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【新闻】安徽暴发新一波疫情,清零政策再次面临挑战  Covid Outbreak Emerges in China’s Anhui Province   2022-07-06 09:51
  As China gradually emerges from a Covid-19 surge that shut down Shanghai for two months, an outbreak in eastern Anhui Province is posing a new challenge to efforts to balance economic growth with the government’s “zero Covid” policy.

【新闻】7月份最值得一看的精彩新片(下)  8 of the best films to watch this July (part 2)   2022-07-06 09:24
  5. Mrs Harris Goes to Paris

【新闻】前白宫助理“猛料”证词曝光后,特朗普还能全身而退吗?  New Insights Into Trump’s State of Mind on Jan. 6 Chip Away at Doubts   2022-07-06 01:46
  WASHINGTON — He was not speaking metaphorically. It was not an offhand comment. President Donald J. Trump had every intention of joining a mob of supporters he knew to be armed and dangerous as it marched to the Capitol. And there had even been talk of marching into the House chamber himself to disrupt Congress from ratifying his election defeat.

【新闻】人社部:落实落细举措助力高校毕业生就业  Steps taken to bolster youth employment   2022-07-05 16:02
  China's central authorities have prioritized the employment of young people, especially new college graduates yet to land jobs, by organizing regular job fairs and creating more grassroots-level vacancies.人力资源和社会保障部通过组织定期招聘会,创造更多基层职位,优先解决年轻人尤其是2022届高校未就业毕业生的就业问题。
  The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said a national employment campaign is taking place from July to December focusing on this year's 10.76 million new college graduates and jobless people under the age of 35.人力资源和社会保障部表示,7月至12月将以1076万高校毕业生和35岁以下失业青年为服务对象,集中开展服务攻坚行动。

【新闻】“感觉就像用头撞墙”:韩国年轻血液涌入政坛的障碍与代价  As Young Blood Enters South Korean Politics, New (and Old) Barriers Emerge   2022-07-05 03:32
  SEOUL — Jung Seong-hoon, 22, shared the frustrations of young South Koreans looking at a bleak future: Jobs are scarce, rent is high, and debt is climbing. So last month, he ran for a spot on his local city legislature and won.

【新闻】国际制裁和疫情打击下,金正恩“金库”资金从何而来?  How North Korea Used Crypto to Hack Its Way Through the Pandemic   2022-07-05 01:34
  SEOUL — North Korea’s economy has been ravaged by United Nations sanctions and the coronavirus pandemic. The government has warned of a severe food shortage. An unidentified intestinal disease began spreading among citizens in June.

【新闻】专家:中国主粮生产自给自足 粮食安全有保障  Experts: Global disruptions on grain security to be limited   2022-07-04 15:16
  China's grain security will not be disrupted by the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and soaring prices of many agricultural products across the world this year, as its self-sufficiency in staple grain production remains high amid growing external problems, said experts and business leaders.

【新闻】朝鲜暗示韩国“外来物”将新冠病毒传入该国  North Korea Suggests ‘Alien Things’ From the South Brought Covid   2022-07-04 11:58
  SEOUL — North Korea suggested on Friday that the coronavirus had entered the country on foreign objects from South Korea, saying that its first reported outbreak had begun in villages near the countries’ border after people there touched “alien things.”

【新闻】7月份最值得一看的精彩新片(上)  8 of the best films to watch this July (part 1)   2022-07-04 08:30
  1. Nope

【新闻】当20多岁的年轻人在白宫左右大局  The 20-Somethings Who Help the 70-Somethings Run Washington   2022-07-04 03:48
  WASHINGTON — When an alarmed Representative Kevin McCarthy, the minority leader, called the White House on Jan. 6, 2021, demanding to know why the president of the United States had suggested he was coming to the Capitol while Congress met to certify his election defeat, the person on the other end of the line had just turned 25 years old.

【新闻】日本控制新冠疫情的秘密武器  Japan’s Secret to Taming the Coronavirus: Peer Pressure   2022-07-04 03:44
  TOKYO — To understand how Japan has fared better than most of the world in containing the dire consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, consider Mika Yanagihara, who went shopping for flowers this past week in central Tokyo. Even when walking outside in temperatures in the mid-90s, she kept the lower half of her face fully covered.
  东京——在遏制新冠疫情的可怕后果方面,日本比世界大多数国家做得更好,要想知道它是怎么做到的,不妨看看柳原美香(Yanagihara Mika,音)。上周,她在东京市中心买花。即使冒着摄氏30多度的高温,她依旧戴着口罩。

【新闻】美经济学家:美国已经处于“温和衰退”之中  US is already in a 'soft' recession: Economist Stephen Moore   2022-07-01 17:24
  Economist Stephen Moore warned on Monday that the United States is already in a "soft recession," noting that the "real question" is now whether the Federal Reserve can achieve a soft landing.

【新闻】“香港的一切都变了”:在皇后大道,见证变化和重塑  ‘Everything in Hong Kong Has Changed’: A Road to Reinvention   2022-07-01 06:55
  HONG KONG — On the day that Hong Kong was returned to China a quarter century ago, the noodle maker of Queen’s Road worked as he had done for days and decades before, mixing flour and water into sustenance for a city filled with refugees from the mainland. To satisfy the diverse tastes, he made tender Shanghai noodles and Cantonese egg pasta, slippery wonton wrappers from China’s south and thick dumpling skins beloved in Beijing.

【新闻】李家超宣誓就任香港新特首  John Lee led the crackdown on protests. Now Beijing has picked him to lead Hong    2022-07-01 02:56
  Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese control, Beijing has appointed either businesspeople or members of the bureaucratic elite to lead the city. John Lee, who was sworn in Friday as Hong Kong’s next chief executive, is the first former police officer to take the job since the handover.

【新闻】三年前的今天:抗议者冲击香港立法会  In 2019, protesters stormed Hong Kong’s legislature in bold defiance of Beijin   2022-07-01 01:20
  The July 1 protests in Hong Kong began in 2019 like any other year, with hundreds of thousands of people marching on the streets demanding democracy. But hours later, protesters stormed the city’s legislature, a dramatic escalation in the city’s challenge to Beijing that set a more confrontational tone for the months of protests that followed.

【新闻】专家:中国外贸今年有望实现稳定增长  Stable growth of foreign trade expected   2022-06-30 16:31
  China's foreign trade is expected to post stable growth this year, despite unprecedented challenges, including high raw material costs and fierce competition from Southeast Asian countries, analysts and trade experts said on Wednesday.

【新闻】美国指控五家中国公司违反制裁、支持俄罗斯军队  The U.S. accused Chinese companies of supporting Russia’s military.   2022-06-30 11:21
  The United States has accused five Chinese companies of violating sanctions against Russia by continuing to support Russia’s military, and took action this week to block them from buying American technology, the Commerce Department said.

【新闻】无力感、脆弱和创伤:封锁给上海民众留下的心理伤痕  ‘Very Fragile’: Shanghai Wrestles With Psychological Scars of Lockdown   2022-06-30 11:14
  BEIJING — June, for Shanghai, was supposed to be a time of triumph. After two months of strict lockdown, the authorities had declared the city’s recent coronavirus outbreak under control. Businesses and restaurants were finally reopening. State media trumpeted a return to normalcy, and on the first night of release, people milled in the streets, shouting, “Freedom!”

【经济】担心名表被偷?意大利酒店或提供塑料手表供游客佩戴  Italian tourism boss suggests stopping watch theft with cheap alternative   2022-06-30 08:30
  A tourism chief in Naples has come up with a unique solution for any visitors worried about theft in the southern Italian city, after reports the French actor Daniel Auteuil recently had his luxury watch stolen in the area.

【文化】TikTok上的养生伪科学与“谣言粉碎机”  TikTok Is Flooded With Health Myths. These Creators Are Pushing Back.   2022-06-30 04:43
  “I’m willing to bet you know at least one girl that’s using steroids every single day,” starts a young man in a TikTok video.

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