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【经济】【双语财讯】扩内需成为2024年经济工作重点  Boosting consumption high on 2024 agenda   2023-12-14 16:05
【科技】最新研究显示:防蓝光眼镜或是“智商税”     2023-12-11 17:26
【新闻】【双语财讯】11月全国CPI同比下降0.5% 中国物价总体保持平稳  China consumer prices drop in Nov   2023-12-11 16:05
【经济】【双语财讯】今年前11个月我国货物贸易进出口总值37.96万亿元  China's foreign trade hits over $5t in Jan-Nov period   2023-12-08 15:49
【新闻】今日大雪:关于大雪节气的6个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 6 things about Major Snow   2023-12-07 08:56
【新闻】网络流行语“rizz”当选2023牛津年度词汇  Rizz crowned Oxford Word of the Year 2023   2023-12-06 14:58
【经济】【双语财讯】马来西亚知名经济学者:中等收入国家陷阱说 是解释还是掩饰  Middle-Income Country Trap?   2023-12-05 14:39
【新闻】【双语财讯】更多外资投向“中国制造”  Foreign companies up investment in China's manufacturing sector   2023-12-04 17:28
【新闻】12月最值得期待的海外新片  4 of the best films to watch in December   2023-12-04 14:04
【经济】2023全球生活成本最贵城市榜单揭晓  The world’s most expensive cities in which to live in 2023   2023-12-01 15:57
【新闻】“龙墩墩”来啦~“冰墩墩”龙年新春特别版亮相  Chinese dragon version of Bing Dwen Dwen unveiled   2023-11-30 17:08
【经济】【双语财讯】今年前10个月入境旅游加速复苏  Inbound tourism recovers fast from pandemic   2023-11-30 14:22
【文化】研究:听伤感音乐可以减轻疼痛  Certain types of music could help you feel less pain, new study says   2023-11-29 10:07
【经济】【双语财讯】我国工业企业利润连续3个月保持正增长  China's profits continue to grow, economy continues stabilizing   2023-11-28 16:55
【经济】【双语财讯】丽江至香格里拉铁路开通运营 为滇西发展注入新活力  New railway set to bolster connectivity, development   2023-11-27 16:57
【新闻】日本公司推出“空想水果味”软糖  Japanese gummy candy tastes like a fruit that doesn’t exist   2023-11-27 14:14
【健康】《自然》杂志:研究发现牛羊肉中营养素可提高癌症治疗效果  Nutrient found in beef and dairy improves immune response to cancer: Study   2023-11-24 17:46
【新闻】【双语财讯】国家数据局:国家正在加快推进数据基础设施建设  China accelerating steps for data infrastructure   2023-11-24 17:18
【新闻】【双语财讯】中美关系改善利好全球经济  Sino-US ties to benefit other economies   2023-11-23 17:30
【新闻】为什么美国总统大选日定在星期二?  Why are elections held on Tuesdays?   2023-11-23 16:07

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