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【新闻】国会暴乱当天特朗普专车内发生了什么?爆料细节引发争论  Heated Debate Erupts Over What Happened Inside Trump’s Vehicle on Jan. 6   2022-06-30 02:50
  WASHINGTON — Soon after his speech on the Ellipse ended on Jan. 6, 2021, President Donald J. Trump stepped into the back of a black Suburban bearing the presidential seal.

【新闻】北约勾勒强硬战略愿景,首次宣布中国为“战略挑战”  A More Muscular NATO Emerges as West Confronts Russia and China   2022-06-30 02:13
  MADRID — Faced with a newly aggressive Russia, NATO leaders on Wednesday outlined a muscular new vision that names Moscow as the military alliance’s primary adversary but also, for the first time, declares China to be a strategic “challenge.”

【新闻】国家发展改革委:常态化充实完善政策储备工具箱  NDRC: Policies aid growth and stability   2022-06-29 17:43
  Pro-growth policies to speed up infrastructure construction, spur consumption and stabilize growth overall are expected to lend solidity to China's economy, and the country's GDP is likely to see positive growth in the second quarter, officials and experts said on Tuesday.

【文化】他曾包裹纽约被忽略的“生命、美和可能性”  He Wrapped Landmarks in Fabric. Years Later, His Art Turned Up in a Dumpster.   2022-06-29 10:52
  The gauze-wrapped building towered over New York City's East Village like a bandaged wound. It was May 1979 and the artist, Francis Hines, had covered an abandoned five-story tenement with 3,500 yards of white fabric, loosely sealing inside the littered drug needles and crumbled walls.

【新闻】中国宣布缩短入境隔离时间,沪指应声大涨  China Halves Quarantine Time for International Arrivals, Cheering Markets   2022-06-29 09:48
  China is halving the time that people arriving from overseas must stay in a Covid-19 quarantine facility, reducing it from two weeks to one, the country’s National Health Commission said on Tuesday.

【健康】全球累计确诊病例约3500例,研究称猴痘病毒变异速度超出预期  Monkeypox is mutating at 12 times the expected rate   2022-06-29 08:00
  The monkeypox virus strain that has emerged across the world in recent weeks may be evolving at an abnormally fast rate - making it more infectious than previous versions of the virus.

【新闻】对俄罗斯石油限价,拜登和西方的一次冒险  To Counter Putin, Biden Tries to Assemble an Upside-Down Cartel   2022-06-29 06:05
  MUNICH — President Biden is leading an effort to manipulate the oil market at a scale the world has rarely seen, embracing cartel-like tactics in an aggressive but risky attempt to undermine Russia’s war effort in Ukraine.

【新闻】摔盘子,抢方向盘:前助手曝光特朗普任内“最后的疯狂”  A President Untethered   2022-06-29 05:13
  WASHINGTON — He flung his lunch across the room, smashing the plate in a fit of anger as ketchup dripped down the wall. He appeared to endorse supporters who wanted to hang his own vice president. And in a scene laid out by a former aide that seemed more out of a movie than real life, he tried to wrestle away the steering wheel of his presidential vehicle and lunged at his own Secret Service agent.

【新闻】在美国,台湾炸鸡正当红  Taiwanese Fried Chicken Meets the Moment   2022-06-29 02:32
  Growing up, the chef David Kuo and his brothers played video games in a converted garage in the family’s backyard in West Covina, Calif. Just outside, luffa gourds, garlic chives, sweet potato leaves and other crops beloved in Taiwan grew in his grandmother’s vegetable garden.

【新闻】哈佛大学:房价暴涨或让美国数百万人的住房梦成为泡影  The dream of owning a home is out of reach for 4 million Americans   2022-06-28 17:55
  The record run-up in home prices and rents exacerbated the affordable housing crisis in the US, and rising interest rates stand to make it even worse, according to Harvard University's annual State of the Nation's Housing Report released Wednesday.

【新闻】亚裔人人自危的年代,我们在纽约相爱  May We Please Just Date Without Hate?   2022-06-28 12:42
  There’s a picture of us meeting in person for the first time on the second floor of the Port Authority Bus Terminal, taken via self-timer on Snapchat. It was September 2020. You can sense the awkward nervousness we felt, with his arm carefully placed behind my lower back and me giving the camera a big thumbs up.

【新闻】中国回应G7基建计划,驳斥“债务陷阱”批评  China rejects criticism as G7 countries plan an effort to counter its influence.   2022-06-28 10:47
  China said on Monday that it welcomed the Group of 7 nations’ plans to expand global infrastructure investment in developing countries but rejected criticism that its own extensive efforts were “debt traps” for the nations taking part.

【新闻】西班牙塞维利亚成为世界首个给热浪命名和分级的城市  Seville to name and classify heatwaves in effort to protect public   2022-06-28 08:30
  The southern Spanish city of Seville is to become the first in the world to name and classify heatwaves – much in the way that tropical storms or hurricanes are named – in an effort to better shield residents as periods of excessively hot weather become more frequent.

【新闻】北约峰会将公布新“战略概念”,中国被列为“挑战”  Spotting the Fault Lines in NATO’s United Front   2022-06-28 04:36
  BRUSSELS — After the collapse of the Soviet Union, some asked whether NATO had any real reason to exist. But Russia’s invasion of Ukraine gave new urgency to NATO as a defensive alliance aimed at deterring Moscow.

【新闻】米兰设计周关键词:色彩、工艺和自然  Color, Craft and Comfort at Milan Design Week   2022-06-27 06:55
  It’s not a stretch to call Milan Design Week the design world’s largest annual global event. The commercial anchor of the yearly fair is Salone Internazionale del Mobile — the trade show, held this year from Tuesday through Sunday at the Rho fairgrounds, where design lovers, curators and the industry’s key players convened to discover and unveil the latest product and furniture releases from around the world.

【新闻】疫情中的“野泳”:在高度管控的北京寻找一片绿洲  ‘Wild Swimming’ in Restricted Beijing Offers Refreshing Break From Rules   2022-06-27 05:00
  BEIJING — Beneath a curving concrete overpass, behind a wall of green fencing, surrounded by the roar of traffic, a swimming hole beckons in the heart of Beijing.

【新闻】推翻罗诉韦德案后,美国最高法院还会向右走多远  Abortion Ruling Poses New Questions About How Far Supreme Court Will Go   2022-06-27 03:40
  WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday to end the constitutional right to abortion concluded one battle for now but immediately posed another far-reaching question: whether the judicial ground under rights in other personal matters, including contraception and same-sex marriage, is now also shaky.

【新闻】G7推全球基建计划,旨在抗衡中国“一带一路”  Despite the main focus on Ukraine, G7 leaders detail a new plan to target China   2022-06-27 03:26
  Leaders of the Group of 7 nations detailed a plan on Sunday to invest in infrastructure projects in less-wealthy countries around the world, an initiative meant to counter China’s expanding influence from its Belt-and-Road Initiative.

【新闻】调查:通货膨胀促使美国千禧一代百万富翁推迟购房购车  Millennial millionaires are delaying home, car purchases due to inflation   2022-06-24 16:08
  Millennial millionaires are temporarily shelving major purchases as interest rates and inflation rise, according to CNBC’s Millionaire Survey.

【新闻】为何俄罗斯精英不愿挑战普京的统治?  From Russian Elites, No Sign of Broad Challenge to Putin   2022-06-24 12:24
  Aleksandr Y. Lebedev looks like a prime target for sanctions meant to prompt Russia’s elites to turn against the Kremlin. He is a onetime billionaire and a former K.G.B. agent with deep connections both in Russia’s ruling class and in the West; his son owns British newspapers and is a member of the House of Lords.

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