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【健康】研究:新冠患者康复两年后患大脑和精神疾病的风险依然更高  Covid linked to longer-term elevated risk of brain fog and dementia   2022-08-23 08:30
  Millions of people who have had Covid-19 still face a higher risk of neurological and psychiatric conditions, including brain fog, dementia and psychosis, two years after their illness, compared with those who have had other respiratory infections, according to the single largest study of its kind.

【新闻】特朗普“文件门”细节浮出水面:私宅存有300多份机密文件  Trump Had More Than 300 Classified Documents at Mar-a-Lago   2022-08-23 04:59
  The initial batch of documents retrieved by the National Archives from former President Donald J. Trump in January included more than 150 marked as classified, a number that ignited intense concern at the Justice Department and helped trigger the criminal investigation that led F.B.I. agents to swoop into Mar-a-Lago this month seeking to recover more, multiple people briefed on the matter said.

【新闻】有关巴基斯坦前总理面临恐怖主义指控,目前我们所知的  What We Know About Imran Khan, Pakistan’s Former Prime Minister   2022-08-23 03:31
  Pakistan faces a political flash point after the police filed terrorism charges this weekend against Imran Khan, the former prime minister who has staged an improbable comeback after his ouster earlier this year.

【商业】专家解读央行超预期降息的考量  Further policy easing may be in offing   2022-08-22 17:44
  The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, recently lowered the rate on 400 billion yuan ($58.89 billion) of one-year medium-term lending facility loans to some financial institutions by 10 basis points to 2.75 percent. It also conducted 2 billion yuan of seven-day reverse repo operations at an interest rate of 2 percent, down from 2.1 percent.中国人民银行开展4000亿元中期借贷便利(MLF)操作,20亿元7天公开市场逆回购操作,中标利率均下降10个基点,分别是2.75%和2%。
  It was an unexpected cut in interest rates. In China's second-quarter monetary policy report, the PBOC strengthened its focus on refraining from adopting a deluge of strong stimulus policies. The market expects liquidity to remain ample. As for the 10 bps interest rate cuts by the central bank, we understand they were carried out mainly for the following three reasons.本次央行降息超出市场预期。央行发布二季度货币政策执行报告,强化了对“不搞大水漫灌”的关注。市场预期流动性仍将保持宽松。央行在当前时点降息10个基点,笔者理解主要有以下三个原因。

【科技】新研究:TikTok内置浏览器可追踪用户键盘操作  TikTok Browser Can Track Users’ Keystrokes, According to New Research   2022-08-22 12:25
  The web browser used within the TikTok app can track every keystroke made by its users, according to new research that is surfacing as the Chinese-owned video app grapples with U.S. lawmakers’ concerns over its data practices.

【新闻】俄罗斯官方媒体版本的乌克兰战争  What Russians See in the News: A War Over Western Plans to Subjugate Them   2022-08-22 05:55
  “Vesti Nedeli,” the flagship weekly roundup of Kremlin-controlled television news, recently portrayed a long history of predatory Western powers coming to grief when they invaded Russia: Sweden in the 18th century, France in the 19th, Germany in the 20th.

【新闻】中国清零政策下的国内旅行:滞留与隔离成为常态  Trouble in Paradise: Chinese Tourists Left Stranded During Lockdowns   2022-08-22 04:23
  A few days into a two-week tour through the island province of Hainan — known as the Hawaii of China — Nicole Chan received a message from local authorities that no traveler in the country wants to see in the pandemic.

【新闻】美国代表团访台,正式开启美台贸易谈判  U.S. Delegation Visits Taiwan for Trade Talks, Risking China’s Ire   2022-08-22 01:19
  A delegation including Indiana’s governor arrived in Taiwan on Sunday to begin trade talks with Taipei amid increased U.S. political tensions with China, which launched a barrage of military drills near the island in response to visits this month by American government officials.

【健康】避免“污名化”!世卫组织公开征集猴痘新名字名     2022-08-21 13:26
  Poxy McPoxface、TRUMP-22、Mpox......

【商业】前七月吸收外资近8000亿元 我国对外资吸引力依然强劲  FDI rise confirms nation's economic pull   2022-08-19 15:30
  Foreign direct investment in China has grown 17 percent year-on-year to 798.33 billion yuan ($117.56 billion) in the first seven months of this year, indicating that the country's ability to attract capital is intact despite challenges threatening the recovery of the global economy, said experts and executives of international companies on Thursday.

【新闻】特朗普为何不愿归还白宫机密文件?  Another Trump Mystery: Why Did He Resist Returning the Government’s Documents?   2022-08-19 12:21
  For four years, former President Donald J. Trump treated the federal government and the political apparatus operating in his name as an extension of his private real estate company.

【新闻】中国经历60年来最严峻高温天气,多地限电停工  Factory Shutdowns, Showers for Pigs: China’s Heat Wave Strains Economy   2022-08-19 09:55
  Faced with China’s most searing heat wave in six decades, factories in the country’s southwest are being forced to close. A severe drought has shrunk rivers, disrupting the region’s supply of water and hydropower and prompting officials to limit electricity to businesses and homes. In two cities, office buildings were ordered to shut off the air conditioning to spare an overextended electrical grid, while elsewhere in southern China local governments urged residents and businesses to conserve energy.

【新闻】日本政府面向全国征集“鼓励喝酒”创意  Japan’s government launches competition to get people drinking   2022-08-19 08:30
  The Japanese government has launched a nationwide competition calling for ideas to encourage people to drink more alcohol after a change in attitudes among the young resulted in a slide in tax revenues.

【新闻】作家拉什迪遇袭重燃言论自由辩论  The Stabbing of Salman Rushdie Renews Free Speech Debates   2022-08-18 09:30
  Two years ago Salman Rushdie joined prominent cultural figures signing an open letter decrying an increasingly “intolerant climate” and warning that the “free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted.” It was a declaration of principles Mr. Rushdie had embodied since 1989, when a fatwa by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Supreme Leader of Iran, calling for his murder, made him a reluctant symbol of free speech.

【经济】联合国:全球人口总数即将突破80亿大关 印度明年成人口最多国家  Human population set to cross 8,000,000,000 ‘any day now’   2022-08-18 08:00
  The earth is getting as crowded as it’s ever been as the world’s population is due to cross the 8 billion mark this year.今年全球人口将突破80亿大关,地球正变得前所未有的拥挤。
  The global population is projected to reach 8 billion on 15 November 2022 according to a UN study.根据联合国的一项研究,预计到2022年11月15日全球人口将达到80亿。

【新闻】爆炸、刺杀和心理战:俄占区的乌克兰游击队  Behind Enemy Lines, Ukrainians Tell Russians ‘You Are Never Safe’   2022-08-18 05:35
  ZAPORIZHZHIA, Ukraine — They sneak down darkened alleys to set explosives. They identify Russian targets for Ukrainian artillery and long-range rockets provided by the United States. They blow up rail lines and assassinate officials they consider collaborators with the Russians.

【新闻】发现台湾:台式美食中的身份与政治  In a Tense Political Moment, Taiwanese Cuisine Tells Its Own Story   2022-08-18 05:27
  EMERYVILLE, Calif. — In the bustling open kitchen of Good to Eat Dumplings, the chef Tony Tung makes long, evenly stretched, generously filled Taiwanese dumplings. The bottoms are crunchy and golden, and the filling is unembellished but irresistible — a juicy mix of pork, shrimp and shredded cabbage, lightly perfumed with scallions and sesame oil.
  加州埃默里维尔——在Good to Eat Dumplings餐厅忙碌的开放式厨房里,大厨托尼·董(音)正在制作把面抻成长条形的大馅台湾锅贴。锅贴松脆的底部呈金黄色,馅料普通却让人无法抗拒——有猪肉、有虾,还有卷心菜丝,嫩滑多汁不说,还散发着葱花和芝麻油的淡淡香味。

【新闻】美国将与台湾进行正式贸易谈判  U.S. to Begin Formal Trade Talks With Taiwan   2022-08-18 01:55
  The Biden administration said on Wednesday that it would begin formal trade negotiations with Taiwan this fall, after several weeks of rising tensions over the island democracy that China claims as its own.

【新闻】城镇调查失业率继续下降 但青年就业压力仍存在  Unemployment rate falls, still high in young groups   2022-08-17 15:36
  China's overall unemployment rate continued to drop last month, but remained higher than the same period last year and the numbers of unemployed among the young were of particular concern, an official said on Monday.

【新闻】中国测量船停靠斯里兰卡港口,加剧中印关系紧张  Chinese Military Ship Docks in Sri Lanka Despite India’s Concerns   2022-08-17 10:03
  COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — After weeks of uncertainty, a Chinese surveillance vessel docked at a port in Sri Lanka on Tuesday, raising tensions between neighboring India and China as Indian leaders grow increasingly alarmed by Beijing’s expanding influence in the region.

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