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【新闻】世界卫生组织针对猴痘发布最高级别公共卫生警报  Monkeypox: WHO declares highest alert over outbreak   2022-07-26 08:30
  The monkeypox outbreak has been declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization.

【新闻】缅甸军政府秘密处决四名民主活动人士  Myanmar Executes Four Pro-Democracy Activists, Defying Foreign Leaders   2022-07-26 06:00
  Myanmar’s military regime announced Monday that it had executed four pro-democracy activists, the first executions in the Southeast Asian nation in more than three decades and what was seen as the latest attempt to instill fear in a resistance movement that has continued to battle the junta since it seized power in a coup last year.

【新闻】犹他大学中国留学生遭前男友杀害,校方承认处理失当  Utah University Admits ‘Shortcomings’ in Handling Domestic Abuse Case   2022-07-26 03:21
  Zhifan Dong had only been at the University of Utah for a few months when she raised the first alarm: She told a residential director at the university’s housing department that her ex-boyfriend, who lived in the same dorm building, had assaulted her in a downtown Salt Lake City motel room.

【商业】恒大134亿存款质押调查:CEO等多名高管被要求辞职  China Evergrande C.E.O. Resigns After Loans Come Under Scrutiny   2022-07-25 10:28
  China Evergrande, the embattled Chinese property developer, said late Friday that its chief executive had resigned, the latest setback for the company as it struggles to manage its crushing $300 billion in debt.

【新闻】中国问天实验舱升空,运载火箭残骸问题受关注  Heads Up, Again: China Launches Space Station Module With Giant Rocket   2022-07-25 10:10
  Another big Chinese rocket launched to space on Sunday at 2:22 p.m. Beijing time, and once again, no one knows where or when it will come down.

【文化】研究发现:女性多吃香蕉、三文鱼,有助降低高盐饮食负面影响  Bananas and salmon help counter effect of salt in women’s diet, study finds   2022-07-25 08:00
  Eating foods such as bananas, avocados and salmon could help reduce the negative effects of salt in women’s diet, research suggests.研究表明,摄入香蕉、牛油果和三文鱼等食物有助于降低女性摄入盐的负面影响。
  The study found that potassium-rich diets were associated with lower blood pressure, particularly in women with high salt intake.研究发现,高钾饮食与降低血压有关,尤其是在高盐饮食的女性群体中。

【新闻】面对中俄威胁,拜登选择延续特朗普关键外交政策  On U.S. Foreign Policy, the New Boss Acts a Lot Like the Old One   2022-07-25 05:33
  WASHINGTON — A fist bump and meeting with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. Tariffs and export controls on China. Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. American troops out of Afghanistan.

【新闻】安倍遇刺案与统一教会:巨额捐款和长期争议  In Japan, Abe Suspect’s Grudge Against Unification Church Is a Familiar One   2022-07-25 04:23
  TOKYO — The day before Shinzo Abe was assassinated, Tetsuya Yamagami sent a letter saying that the Unification Church had ruined his life, “destroying my family and driving it into bankruptcy.”

【文化】郎朗新头像太生动!所以“头像”用英语到底怎么说?     2022-07-24 08:00

【旅游】一个正在全面复苏的洛杉矶  How Los Angeles Has Changed (in a Good Way)   2022-07-22 12:38
  Sun, sand, sightings of celebrities in their natural habitats: Tourists have long descended on Los Angeles for some combination of the above. If you’re keen on that cocktail, rest assured, it remains on offer — wrest your way into a coastal hot spot like Nobu Malibu or Giorgio Baldi and you can indulge with abandon.
  阳光、沙滩,随处可见怡然自得的名人——长久以来,洛杉矶就以这些特征吸引着游客的到来。如果你喜欢这些,请放心,它们都没有消失,只要挤得进诸如Nobu Malibu或Giorgio Baldi这样的海滨网红餐厅,你大可以尽情观赏这些风景。

【新闻】全球最年长雄性圈养大熊猫被安乐死,享年35岁  An An, World’s Oldest Giant Male Panda in Captivity, Dies at 35   2022-07-22 11:04
  An An, a bamboo-eating resident of Hong Kong’s Ocean Park who was known for his feisty, playful nature and who had the distinction of being the world’s oldest giant male panda in captivity, died on Thursday after experiencing health problems. He was 35 — or 105 in human years.

【新闻】在一个塑料无处不在的世界,如何保持健康?  The Types of Plastics Families Should Avoid   2022-07-22 05:35
  Take a look around your home and count the items that are made with plastic. Then, consider the less obvious sources: the dust accumulating on your bookshelf, the linings of soup cans, food packaging, cosmetics, even your tap water and beer. Plastic is everywhere, and like many parents, I worry about the danger it poses to my kids’ health, as well as to my own.

【新闻】广州防疫部门为撬锁破门排查密接道歉  Chinese officials apologize for breaking into homes to search for Covid cases.   2022-07-21 09:34
  Local officials in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou have issued a rare apology after community workers broke into dozens of homes to look for people who had tested positive for the coronavirus and others deemed close contacts, triggering harsh criticism on social media.

【新闻】为防校园枪击案,美国得州多个学区要求学生背透明书包  Dallas joins other Texas school districts in requiring clear or mesh backpacks a   2022-07-21 08:00
  The Dallas school district announced Monday that it will require students to carry clear or mesh backpacks to class, joining other Texas districts in implementing new security measures following the Uvalde school massacre.在乌瓦尔德校园枪击案发生后,达拉斯学区7月18日宣布,和得克萨斯州其他学区一起实施新的安全措施,要求学生携带透明或网状背包上学。
  The new rules apply to 6th-12th grade students at Dallas Independent School District -- the second-largest public school district in Texas -- and will take effect when the upcoming 2022-2023 school year begins in August. Other types of bags will no longer be allowed, according to the school district.新规定适用于得州第二大公立学区——达拉斯独立学区的6-12年级学生,并将在8月即将到来的2022-2023学年开始时生效。该学区称,将禁止学生携带其他类型的背包。

【健康】热射病与热衰竭:极端高温下如何保持健康?  How to Stay Cool and Safe in a Heat Wave   2022-07-21 04:58
  Extreme heat is becoming increasingly common across the globe, with longer, more frequent heat waves spreading each year. These rising temperatures can put many at risk for heat-related illnesses, including heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Read on for guidance from experts on how to stay cool during the swelter — even without air conditioning.

【商业】全球经济遭受多重冲击,加剧滞胀担忧  The World Economy Is Imperiled by a Force Hiding in Plain Sight   2022-07-21 04:00
  This past week brought home the magnitude of the overlapping crises assailing the global economy, intensifying fears of recession, job losses, hunger and a plunge on stock markets.

【新闻】俄罗斯寻求建立“正直轴心”对抗美国  Seeking ‘Axis of Good’ Against U.S., Russia Taps Allies of Convenience   2022-07-21 03:58
  BRUSSELS — Commenting on the visit of Vladimir V. Putin to Iran, a member of the Russian Parliament and television talking head, Yevgeny G. Popov, said that the two countries hoped to form an “axis of good,” mocking former President George W. Bush’s description of Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an “axis of evil.”

【体育】羽生结弦结束竞赛生涯:花滑运动一个时代的终结  Oh, Pooh. We May Never See Another Skater Like This One.   2022-07-21 03:32
  Yuzuru Hanyu, the two-time Olympic champion, said on Tuesday that he would no longer participate in competitions, and the landscape of the sport of figure skating will never be the same.

【新闻】后安倍时代,岸田文雄将带领日本走向何方?  Japan’s Leader Tries to Honor Abe’s Legacy, While Building His Own   2022-07-20 12:22
  TOKYO — Fumio Kishida has spent years trying to emerge from the shadow of Shinzo Abe, the former prime minister of Japan who was gunned down at a campaign rally on July 8.

【新闻】2022新表情符号草图发布:有摇头脸 还有那只鹅  Shaking head and mean goose among new emojis   2022-07-20 08:30
  A shaking head, new heart colours and a familiar goose are among a new group of emojis set to be released this year.

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