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【新闻】世界卫生组织针对猴痘发布最高级别公共卫生警报  Monkeypox: WHO declares highest alert over outbreak   2022-07-26 08:30
【新闻】缅甸军政府秘密处决四名民主活动人士  Myanmar Executes Four Pro-Democracy Activists, Defying Foreign Leaders   2022-07-26 06:00
【新闻】犹他大学中国留学生遭前男友杀害,校方承认处理失当  Utah University Admits ‘Shortcomings’ in Handling Domestic Abuse Case   2022-07-26 03:21
【商业】恒大134亿存款质押调查:CEO等多名高管被要求辞职  China Evergrande C.E.O. Resigns After Loans Come Under Scrutiny   2022-07-25 10:28
【新闻】中国问天实验舱升空,运载火箭残骸问题受关注  Heads Up, Again: China Launches Space Station Module With Giant Rocket   2022-07-25 10:10
【文化】研究发现:女性多吃香蕉、三文鱼,有助降低高盐饮食负面影响  Bananas and salmon help counter effect of salt in women’s diet, study finds   2022-07-25 08:00
【新闻】面对中俄威胁,拜登选择延续特朗普关键外交政策  On U.S. Foreign Policy, the New Boss Acts a Lot Like the Old One   2022-07-25 05:33
【新闻】安倍遇刺案与统一教会:巨额捐款和长期争议  In Japan, Abe Suspect’s Grudge Against Unification Church Is a Familiar One   2022-07-25 04:23
【文化】郎朗新头像太生动!所以“头像”用英语到底怎么说?     2022-07-24 08:00
【旅游】一个正在全面复苏的洛杉矶  How Los Angeles Has Changed (in a Good Way)   2022-07-22 12:38
【新闻】全球最年长雄性圈养大熊猫被安乐死,享年35岁  An An, World’s Oldest Giant Male Panda in Captivity, Dies at 35   2022-07-22 11:04
【新闻】在一个塑料无处不在的世界,如何保持健康?  The Types of Plastics Families Should Avoid   2022-07-22 05:35
【新闻】广州防疫部门为撬锁破门排查密接道歉  Chinese officials apologize for breaking into homes to search for Covid cases.   2022-07-21 09:34
【新闻】为防校园枪击案,美国得州多个学区要求学生背透明书包  Dallas joins other Texas school districts in requiring clear or mesh backpacks a   2022-07-21 08:00
【健康】热射病与热衰竭:极端高温下如何保持健康?  How to Stay Cool and Safe in a Heat Wave   2022-07-21 04:58
【商业】全球经济遭受多重冲击,加剧滞胀担忧  The World Economy Is Imperiled by a Force Hiding in Plain Sight   2022-07-21 04:00
【新闻】俄罗斯寻求建立“正直轴心”对抗美国  Seeking ‘Axis of Good’ Against U.S., Russia Taps Allies of Convenience   2022-07-21 03:58
【体育】羽生结弦结束竞赛生涯:花滑运动一个时代的终结  Oh, Pooh. We May Never See Another Skater Like This One.   2022-07-21 03:32
【新闻】后安倍时代,岸田文雄将带领日本走向何方?  Japan’s Leader Tries to Honor Abe’s Legacy, While Building His Own   2022-07-20 12:22
【新闻】2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅  Shaking head and mean goose among new emojis   2022-07-20 08:30

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