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【新闻】照片中的历史:75年前,永远改变了南亚格局的印巴分治  India’s Partition: A History in Photos   2022-08-17 08:36
  Polarized by religion, friends and neighbors turned on each other. Hundreds of thousands were killed and millions displaced. The atrocities were horrific — pregnant women and infants were not spared.

【经济】新西兰旅游部长:欢迎富人,拒绝穷游  New Zealand tourism minister makes pitch to the rich as he spurns ‘$10-a-day   2022-08-17 08:30
  New Zealand’s tourism minister has again expressed his aversion to budget travellers, saying the country will not seek to attract those who “travel around our country on $10 a day eating two-minute noodles”.

【新闻】日本摄影师揭露韩国“慰安妇”庇护所黑暗现实  Japanese Photographer Blows Whistle on Treatment of ‘Comfort Women’   2022-08-17 03:46
  GWANGJU, South Korea — Since 2000, Tsukasa Yajima has taken stark, poignant portraits of former sex slaves for Japan’s World War II army to help the world learn about their painful history.

【新闻】“一切都没了”:塔利班统治一年后,阿富汗社会“开倒车”  Taliban Rewind the Clock: ‘A Woman Is a Helpless and Powerless Creature’   2022-08-17 01:48
  KABUL, Afghanistan — Girls are barred from secondary schools and women from traveling any significant distance without a male relative. Men in government offices are told to grow beards, wear traditional Afghan clothes and prayer caps, and stop work for prayers.

【新闻】亚裔选民曾站在民主党这边,中期选举还会如此吗?  Asian American Voters Rallied for Democrats in 2020. Will They Again?   2022-08-16 01:23
  JOHNS CREEK, Ga. — At a brightly lit restaurant in suburban Atlanta, nestled in a tidy neighborhood of office buildings and private drives, State Senator Michelle Au brought up the mass shooting that lingers as a singular trauma in the local Asian American community.

【商业】五家中国国有企业将从纽交所退市  Five State-Run Chinese Giants to Delist From U.S. Stock Exchanges   2022-08-15 12:46
  Five of China’s biggest state-owned companies, representing hundreds of billions of dollars in market value, will delist from the New York Stock Exchange in coming weeks, the firms said in a flurry of filings on Friday.

【新闻】吉卜力公园门票预售已开启 动漫迷可以圆梦了  Tickets for Japan's Ghibli Park now on sale   2022-08-15 08:30
  Fans of "My Neighbor Totoro," "Kiki's Delivery Service," and other films from the legendary Studio Ghibli, will have a new destination to add to their travel bucket list later this year.

【科技】华盛顿的TikTok难题:拜登政府将如何权衡?  How Frustration Over TikTok Has Mounted in Washington   2022-08-15 05:38
  WASHINGTON — Early last year, Senator Marco Rubio, a Florida Republican, and Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, met to discuss China and industrial policy. During their conversation, Mr. Rubio raised his worries about Beijing’s influence over TikTok, the Chinese-owned viral video app.

【新闻】为何中国难以用经济手段惩罚台湾?  Mostly Bluster: Why China Went Easy on Taiwan’s Economy   2022-08-15 02:23
  In retaliation for Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last week, China conducted large-scale military exercises around the self-governing island democracy and suspended some trade between the sides.

【新闻】塔利班上台一周年:那个改变世界的混乱夏天  The Tumultuous Summer That Changed the World   2022-08-15 02:08
  In Afghanistan, August 2021 began ominously.

【新闻】创意图书馆世界之最  The most innovative libraries around the world   2022-08-14 08:00
  Some libraries use unique architecture to encourage visitors to explore the racks and settle down with a new book, or use roving libraries to bring books to hard-to-reach populations. No matter how they achieve it, these novel libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.

【新闻】美国上周首次申请失业救济人数超26万,达到今年最高水平  Jobless claims rise to highest level in 2022   2022-08-12 17:10
  The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits ticked higher last week, hitting the highest level in nine months.上周,美国首次申请失业救济的人数上升,达九个月来最高水平。
  Figures released Thursday by the Labor Department show that applications for the week ended Aug. 6 rose to 262,000 from the downwardly revised 248,000 recorded a week earlier. That is above the 2019 pre-pandemic average of 218,000 claims and marks the highest level since mid-November.美国劳工部8月11日公布的数据显示,截至8月6日的一周,首次申请失业救济人数从前一周的24.8万上升至26.2万,高于疫情前21.8万的平均水平,是自2021年11月中旬以来的最高水平。

【新闻】朝鲜宣布抗疫“胜利”,金与正暗示金正恩或曾感染  North Korea Says Its Covid Outbreak Is Over   2022-08-12 11:08
  SEOUL — North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, said the country had brought its coronavirus outbreak to an end without vaccines, state media reported on Thursday, while Mr. Kim’s sister accused South Korea of sending the virus across the border and threatened​ “deadly”​ retaliation​.

【新闻】中国“锁台”军演适得其反?  As China Vows More Military Exercises, Taiwan Is Undeterred   2022-08-12 10:10
  If China’s show of force over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip was meant as a deterrent, it has not had the intended effect in Taiwan, where the military drills have reinforced a careful two-pronged strategy of shoring up international support, while avoiding overt confrontation.

【经济】梦是什么味道?可口可乐推出限定版“梦境”口味新品  Coca-Cola launches limited-edition 'dream-flavored' soda   2022-08-12 08:00
  If you've ever wondered what dreams taste like, you're in for a treat, because Coca-Cola is releasing another new limited-edition flavor to its Creations lineup. Called Dreamworld, the latest Coke is supposed to taste like dreams.如果你想知道梦是什么“味道”,那你有口福了,因为可口可乐公司在其“乐创无界”系列产品中推出了一款限量版新口味。这款被称为“梦境”的新品可乐有“像梦一样的味道”。
  "This limited-edition flavor is your gateway into a lively, animated world where anything is possible; where imaginations are free to discover the magic in ordinary moments," Coca-Cola said in a press release.可口可乐宣称:“这款限定新品是通往一个活泼生动的世界的大门,在那里一切皆有可能;在那里,可以自由发挥想象力,发现平凡时刻的魔力。”

【文化】华裔作曲家黄若谈歌剧版《蝴蝶君》的变与不变  The Composer Huang Ruo on Illusion and Betrayal in ‘M. Butterfly’   2022-08-12 01:10
  The question from the Chinese-born composer Huang Ruo came out of the blue: Would David Henry Hwang, the American playwright, consider adapting his Broadway hit “M. Butterfly” for the opera stage?
  出生在中国的作曲家黄若突然提出了这样一个问题:美国剧作家黄哲伦是否会考虑将他的百老汇大热作品《蝴蝶君》(M. Butterfly)改编为歌剧?

【新闻】专家:中国下半年将保持稳健的货币政策  China to keep monetary policy stable   2022-08-11 15:05
  China will likely keep its monetary policy stable and on target in the second half as consumer inflation is expected to rise mildly within a reasonable range in the rest of the year, experts said.

【文化】“王子也可以是亚裔”:打破纽约芭蕾舞界天花板的陈镇威  ‘Princes Can Be Asian, Too’: A Dancer Breaks Barriers in Ballet   2022-08-11 12:31
  On a sleepy summer morning recently, a group of about 50 dancers from New York City Ballet gathered inside a sunny rehearsal studio at Lincoln Center and stretched. They had come from three weeks of rest and were back in company class, preparing for a tour in upstate New York. Some carried energy drinks and bottles of hand sanitizer; others brought their dogs, who settled into naps under the barre as the dancers began a series of exercises — pliés, tendus, jumps and pirouettes.

【科技】硅谷独角兽公司创始人正在“离场”  The Boy Bosses of Silicon Valley Are on Their Way Out   2022-08-11 05:23
  SAN FRANCISCO — The young kings of Silicon Valley are dismounting their unicorns.

【新闻】在我的家乡乌克兰,夏日午后死亡的气味  In My Homeland, the Smell of Death on a Summer Afternoon   2022-08-11 03:50
  LYSYCHANSK, Ukraine — There was a mass grave that held 300 people, and I was standing at its edge. The chalky body bags were piled up in the pit, exposed. One moment before, I was a different person, someone who never knew how wind smelled after it passed over the dead on a pleasant summer afternoon.

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