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【新闻】“就像活在恐怖电影中”:一座乌克兰小镇的消亡  ‘Like Living in a Horror Movie’: A Ukraine Town Dying a Slow Death   2022-03-31 01:59
  HULIAIPOLE, Ukraine — The shelling begins in earnest a little before midnight, well after the sky has turned oily black, the cell towers have powered down and the stray dogs bark into the night.

【新闻】吉林疫情告急,援建方舱医院农民工境遇引发关注  In an industrial Chinese province, some workers say they’ve been quarantined i   2022-03-31 01:17
  Jilin, an industrial province in northeastern China, is at the front line of the country’s latest coronavirus outbreak, leaving medical workers and migrant laborers there struggling to cope with restrictions.

【新闻】“分区封控”下的上海:清零政策恐难持续,民怨渐增  Shanghai’s Lockdown Tests Covid-Zero Policy, and People’s Limits   2022-03-30 12:56
  Even before Shanghai imposed a lockdown to curb a rapidly spreading Covid outbreak, life for many in China’s wealthiest city had been upended by the virus — and the government’s response.

【新闻】所罗门群岛证实将与中国签订安全协议,驳斥澳新担忧  Solomon Islands’ Leader Calls Concern Over China Security Deal ‘Insulting’   2022-03-30 12:27
  MELBOURNE, Australia — In a fiery speech confirming that the Solomon Islands has drafted a security agreement with China, the island nation’s leader said on Tuesday that the deal was “ready for signing” and criticized as “insulting” concerns from Australia and New Zealand that the pact could destabilize the region’s security.

【新闻】意大利多地发生严重旱灾 居民浪费用水将被罚款  Italians face fines for wasting water as supplies rationed amid drought   2022-03-30 09:00
  People living in some northern Italian towns face fines for wasting water as mayors ration supplies amid a severe drought.

【新闻】参与谈判、疑遭下毒:漩涡中的俄罗斯寡头阿布拉莫维奇  Sanctioned Oligarch’s Presence Adds Intrigue to Ukraine-Russia Talks   2022-03-30 06:03
  LVIV, Ukraine — When diplomats from Russia and Ukraine met for talks in the 19th-century Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul on Tuesday, their host urged the antagonists to reach a cease-fire “to the benefit of everyone.”

【新闻】俄乌谈判取得进展背后,俄罗斯的真实目的是什么?  Peace Talks May Be Little More Than Russian Tactics, Analysts Say   2022-03-30 04:17
  BRUSSELS — As envoys made progress in peace talks on Tuesday, Russia offered concessions that signaled a more realistic course for the war in Ukraine, while indicating it is also in no hurry to end the conflict, according to diplomats and analysts.

【新闻】普京是怎样炼成的:从帝国灰烬中崛起,走向独裁与战争  The Making of Vladimir Putin   2022-03-29 08:46
  PARIS — Speaking in what he called “the language of Goethe, Schiller and Kant,” picked up during his time as a KGB officer in Dresden, Germany, President Vladimir Putin of Russia addressed the German Parliament on Sept. 25, 2001. “Russia is a friendly European nation,” he declared. “Stable peace on the continent is a paramount goal for our nation.”

【文化】奥斯卡尴尬一幕:威尔·史密斯不满妻子被调侃上台打人  Will Smith hits Chris Rock after joke about his wife, Jada.   2022-03-29 05:30
  In an apparently unscripted moment that stunned viewers and audience members alike, Will Smith strode onstage and hit Chris Rock in the face after the comedian made a joke about the actor’s wife while presenting the best documentary award at the Oscars.

【文化】《驾驶我的车》闪耀奥斯卡,日本电影人回归国际舞台  ‘Drive My Car’ Oscar Is a Slow-Burn Return for Japan’s Cinema   2022-03-29 03:46
  TOKYO — The last time a Japanese entry won the Oscar for best international film 13 years ago, it was something of an upset, surprising the forecasters who had barely heard of “Departures,” Yojiro Takita’s story about an accidental undertaker, before the ceremony.

【新闻】东航坠毁客机第二部黑匣子被找到,机上无人生还  Second Flight Recorder From China Crash Is Found, Officials Say   2022-03-28 11:39
  Search crews have found the second of two flight recorders from a passenger plane that abruptly plunged to earth in southern China, killing 132 people, officials said on Sunday, nearly a week after the disaster.

【新闻】上海分区分批封控,开展新一轮核酸筛查  Shanghai introduces a staggered lockdown by district in an effort to test the en   2022-03-28 03:19
  As coronavirus outbreaks spread across China, Shanghai is introducing new rounds of lockdowns to be rolled out sequentially across the city’s neighborhoods, the city government announced on Sunday night, as part of an effort to test its entire population of 26 million.

【新闻】东航空难谜团待解:飞行员经验丰富,身体健康无过失记录  China Eastern Pilots Were Highly Experienced, Adding to Crash’s Mystery   2022-03-25 11:15
  The pilot of the China Eastern Airlines flight that crashed in southern China with 132 people aboard was an industry veteran with more than 6,000 hours of flying time. His co-pilot was even more experienced, having flown since the early days of China’s post-Mao era, training on everything from Soviet-model biplanes to newer Boeing models.

【新闻】一场血腥僵局:乌克兰战争首月战况回顾  How One Month of War in Ukraine Ground to a Bloody Stalemate   2022-03-25 06:17
  One month after President Vladimir V. Putin ordered his military forces to invade Ukraine, Russia has triggered a humanitarian catastrophe unseen in Europe since the end of World War II while achieving almost none of its military objectives.

【新闻】中国拟与所罗门群岛秘密签订安全协议,引发多国警惕  China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacif   2022-03-25 05:13
  SYDNEY, Australia — A leaked document has revealed that China and the Solomon Islands are close to signing a security agreement that could open the door to Chinese troops and naval warships flowing into a Pacific Island nation that played a pivotal role in World War II.

【新闻】为何美国既误判了阿富汗,又误判了乌克兰  Why the U.S. Was Wrong About Ukraine and the Afghan War   2022-03-25 02:53
  Ukrainian citizens learned to make Molotov cocktails from government public service announcements, then recorded themselves setting Russian armored vehicles on fire. Ukraine’s soldiers waited in ambush and fired Western-provided missiles at Russian tanks. The country’s president recorded messages from the streets of his capital, urging his country to fight back against the invaders.

【新闻】油价不断上涨重创美国经济 或引发经济衰退  Rising gasoline prices hit the US hard   2022-03-24 16:02
  At the Costco gasoline station in Sunnyvale, California, on Saturday, a driver who asked to be identified only as Francisco paid more than $106 for 20 gallons (nearly 76 liters) of fuel, the cheapest price he could find that morning.

【科技】刷新你的认知:关于动物的10个鲜为人知的事实  10 lesser-known facts about animals that made people say ‘Aww’   2022-03-24 09:00
  1. Trained African giant pouched rats have found thousands of unexploded landmines and bombs. Researchers have also trained these rats to detect tuberculosis. And most recently they are training them to sniff out poached wildlife trophies being exported out of African ports.

【健康】新研究:科兴加强针显著提高老年人防御能力  Sinovac Boosters Provide Key Protection for Older People, New Study Finds   2022-03-24 03:14
  Two doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine offered older people only a moderately high level of protection against severe disease and death from Covid-19, but a third dose significantly bolstered their defenses, according to a new study by scientists in Hong Kong.

【新闻】“哪里着火他就去哪儿”:武汉华南海鲜市场里的病毒猎手  ‘He Goes Where the Fire Is’: A Virus Hunter in the Wuhan Market   2022-03-23 10:11
  As soon as Edward Holmes saw the dark-ringed eyes of the raccoon dogs staring at him through the bars of the iron cage, he knew he had to capture the moment.

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