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【新闻】一家三口被淹死在半地下室:韩国洪灾凸显贫困人口窘境  ‘We Couldn’t Do Anything’: Family Drowns in Seoul Basement During Floods   2022-08-11 02:07
【新闻】拜登签署2800亿美元芯片法案,抗衡中国  Biden Signs Industrial Policy Bill Aimed at Bolstering Competition With China   2022-08-10 12:40
【新闻】三宅一生去世,曾将日本时尚带向世界  Issey Miyake, Who Opened a Door for Japanese Fashion, Dies at 84   2022-08-10 05:29
【新闻】史无前例:FBI搜查特朗普住宅的争议与风险  Never Before in American History: The F.B.I. Searches a Former President’s Hom   2022-08-10 03:55
【新闻】东盟等新兴市场崛起有望增强我国出口韧性  New demand may boost future exports   2022-08-09 13:34
【教育】加拿大公司招聘“首席糖果官” 年薪7.8万美元  Help wanted: $78,000 a year to taste candy while sitting on your couch   2022-08-09 08:30
【新闻】腐败丛生、债务累累:中资铁路为肯尼亚带来了什么  ‘Jewel in the Crown of Corruption’: The Troubles of Kenya’s China-Funded T   2022-08-09 05:29
【新闻】FBI突袭搜查特朗普佛州住所,撬开保险箱  The search appears to be focused on materials Trump took from the White House.   2022-08-09 03:32
【新闻】亚太冲突风险加剧,美国盟友面临艰难选择  U.S. Seeks to Reassure Asian Allies as China’s Military Grows Bolder   2022-08-08 05:45
【新闻】专家:下半年中国将助力稳定全球供应链  China to help stabilize global supply chain   2022-08-05 15:45
【新闻】为什么把懦夫叫作chicken?  Why are cowards called “chickens”?   2022-08-05 08:30
【科技】为什么美国没有坚持贯彻对中国技术的禁令?  America’s Chinese Tech Ban Didn’t Stick   2022-08-05 05:32
【新闻】中国向日本海域发射导弹传达了什么信号  With 5 Missiles, China Sends Stark Signal to Japan and U.S. on Taiwan   2022-08-05 03:19
【新闻】佩洛西访台或削弱美国与亚太盟友统一战线  Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Risks Undermining U.S. Efforts With Asian Allies   2022-08-04 10:36
【新闻】万众瞩目的航班:佩洛西专机为何绕行一圈才抵达台湾?  Pelosi’s widely watched flight to Taipei took a circuitous route. Here’s why   2022-08-04 10:31
【经济】西班牙宣布节能新政:空调不得低于27度,商店晚10点后需关灯  Spain: Stores must keep doors shut, limit AC to save energy   2022-08-04 08:00
【新闻】中国进行“锁台军演”,美国官员担忧擦枪走火  As China Plans Drills Circling Taiwan, U.S. Officials Fear a Squeeze Play   2022-08-04 02:13
【经济】央行下半年将刺激内需和稳定房地产业 巩固经济回升向好趋势  PBOC eyes tasks to keep economy on firm footing   2022-08-03 15:54
【健康】研究:全球5%新冠患者将长期存在嗅觉味觉功能障碍  Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems   2022-08-03 08:30
【新闻】有关美国击毙基地组织头目的五大关键问题  The Killing of Ayman al-Zawahri: What We Know   2022-08-03 03:00

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