the Body Outside.’ The Bloody Siege of Mariupol   2022-03-10 04:05
  LVIV, Ukraine — Marina Levinchuk said she received an alarming text message from the local authorities in the besieged city of Mariupol several days ago, before she decided to flee. “If somebody dies in your family,” she said, recalling the message in her own words, “just put the body outside, cover it, tie up the hands and the legs and leave it outside.”

【新闻】“净化”一场战争:俄罗斯官方宣传如何报道俄乌战事  Two Days of Russian News Coverage: An Alternate Reality of War   2022-03-10 01:02
  At a televised gathering with female pilots and crew members from Aeroflot, Russia’s flagship airline carrier, one participant asked President Vladimir V. Putin a question that was perfectly crafted to conform with new government rules for reporting on his invasion of Ukraine.

【新闻】为什么流行歌曲通常都是3分钟左右?  Why are so many pop songs roughly three minutes long?   2022-03-09 16:20
  No matter where you usually hear today’s top hits—the radio, Spotify, a mixtape on your Sony Walkman—you’ve probably noticed that they tend to be around three minutes long.

【商业】政治风险与疫情限制下,在华美企仍谨慎保留业务  Companies stay in China despite political risks and travel limits.   2022-03-09 10:33
  BEIJING — American companies are increasingly worried about coronavirus restrictions, regulatory issues and trade tensions with China, but have been cautious so far about moving production elsewhere, new figures show.

【新闻】“战斗民族”到底有多强?乌克兰战争打破俄军强大形象  As Russia’s Military Stumbles, Its Adversaries Take Note   2022-03-09 10:21
  CONSTANTA, Romania — When it comes to war, generals say that “mass matters.”

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