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【新闻】一家三口被淹死在半地下室:韩国洪灾凸显贫困人口窘境  ‘We Couldn’t Do Anything’: Family Drowns in Seoul Basement During Floods   2022-08-11 02:07
  SEOUL — At 4:40 p.m. on Monday, the 13-year-old girl texted her ​72-year-old ​grandmother ​who was ​in the hospital, wishing her well and saying that she was praying for her quick recovery.

【新闻】拜登签署2800亿美元芯片法案,抗衡中国  Biden Signs Industrial Policy Bill Aimed at Bolstering Competition With China   2022-08-10 12:40
  WASHINGTON — President Biden on Tuesday signed into law a sprawling $280 billion bill aimed at bolstering American chip manufacturing to address global supply chain issues and counter the rising influence of China, part of a renewed effort by the White House to galvanize its base around a recent slate of legislative victories.

【新闻】三宅一生去世,曾将日本时尚带向世界  Issey Miyake, Who Opened a Door for Japanese Fashion, Dies at 84   2022-08-10 05:29
  Issey Miyake, one of the first Japanese designers to show in Paris, whose pleated style of clothing allowed for freedom of movement and whose name became a global byword for cutting-edge fashion in the 1980s, died on Friday in Tokyo. He was 84.

【新闻】史无前例:FBI搜查特朗普住宅的争议与风险  Never Before in American History: The F.B.I. Searches a Former President’s Hom   2022-08-10 03:55
  WASHINGTON — The fight between former President Donald J. Trump and the National Archives that burst into the open when F.B.I. agents searched Mr. Trump’s Palm Beach estate has no precedent in American presidential history.

【新闻】东盟等新兴市场崛起有望增强我国出口韧性  New demand may boost future exports   2022-08-09 13:34
  China's exports are expected to become more resilient as demand from emerging markets such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and India expands rapidly, experts said on Monday after reviewing official data that Customs released on Sunday.

【教育】加拿大公司招聘“首席糖果官” 年薪7.8万美元  Help wanted: $78,000 a year to taste candy while sitting on your couch   2022-08-09 08:30
  A Canadian candy company is offering a very sweet gig.

【新闻】腐败丛生、债务累累:中资铁路为肯尼亚带来了什么  ‘Jewel in the Crown of Corruption’: The Troubles of Kenya’s China-Funded T   2022-08-09 05:29
  MOMBASA, Kenya — Fireworks popped and confetti rained down in the seaside city of Mombasa when Kenya’s president inaugurated the country’s new railway — designed, funded and built by China.

【新闻】FBI突袭搜查特朗普佛州住所,撬开保险箱  The search appears to be focused on materials Trump took from the White House.   2022-08-09 03:32
  Former President Donald Trump said Monday that the FBI had searched his Palm Beach, Florida, home and had broken open a safe — an account signaling a dramatic escalation in the various investigations into the final stages of his presidency.

【新闻】亚太冲突风险加剧,美国盟友面临艰难选择  U.S. Seeks to Reassure Asian Allies as China’s Military Grows Bolder   2022-08-08 05:45
  PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Just a few hours after five Chinese missiles blasted into Japanese waters near Taiwan, the foreign ministers of China and Japan found themselves uncomfortably close together, in the holding room for a gala dinner on Thursday night at a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

【新闻】专家:下半年中国将助力稳定全球供应链  China to help stabilize global supply chain   2022-08-05 15:45
  China will play a key role in underpinning the global supply chain in the second half of the year amid government policy measures to stabilize the economy while tackling the impact of COVID-19 via targeted means, experts said.

【新闻】为什么把懦夫叫作chicken?  Why are cowards called “chickens”?   2022-08-05 08:30
  Anyone who refuses a double-dog dare is liable to be labeled a chicken. How dogs found their way into dare culture remains a bit of a mystery—but the reason cowards are called “chickens” is slightly clearer.
  任何拒绝接受挑战的人都很容易被贴上懦夫(chicken)的标签。为什么挑战(double-dog dare)会和狗扯上关系现在还是一个谜,但是懦夫被称为chicken的原因倒是略微明朗一些。

【科技】为什么美国没有坚持贯彻对中国技术的禁令?  America’s Chinese Tech Ban Didn’t Stick   2022-08-05 05:32
  In 2019, the White House declared that phone and internet equipment from Chinese technology companies should be ripped from every corner of the U.S. because it posed an unacceptable risk of snooping or sabotage by the Chinese government.

【新闻】中国向日本海域发射导弹传达了什么信号  With 5 Missiles, China Sends Stark Signal to Japan and U.S. on Taiwan   2022-08-05 03:19
  TOKYO — North Korea has for years lobbed missiles into Japan’s waters without great incident. But for an increasingly powerful and aggressive China to do the same — as it did Thursday as a part of military exercises — has sharply raised concerns in political and security circles from Tokyo to Washington.

【新闻】佩洛西访台或削弱美国与亚太盟友统一战线  Pelosi’s Taiwan Visit Risks Undermining U.S. Efforts With Asian Allies   2022-08-04 10:36
  The Biden administration has spent months building an economic and diplomatic strategy in Asia to counter China, shoring up its alliances and assuring friendly countries that the United States is in the region for the long haul.

【新闻】万众瞩目的航班:佩洛西专机为何绕行一圈才抵达台湾?  Pelosi’s widely watched flight to Taipei took a circuitous route. Here’s why   2022-08-04 10:31
  Nancy Pelosi’s plane departing Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for Taipei on Tuesday evening was one of the most closely tracked flights of all time. It was also unusually circuitous, taking a three-hour detour.

【经济】西班牙宣布节能新政:空调不得低于27度,商店晚10点后需关灯  Spain: Stores must keep doors shut, limit AC to save energy   2022-08-04 08:00
  Spanish offices, stores and hospitality venues will no longer be allowed to set their cooling systems below 27 degrees Celsius (81º Fahrenheit) in summer nor raise heating above 19ºC in the winter under a new set of energy-saving measures passed Monday.西班牙8月1日通过系列节能新政,要求企业、商店和招待场所夏季空调温度不得低于27摄氏度,冬季空调温度不得高于19摄氏度。
  Shops will also be obliged to keep doors closed and heating systems must be checked more often to increase efficiency under the new measures, Spanish Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera said.西班牙生态转型部长特里萨·里贝拉称,在新措施实施后,商店需要关好大门,并必须更频繁地检查供暖系统以提高效率。

【新闻】中国进行“锁台军演”,美国官员担忧擦枪走火  As China Plans Drills Circling Taiwan, U.S. Officials Fear a Squeeze Play   2022-08-04 02:13
  WASHINGTON — For years the deliberate “strategic ambiguity” in Washington’s China policy has left unclear how the United States would respond to a full-scale, amphibious invasion of Taiwan.

【经济】央行下半年将刺激内需和稳定房地产业 巩固经济回升向好趋势  PBOC eyes tasks to keep economy on firm footing   2022-08-03 15:54
  Boosting domestic demand and stabilizing the property sector will be key priorities for China's central bank for the rest of the year in order to keep the nation's economic recovery well on track, officials and experts said.

【健康】研究:全球5%新冠患者将长期存在嗅觉味觉功能障碍  Covid study finds millions have long-term smell or taste problems   2022-08-03 08:30
  Millions of people worldwide may have long-term smell or taste problems as a result of Covid-19, with women more likely to be affected, a study suggests.

【新闻】有关美国击毙基地组织头目的五大关键问题  The Killing of Ayman al-Zawahri: What We Know   2022-08-03 03:00
  The United States announced on Monday that it had killed Ayman al-Zawahri in a drone strike in Afghanistan, ­ending a 21-year-manhunt for the terrorist leader, who was instrumental in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and who took command of Al Qaeda after Osama bin Laden’s death.

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