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【经济】新特别提款权货币篮子生效 人民币权重升至12.28%  Renminbi gets global currency basket upgrade   2022-08-02 17:19
  The enhanced standing of the renminbi as a key global reserve asset will further boost the Chinese currency's accelerated march toward playing a more central role in the international financial governance system, officials and experts said.

【经济】通胀催高纽约犯罪率 肉罐头被装入防盗盒震惊市民     2022-08-02 08:00
  Inflation and crime have gotten so bad in New York City that even cheap meat like Spam has to be locked up.纽约市的通货膨胀和犯罪率达到空前水平,商家不得不把午餐肉罐头等廉价肉制品都锁起来。
  At Duane Reade’s store in the Port Authority bus depot, the shelf-stable product — only $3.99 a can — is now being stocked in plastic, anti-theft cases.在位于港务局公交站的杜安里德便利店里,这种售价为3.99美元(约合人民币27元)的耐储藏午餐肉罐头被存放在塑料防盗盒里售卖。

【新闻】美国GDP连续两季度下降 预示美国经济开始衰退  US economy shrinks in second quarter, signaling unofficial start of recession   2022-08-01 16:33
  The US economy shrank again in the last three months, unofficially signaling the start of a recession.

【商业】中国市场神话破灭?在华外企谨慎调整增长预期  They Flocked to China for Boom Times. Now They’re Thinking Twice.   2022-08-01 10:12
  A.H. Beard, a 123-year-old luxury mattress manufacturer based in Australia, started eyeing China around 2010. At the time, the family-owned company faced looming competition from low-cost, foreign-made mattresses in its home market. China, with its 1.4 billion consumers and a growing middle class with a taste for premium brands, seemed like a good place to expand.
  有123年历史的澳大利亚豪华床垫制造商比尔德(A.H. Beard)在2010年左右开始关注中国市场。当时,这个家族企业在国内面临着来自低成本外国床垫的潜在竞争。中国拥有14亿消费者,中产阶级也在不断壮大,他们喜欢高档品牌,这里似乎是个扩张的好地方。

【新闻】八月最值得一看的5部国外新片  5 of the best films to watch this August   2022-08-01 08:30
  In the first full-length film from Skydance Animation, Tony Award-nominee Eva Noblezada provides the voice of Sam, "the unluckiest person in the world". Having grown up in the care system, she hopes to nab some extra good luck for a fellow foster child, and finds her way to a realm where magical creatures – including a black cat voiced by Simon Pegg and a dragon voiced by Jane Fonda – manipulate the human race's fortunes. It may sound faintly sinister, but the director, Peggy Holmes, promises that Luck is full of "positivity and inspiration". Talking to Jackson Murphy at Animation Now, she says, "We've all been through a really hard time together in the world. People really want to sit back, relax, and really be inspired to just keep going. When those bad luck days come, just keep going because there are some good luck ones coming, too."
  在Skydance动画公司制作的第一部长片《祝你好运》中,曾获托尼奖提名的伊娃·诺布勒札达将为“全世界最倒霉的人”山姆配音。山姆从小在寄养家庭长大,她希望能为一个同为寄养儿童的伙伴搞到一些好运气,于是她就找到了能够操纵人类运气的神奇生物,其中包括一只由西蒙·佩吉配音的黑猫和一条由简·方达配音的龙。这也许听上去有点邪恶,但是导演佩吉·霍姆斯承诺这部电影充满了“正能量和启迪”。在与《Animation Now》杂志的杰克逊·墨菲交谈时她讲道:“我们共同经历了这个世界很艰难的一段时光。人们真的很想坐下来放松一下,在大受鼓舞之后继续往前走。当厄运降临时,要坚持下去,因为好运总有一天也会到来。”

【文化】《忧郁之岛》:历史中的政治抗争与现在的香港  ‘Blue Island’ Review: In Hong Kong, the Past Is Present   2022-08-01 02:35
  In “Blue Island,” a hybrid of documentary and dramatization from the director Chan Tze Woon, real-life students from contemporary Hong Kong perform re-enactments of the political struggles of previous generations.
  导演陈梓桓的《忧郁之岛》(Blue Island)是纪录片和剧情片的结合,由真实生活中的当代香港学生们重演了前几代人的政治抗争。

【新闻】为什么毕业季不要表白?网友的经验分享走心了  Should you confess your love in the graduate season?   2022-07-31 08:00
  Go and just tell. The person is in front of you probably you both can't meet in future again so if you don't confess one day she or he will be just a story and you will find yourself narrating her or his story to your grandchildren.

【经济】雪碧宣布放弃绿瓶!曾是“全球第一大塑料污染企业”......     2022-07-30 08:00
  Starting Aug. 1, the Coca-Cola Co., which produces Sprite, will package the lemon-lime drink in clear plastic bottles in North America, the company announced Wednesday.
  sprite /spraɪt/ 小精灵

【科技】研究:常在白天小睡患高血压和中风风险更高  Napping regularly linked to high blood pressure and stroke, study finds   2022-07-29 08:00
  People who often nap have a greater chance of developing high blood pressure and having a stroke, a large new study has found.一项最新的大规模研究发现,经常小憩的人患高血压和中风风险更高。
  "This may be because, although taking a nap itself is not harmful, many people who take naps may do so because of poor sleep at night. Poor sleep at night is associated with poorer health, and naps are not enough to make up for that," said clinical psychologist Michael Grandner in a statement. Grandner directs the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Clinic at the Banner-University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, and was not involved in the study.临床心理学家迈克尔·格兰德纳声称:“这可能是因为,尽管小憩本身并没有危害,但许多人小憩可能是因为夜间睡眠不佳。夜间睡眠不佳往往与健康状况较差有关,小憩不足以改善健康状况。”格兰德纳是亚利桑那州图森市班纳大学医学中心行为睡眠医学诊所主任,他没有参与这项研究。

【新闻】中国成功制造7纳米芯片,这意味着什么  As Congress Debated Landmark China Bill, Beijing Surged Ahead   2022-07-29 04:32
  In the weeks before the House and the Senate ended 13 months of arguments and passed the $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act, China’s main, state-supported chip maker cleared a major technological hurdle that delivered a bit of a shock to the world.

【新闻】中国处方药在线零售行业将迎来新发展  Online prescription retail set to bloom   2022-07-28 15:26
  China's retail prescription medicine sector has seen rapid growth in the past few years, thanks to enhanced ties among parties related to the industry and digital tools, which are further pushing the sector forward on a healthy track, said a report by Boston Consulting Group.

【文化】严歌苓指控张艺谋《一秒钟》未为其署名,电影界沉默以对  A Novelist Says a Movie Fails to Credit Her. The Film World Shrugs.   2022-07-28 11:20
  In 2018, as a celebrated Chinese director prepared to film a movie, his team sent the novelist Geling Yan a 33-page script with her name printed on each page. Ms. Yan said that made sense to her because she had written the Chinese-language novel that inspired the film.

【新闻】美参议院通过2800亿美元法案,意在制衡中国  Senate Passes $280 Billion Industrial Policy Bill to Counter China   2022-07-28 01:59
  WASHINGTON — The Senate on Wednesday passed an expansive $280 billion bill aimed at building up America’s manufacturing and technological edge to counter China, embracing in an overwhelming bipartisan vote the most significant government intervention in industrial policy in decades.

【商业】阿里寻求将香港作为主要上市地,降低监管风险  For Investors and a Buffer, Alibaba Seeks a Hong Kong Primary Listing   2022-07-27 10:26
  Alibaba, the Chinese online shopping giant, said on Tuesday that it would seek a primary listing in Hong Kong, a move that would eventually allow more people in mainland China to invest in it, and give it a buffer in case it is forced to delist in the United States over regulatory concerns.

【健康】哈佛研究:高强度运动有益健康,但每周5小时以内就足够了  Why you don’t need to do any more than five hours of intense exercise a week   2022-07-27 08:00
  There is no benefit to doing more than five hours of high intensity exercise a week, a Harvard study has found, as it does not help to stave off an untimely death.哈佛大学的一项研究发现,每周进行五小时以上的高强度运动无法获得更多益处,对于避免过早死亡没有帮助。
  However, pushing your body as hard as you can does not have any damaging health effects, as some previous studies have claimed.然而,与此前的研究结果不同的是,尽可能多运动并不会对健康产生任何损害。

【文化】王小波与《黄金时代》:极权下的欲望、伤逝和反抗  Sex Confessions and Protest From a Disillusioned Communist   2022-07-27 04:37
  In 1991, a little-known writer in Beijing named Wang Xiaobo mailed the manuscript of a novel to the eminent historian Cho-yun Hsu, his former professor at the University of Pittsburgh. The book was about China’s Cultural Revolution, the political purge from 1966 to 1976 that killed more than a million people and sent scientists, writers, artists and millions of educated youths to labor in the countryside.

【新闻】高温热浪席卷中国,逾9亿人受影响  Hotter, Longer and More Widespread Heat Waves Scorch China   2022-07-27 02:25
  BEIJING — In western China, runoff from melting glaciers could overwhelm dams, officials have warned. In the southern metropolis of Guangzhou, the government has asked residents to use large appliances less so the electrical grid is not overwhelmed as the city battles its longest heat wave since 1951. In the coastal city of Fuzhou, temperatures exceeded 41 degrees Celsius, or nearly 106 degrees Fahrenheit, for an unprecedented three days in a row, state media reported.

【商业】IMF:全球经济或面临50年来最疲弱一年  The I.M.F. warns that a global recession could soon be at hand.   2022-07-27 02:18
  The world could soon be on the brink of a global recession as the economies of the United States, China and Europe slow more sharply than anticipated amid a collision of crises, the International Monetary Fund warned on Tuesday.

【新闻】从空姐到葬礼策划师:新冠时代的失业与新开始  From Flight Attendant to Funeral Planner: New Beginnings in the Covid Era   2022-07-27 01:22
  HONG KONG — Before she became a funeral planner, Connie Wong was a flight attendant for a Hong Kong airline. The sudden end of a career she had cherished for six years brought its own kind of grief, she said.

【经济】房企上半年业绩“腰斩” 下半年有望一扫颓势  Real estate revenue to rebound in H2   2022-07-26 16:17
  Due to the impact of COVID-19 outbreaks, weak market expectations and tepid demand, Chinese real estate developers' sales revenues were more than halved in the first six months. However, as the contagion is gradually being contained in major Chinese cities and home sales are progressively improving, property developers are expecting a better second half.

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