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【新闻】面对西方孤立与遏制,普京在伊朗找到新盟友  Putin Finds a New Ally in Iran, a Fellow Outcast   2022-07-20 05:16
  President Vladimir V. Putin left Russia for a rare international trip on Tuesday and received a handsome reward: a meeting with a prominent world leader who voiced a full-throated endorsement for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

【新闻】美国官员谴责中国在全球粮食危机援助行动中“缺席”  U.S. aid chief criticizes China’s ‘absence’ in a food crisis stoked by Rus   2022-07-19 10:52
  Nations that have refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine risk accelerating a global food crisis, the United States international aid agency’s chief said on Monday, singling out China for hoarding fertilizer and grain while millions of people in East Africa face starvation.

【新闻】“九龙皇帝”涂鸦“重见天日”,在香港引发新共鸣  Peeling Paint in Hong Kong Reveals Work of Newly Relevant ‘King’   2022-07-19 10:04
  HONG KONG — Often shirtless in summer, smelling of sweat and ink, the aggrieved artist wrote incessantly, and everywhere: on walls, underpasses, lamp posts and traffic light control boxes.

【新闻】日本又双叒叕出奇葩发明:专为打工人设计的"睡眠盒",站着就能午  Japanese company designs upright ‘nap box’ for exhausted workers to sleep at   2022-07-19 08:00
  To help solve the issue of long office hours and overworking, two Japanese companies are working together to develop a “nap box” where users can sleep standing upright.为了解决长时间工作和加班的问题,两家日本公司正在合作开发一种可以让用户直立睡觉的“睡眠盒子”。
  Itoki Corporation, a furniture specialist, and Koyoju Gohan KK, a plywood supplier, signed a license agreement on Thursday and partnered to release the nap boxes in offices in Japan to promote a healthier work environment.家具企业伊藤喜和胶合板供应商Koyoju Gohan KK于7月14日签署了一项许可协议,在日本联合推出在办公室使用的“睡眠盒子”,帮助营造更健康的工作环境。

【文化】奥斯陆,全球文化地图新焦点  More Than Fjords: A New Museum to Put Oslo on the Map   2022-07-19 03:13
  OSLO, Norway — For decades, Oslo lived in the shadow of Scandinavia’s two other capitals, Stockholm and Copenhagen, Denmark. The Norwegian city, alongside a picturesque fjord dotted with rugged islands, has often been derided as sleepy and overpriced, or as a mere stopping-off point for tourists heading into the Norwegian mountains or boarding a cruise along the coast.

【旅游】大流行时代,岛屿生活的魅力  The Pandemic Has Made Island Life Even More Appealing   2022-07-19 03:13
  While there seems to be some light at the end of the Covid tunnel, most of us could still use a break. If you could escape and really get away, where would you go?

【新闻】专家:中国将出台更多经济刺激政策 全年增长目标有望实现  More policy support to vitalize economy expected   2022-07-18 14:40
  China will likely strengthen macroeconomic policy support while improving anti-COVID-19 measures to further vitalize economic activity, according to government officials and economists.

【经济】物价飙升 西班牙宣布9月起可免费坐火车  Spain to make some train journeys free from September   2022-07-18 08:30
  Public transport prices on state-owned service across Spain have already been slashed in half in response to rapidly rising energy and inflation rates. Now the government has announced further 100% discounts.

【新闻】普京改革俄罗斯公立教育,培养下一代爱国“小战士”  Putin Aims to Shape a New Generation of Supporters, Through Schools   2022-07-18 03:54
  Starting in first grade, students across Russia will soon sit through weekly classes featuring war movies and virtual tours through Crimea. They will be given a steady dose of lectures on topics like “the geopolitical situation” and “traditional values.” In addition to a regular flag-raising ceremony, they will be introduced to lessons celebrating Russia’s “rebirth” under President Vladimir V. Putin.

【新闻】与独裁者共舞:拜登与中东重建关系,意在遏制中俄  As Biden Reaches Out to Mideast Dictators, His Eyes Are on China and Russia   2022-07-18 01:01
  JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia — During his painful encounters with a series of Arab strongmen here in Saudi Arabia this weekend, President Biden kept returning to a single reason for renewing his relationship with American allies who fall on the wrong side of the struggle he often describes as a battle between “democracy and autocracy.”

【文化】到目前为止,2022年的十部最佳电影  The Best Films of 2022, So Far   2022-07-15 03:23
  A little over halfway through 2022, the year in movies has already been intriguing, with one of the best-reviewed releases so far topping the box office. That would be “Top Gun: Maverick.” But if you’ve already seen it and want to catch up on other strong films, I asked The Times’s co-chief critics, A.O. Scott and Manohla Dargis, for their favorites. Here they are, in no particular order. — Stephanie Goodman
  2022年刚刚过半,电影世界的这一年已是妙趣横生,迄今为止最受好评的电影之一在票房榜上名列前茅。那就是《壮志凌云:独行侠》(Top Gun: Maverick)。但如果你已经看过它,并且想了解其他有影响力的电影,我向《纽约时报》的联合首席影评人A·O·斯科特和马诺拉·达吉斯询问了他们喜欢的电影。以下就是这些电影的介绍,排名不分先后。——斯蒂芬妮·古德曼

【新闻】79岁的拜登还能当好美国总统吗?  At 79, Biden Is Testing the Boundaries of Age and the Presidency   2022-07-15 02:28
  WASHINGTON — When President Joe Biden leaves Tuesday night for a four-day swing through the Middle East, he will presumably be more rested than he would have been had he followed the original plan.

【经济】专家:我国下半年出口有望保持稳定增长  China's exports expected to keep stable growth   2022-07-14 16:22
  China's exports are expected to maintain stable growth during the second half of the year as trade activity continues to vitalize, providing stronger support to overall economic expansion, according to trade experts and economists on Wednesday.

【新闻】拜登中东行:一次充满政治风险的出访  Nukes, Oil and a Prince’s Redemption: A Trip Fraught With Perils for Biden   2022-07-14 11:39
  JERUSALEM — President Joe Biden left Washington for a four-day trip to the Middle East on Tuesday to try to slow down an accelerating Iranian nuclear program, speed up the flow of oil to U.S. pumps and reshape the relationship with Saudi Arabia without seeming to embrace a crown prince who the CIA believes was behind the killing of a prominent dissident who lived in the United States.

【新闻】美国:电子游戏成儿童多动症“良药”  The video game prescribed by doctors to treat ADHD   2022-07-14 08:30
  While many parents worry that their children spend too much time playing computer games, Kelcey Sihanourath is pleased to see her son Owain pick up his tablet.

【新闻】韦伯太空望远镜发回深空奇景,我们了解到这五件事  Five Things Learned From the Webb Telescope’s First Images   2022-07-14 03:06
  This article is based on earlier reporting by Kenneth Chang, Dennis Overbye, Joshua Sokol and Carl Zimmer.

【新闻】斯里兰卡危机发酵:总统出逃,抗议者与警方爆发冲突  Chaos Engulfs Sri Lanka as Protesters Demand Ouster of Interim Leader   2022-07-14 01:11
  COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — Sri Lanka descended into political chaos Wednesday, as the unpopular president fled the country and protesters overran the interim leader’s offices, leaving it unclear who held power or how long it would last.

【新闻】屋顶融化、道路开裂:中国多地遭遇极端高温天气  Dangerous Heat Wave Strikes China   2022-07-13 10:12
  HONG KONG — As dozens of cities in eastern and southern China issued heat alerts on Tuesday, with some temperature forecasts exceeding 104 degrees over the next 24 hours, health workers conducted outdoor coronavirus tests with packets of frozen snacks strapped to their white hazmat suits. Roofs melted, roads cracked and some residents sought relief in underground air-raid shelters.

【新闻】在元宇宙里如何穿大牌?  The Avatars Wear Prada   2022-07-13 05:22
  So that’s it.

【新闻】眼泪、吼叫、辱骂:一场尝试帮特朗普保住总统之位的会议  Tears, Screaming and Insults: Inside an ‘Unhinged’ Meeting to Keep Trump in    2022-07-13 03:24
  The meeting lasted for more than six hours, past midnight, and devolved into shouting that could be heard outside the room. Participants hurled insults and nearly came to blows. Some people left in tears.

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