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【新闻】这个世界变得越来越坏了吗?  Is the World Really Falling Apart, or Does It Just Feel That Way?   2022-07-13 01:51
  Has the world entered a time of unusual turbulence, or does it just feel that way?

【经济】我国可再生能源实现跨越式发展 装机规模稳居全球首位  China leads in renewable energy growth   2022-07-12 16:00
  China's total installed capacity of renewable energy generation has increased by around 90 times over the past 10 years, cementing its role as a global leader in renewable energy capacity growth.

【新闻】中国多地出现新疫情,再度实施部分封锁措施  Three cities in China impose partial lockdowns as new cases are reported.   2022-07-12 11:49
  At least three Chinese cities put in place partial lockdowns and the gambling hub of Macau shut its casinos for the second time since the start of the pandemic, as authorities tried to stamp out the latest coronavirus outbreaks.

【新闻】美味的秘密:关于巧克力的10个冷知识  10 sweet facts about chocolate   2022-07-12 08:30
  1. 7

【新闻】“哪也去不了,什么都没有”:斯里兰卡人在绝望中挣扎  ‘There’s Nothing’: Scarcity Deepens Desperation in Sri Lanka   2022-07-12 05:07
  COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — The woman stood in line for more than 14 hours for a passport, desperate to escape the economic crisis engulfing Sri Lanka.

【新闻】刺杀安倍枪手动机或与宗教团体“统一教”有关  Suspect in Abe Shooting Held a ‘Grudge.’ Scrutiny Falls on a Church.   2022-07-12 02:39
  TOKYO — When Tetsuya Yamagami was arrested after the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, he told the police he had “a grudge” against a “certain group.” But the authorities haven’t identified the organization or explained its connection to Mr. Abe.

【新闻】河南储户维权抗议遭殴打镇压,引发公愤  Security Forces in China Attack Protesters Seeking Frozen Funds   2022-07-12 01:54
  HONG KONG — A financial scandal in central China has touched depositors across the country, some of whom placed their life savings in four rural banks offering high rates of return, then found their funds frozen as investigators examined allegations of widespread fraud.

【新闻】专家预计下半年中国经济将逐季回升  Stable growth expected amid inflation   2022-07-11 15:29
  China is likely to see a notable rebound in economic growth in the second half of the year as a package of stimulus policy measures takes effect, but rising consumer inflation may pose a challenge, experts said.专家表示,随着一揽子刺激措施的实施,下半年中国经济可能出现显著回升,但消费通胀上行可能给经济增长带来挑战。
  The national economy is gradually recovering from recent COVID-19 shocks, they said, and the country will likely see positive growth in the second quarter.专家认为,中国经济正逐渐从最近的新冠疫情中恢复,中国第二季度经济有望实现正增长。

【新闻】乌克兰战争如何重创“俄罗斯最酷的公司”  How War in Ukraine Roiled Russia’s ‘Coolest Company’   2022-07-11 12:52
  What a difference a war makes.

【新闻】经济崩溃、政治王朝倾覆,斯里兰卡将何去何从?  Embattled Leaders in Hiding, Sri Lankans Ask: What’s Next?   2022-07-11 12:50
  COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Sri Lanka’s political and economic crisis offered a peculiar tableau Sunday after a day of high drama: The protesters were everywhere, cooking in the prime minister’s garden and even lounging in the president’s bedroom while the leaders were nowhere to be seen.

【新闻】坐上重获新生的“热狗巴士”,寻一段香港青春记忆  A Memory That Moves: A Decrepit Hong Kong Double-Decker Bus Gets New Life   2022-07-11 04:53
  HONG KONG — Pedestrians stopped in their tracks and stared. Passengers in vehicles craned their necks and waved. Schoolboys in uniform ran like paparazzi angling for the perfect shot. They were all riveted by a cream-colored double-decker bus with ketchup-red trims on the top and bottom swerving last month into an open-air terminal.

【新闻】安倍遇刺事件是日本控枪政策的成功还是失败?  Does Abe Shooting Reflect Success of Japan’s Gun Laws, Not Failure?   2022-07-11 03:20
  The assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Japan may look like a rebuke of the country’s famously stringent gun laws.

【经济】深圳8月1日起将允许无人驾驶汽车上路  Shenzhen gives green light to fully autonomous vehicles   2022-07-08 16:00
  Shenzhen, a city that pioneered reform and opening-up in China, will allow fully autonomous vehicles to run on certain roads, as the city in Guangdong province unveiled the nation's first regulation tailored for smart and internet-connected vehicles.

【科技】专家称上海警方数据库安全漏洞由来已久  Chinese Police Database Was Left Unsecured Long Before Hackers Seized It   2022-07-08 10:46
  A Shanghai police database with a vast trove of personal data that was seized by a hacker or group had been left online, unsecured, for months, security researchers said, in what is probably the largest known breach of Chinese government computer systems.

【新闻】北京要求民众进入聚集场所必须接种疫苗  Beijing Introduces a Local Vaccine Pass and Urges Older People to Get Shots   2022-07-08 10:27
  Beijing is introducing vaccine requirements to enter libraries, museums and other public gathering places on Monday, the city government said, as it encouraged older people to get vaccinated.

【新闻】走起路来甜甜的:俄罗斯铺设草莓味柏油马路  Russian company lays strawberry-flavored asphalt road   2022-07-08 08:30
  A company in Russia’s Leningrad region recently laid a small section of strawberry-scented asphalt as an experiment to help solve the problem of unpleasant odors.

【新闻】约翰逊的首相生涯:因反传统上台,在丑闻和混乱中离场  For Boris Johnson, a Tumultuous Tenure Ends With a Messy Exit   2022-07-08 05:01
  LONDON — The end, when it finally came, was just as chaotic, messy and jaw-dropping as every other chapter of Boris Johnson’s political career.

【新闻】丑闻、内阁倒戈与幕后压力:约翰逊如何走到辞职这一步  Boris Johnson’s Fight for Survival, Explained   2022-07-07 08:50
  The latest update

【经济】6月PMI数据显示:制造业逐步恢复 服务业强劲反弹  Services sector expands in June   2022-07-06 13:37
  China's services sector in June expanded at its fastest pace in nearly a year amid a gradual resumption of work and production, indicating a robust recovery in business conditions.

【新闻】黑客兜售上海警方数据库,称包含10亿中国公民信息  In a big potential breach, a hacker offers to sell a Chinese police database.   2022-07-06 11:03
  In what may be one of the largest known breaches of Chinese personal data, a hacker has offered to sale a Shanghai police database that could contain information on perhaps one billion Chinese citizens.

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