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【新闻】俄军在乌克兰遇挫,普京权威受挑战  As Russia Stalls in Ukraine, Dissent Brews Over Putin’s Leadership   2022-03-23 04:33
  In January, the head of a group of serving and retired Russian military officers declared that invading Ukraine would be “pointless and extremely dangerous.” It would kill thousands, he said, make Russians and Ukrainians enemies for life, risk a war with NATO and threaten “the existence of Russia itself as a state.”

【新闻】美国贫富差距扩大 去年1%美国人拥有32%财富  A million new millionaires were created in US last year, and the richest got ric   2022-03-22 15:13
  The roaring stock market and crypto gains created more than a million new millionaires in the US last year, according to a new report.

【教育】连内衣颜色都要管束?东京学校终于废止多项苛刻规范  Tokyo schools drop controversial dress code on hair and underwear color   2022-03-22 09:11
  For decades, being a student in Tokyo meant you had to look a certain way. Under the public school system's dress code, all students had to dye their hair black, certain hairstyles were prohibited and even their underwear had to be a designated color.

【商业】东航空难让波音陷入新一轮危机  Boeing Faces New Upheaval After Crash of Chinese Airliner   2022-03-22 05:21
  The crash of a Boeing jet in China on Monday is the latest crisis for the American plane manufacturer, raising the prospect of renewed regulatory scrutiny and confronting the company with another catastrophe involving its planes.

【健康】香港疫情高死亡率的教训:应尽量为老年人接种疫苗  High Death Rate in Hong Kong Shows Importance of Vaccinating the Elderly   2022-03-22 03:46
  The first time the Omicron variant breached Hong Kong’s coronavirus defenses, in late 2021, the city stamped it out, cementing its status as one of the world’s most formidable redoubts of “zero Covid.”

【新闻】庆祝大熊猫抵美50周年 美国动物园纪念活动丰富多彩  50 years of giant pandas' presence in US celebrated   2022-03-18 14:38
  The Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington kicked off a six-month celebration on Wednesday of the 50th anniversary of the arrival of two giant pandas, celebrating the close cooperation between China and the United States in panda exchanges and preservation.

【新闻】今年1至2月份欧盟反超东盟成中国最大贸易伙伴  EU China's top trade partner in Jan-Feb   2022-03-18 13:37
  With the European Union surpassing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to become China's largest trading partner in the first two months of the year, the China-EU trade demonstrates resilience and vitality, but it will take some more time to figure out if the EU can hold top place over the long term, said Gao Feng, a spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce, in an online media briefing on Thursday.

【科技】用公厕里的烘手机烘干头发?烘手都嫌脏!  Expert warns against using hand dryers in public restrooms   2022-03-18 09:00
  An M.D. candidate explained why you should never use those automatic hand dryers in public bathrooms.

【商业】《原神》走红全球背后:中国游戏产业的成长与争议  Beating Japan at Its Own (Video) Game: A Smash Hit From China   2022-03-18 04:37
  TOKYO — Genshin Impact, one of the world’s hottest mobile video games, has all the characteristics of a Japanese invention: giant robots; human-size swords; characters with huge eyes and spiky, rainbow-colored hair; and a puzzling fixation on women in maid outfits.

【新闻】为什么在有些国家人们认为入侵乌克兰是正当的?  In Some Parts of the World, the War in Ukraine Seems Justified   2022-03-18 01:00
  To an independent filmmaker in Hanoi, Vietnam, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia is a “wise leader.” In Rio de Janeiro, a former restaurant owner said he was convinced that Ukraine had hired actors to fake war injuries. And a 27-year-old doctor living near Nairobi in Kenya questioned how Americans could be outraged over the Russian invasion when “for so long, they had a monopoly over anarchy.”

【经济】国务院金融委重磅发声提振市场信心  Govt pledges measures to boost growth   2022-03-17 15:45
  China pledged a host of measures to boost the economy and stabilize the capital market on Wednesday, restoring market confidence as the economy faces fresh headwinds.

【新闻】中国秘密警察被控骚扰“六四”学运领袖、美国会议员参选人  Chinese Officer Charged With Harassing N.Y. Congressional Candidate   2022-03-17 10:26
  Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn have charged a man believed to be a member of China’s secret police service with trying to undermine the campaign of a Chinese American candidate for Congress on Long Island.

【新闻】俄罗斯转向核武力恫吓,古特雷斯警告核战争红线正在逼近  As Russia Digs In, What’s the Risk of Nuclear War? ‘It’s Not Zero.’   2022-03-17 05:13
  A major war raging on Russia’s and NATO’s borders. Increasingly bold Western military support. Russian threats of direct retaliation. A mood of siege and desperation in the Kremlin. Growing uncertainty around each side’s red lines.

【新闻】帝国与民族:普京的族裔民族主义战争  Putin’s War on Ukraine Is About Ethnicity and Empire   2022-03-17 02:47
  BRUSSELS — President Biden took office with the idea that this century’s struggle would be between the world’s democracies and autocracies.

【新闻】“我什么都不怕”:一座被围困乌克兰城市里的死亡和反抗  ‘I’m Not Scared of Anything’: Death and Defiance in a Besieged Ukrainian C   2022-03-17 02:35
  MYKOLAIV, Ukraine — Alla Ryabko stood in the courtyard of the city morgue, trembling with grief and rage. Her son, Capt. Roman Ryabko, had been killed in fighting on the first day of the war in Ukraine, but two weeks had passed and his body had not yet been prepared for burial.


【新闻】统计局发布1-2月份经济数据 中国经济稳定复苏  Solid growth bodes well for firm recovery   2022-03-16 15:52
  China's economic growth was better than expected in the first two months of the year, boding well for the steady recovery of the world's second-largest economy in the first quarter, officials and experts said on Tuesday.

【新闻】在乌克兰,一名中国视频博主挑战中国官方宣传  A Chinese video blogger in Odessa challenges Beijing’s version of the war.   2022-03-16 10:19
  In the southern Ukrainian port city of Odessa, Wang Jixian often starts his days by recording the sirens howling warnings to residents against Russian air attacks. It’s part of his own battle against the skewed, euphemistic depiction of the war propagated by Moscow’s crucial partner, China.

【新闻】“六四”学运领袖、纽约华裔律师李进进被刺身亡  Client Charged in Fatal Stabbing of Lawyer, a Tiananmen Activist   2022-03-16 05:58
  A Queens lawyer held a meeting with a young client last week that ended in chaos.

【商业】中国严格防控新一轮疫情,全球供应链再受冲击  China’s Covid Lockdowns Set to Further Disrupt Global Supply Chains   2022-03-16 03:49
  BEIJING — Trucks are being delayed by the testing of drivers. Container rates are rising as ships wait for many hours at ports. Products are piling up in warehouses.

【新闻】“事情只会变得更糟”:普京的战争令数万俄罗斯人流亡海外  ‘Things Will Only Get Worse.’ Putin’s War Sends Russians Into Exile.   2022-03-16 03:47
  ISTANBUL — They lined up at A.T.M.s, desperate for cash after Visa and Mastercard suspended operations in Russia, swapping intelligence on where they could still get dollars. At Istanbul cafes, they sat quietly studying Telegram chats or Google Maps on their phones. They organized support groups to help other Russian exiles find housing.

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