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【经济】新特别提款权货币篮子生效 人民币权重升至12.28%  Renminbi gets global currency basket upgrade   2022-08-02 17:19
【经济】通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民     2022-08-02 08:00
【新闻】美国GDP连续两季度下降 预示美国经济开始衰退  US economy shrinks in second quarter, signaling unofficial start of recession   2022-08-01 16:33
【商业】中国市场神话破灭?在华外企谨慎调整增长预期  They Flocked to China for Boom Times. Now They’re Thinking Twice.   2022-08-01 10:12
【新闻】八月最值得一看的5部国外新片  5 of the best films to watch this August   2022-08-01 08:30
【文化】《忧郁之岛》:历史中的政治抗争与现在的香港  ‘Blue Island’ Review: In Hong Kong, the Past Is Present   2022-08-01 02:35
【新闻】为什么毕业季不要表白?网友的经验分享走心了  Should you confess your love in the graduate season?   2022-07-31 08:00
【经济】雪碧宣布放弃绿瓶!曾是“全球第一大塑料污染企业”......     2022-07-30 08:00
【科技】研究:常在白天小睡患高血压和中风风险更高  Napping regularly linked to high blood pressure and stroke, study finds   2022-07-29 08:00
【新闻】中国成功制造7纳米芯片,这意味着什么  As Congress Debated Landmark China Bill, Beijing Surged Ahead   2022-07-29 04:32
【新闻】中国处方药在线零售行业将迎来新发展  Online prescription retail set to bloom   2022-07-28 15:26
【文化】严歌苓指控张艺谋《一秒钟》未为其署名,电影界沉默以对  A Novelist Says a Movie Fails to Credit Her. The Film World Shrugs.   2022-07-28 11:20
【新闻】美参议院通过2800亿美元法案,意在制衡中国  Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill to Counter China   2022-07-28 01:59
【商业】阿里寻求将香港作为主要上市地,降低监管风险  For Investors and a Buffer, Alibaba Seeks a Hong Kong Primary Listing   2022-07-27 10:26
【健康】哈佛研究:高强度运动有益健康,但每周5小时以内就足够了  Why you don’t need to do any more than five hours of intense exercise a week   2022-07-27 08:00
【文化】王小波与《黄金时代》:极权下的欲望、伤逝和反抗  Sex Confessions and Protest From a Disillusioned Communist   2022-07-27 04:37
【新闻】高温热浪席卷中国,逾9亿人受影响  Hotter, Longer and More Widespread Heat Waves Scorch China   2022-07-27 02:25
【商业】IMF:全球经济或面临50年来最疲弱一年  The I.M.F. warns that a global recession could soon be at hand.   2022-07-27 02:18
【新闻】从空姐到葬礼策划师:新冠时代的失业与新开始  From Flight Attendant to Funeral Planner: New Beginnings in the Covid Era   2022-07-27 01:22
【经济】房企上半年业绩“腰斩” 下半年有望一扫颓势  Real estate revenue to rebound in H2   2022-07-26 16:17

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