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【新闻】为什么人们对“对称脸”滤镜如此着迷?  When Did We Become So Obsessed With Being ‘Symmetrical’?   2022-08-29 04:45
  Mirrors lie. They reverse things. That face you see in the bathroom every morning, in your makeup compact: that is “opposite you” — the inverse of the face everyone else sees. We all know this, in theory.

【新闻】研究称美人鱼原型儒艮在中国功能性灭绝  A ‘Sea Cow’ That Evoked Mermaids Is Extinct in Chinese Waters, Study Finds   2022-08-29 03:07
  The dugong, a species of so-called sea cow that roams the ocean floor in Asia and Africa and is said to have inspired ancient legends of mermaids, has been spotted off China’s southern coast for centuries.

【商业】美中达成中概股审计监管合作协议  U.S. and China Announce Deal to Share Audits of U.S.-Listed Chinese Firms   2022-08-29 01:47
  American and Chinese officials said Friday that they had reached an agreement to allow accounting firms in China to share more information with American regulators about the finances of Chinese companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges.

【新闻】欧洲干旱致多瑙河水位下降,“二战”船舰残骸重见天日  Europe’s Rivers, Starved by Drought, Reveal Shipwrecks, Relics and Bombs   2022-08-26 11:40
  BERLIN — From the depths of the mighty Danube River, the hulking wrecks of more than a dozen German World War II ships have risen once again, exposed by a drought that has starved Europe’s rivers and led to some of the lowest water levels of the past century.

【新闻】韩国“人间地狱”福利院曝光数十年后,当局承认侵犯人权  ​Decades After a ‘Living Hell,’ Korean Victims​ Win a Step Toward Redres   2022-08-26 10:25
  SEOUL — From 1976 to 1987, military dictators in South Korea ​swept roughly ​38,000 people off the streets, corralling them into a welfare center called Brothers Home. The facility was supposed to feed and teach what the government called vagrants — many of them minors — and train them for jobs.

【健康】褪黑素不是安眠药,如何正确使用它?  Melatonin Isn’t a Sleeping Pill. Here’s How to Use It.   2022-08-26 05:32
  Most people think of melatonin as a natural nod-off aid, kind of like chamomile tea in pill form. Even the name of the popular dietary supplement sounds sleepy — that long “o” sound almost makes you yawn mid-word. But melatonin is also a hormone that our brains naturally produce, and hormones, even in minuscule amounts, can have potent effects throughout the body.

【新闻】联合国新疆人权报告或再次推迟发布  U.N. Report on Rights Abuses in Xinjiang May Be Delayed Again   2022-08-26 01:00
  GENEVA — The United Nations top human rights official, Michelle Bachelet, has signaled that she might not release a long-awaited report about allegations of abuses in China’s far western region of Xinjiang before she leaves office next week, as she had promised. The delay of that report, which Beijing has worked to block, has already exposed her to fierce criticism from human rights groups.

【新闻】数字经济助力中国高质量发展  Digital economy helps empower China's high-quality development   2022-08-25 14:26
  A digital system connecting 1 million electronic research and development (R&D) engineers, 100,000 upstream and downstream factories, and customers from more than 210 countries displays instant information at Jiangxi Jiepei Industrial Internet Co Ltd in Shangrao city, East China's Jiangxi province.

【新闻】身陷“文件门”,不再是总统的特朗普如何自保?  Trump, Without the Presidency’s Protections, Struggles for a Strategy   2022-08-25 11:14
  On Tuesday, a Florida judge informed two lawyers representing former President Donald J. Trump, neither of them licensed in the state, that they had bungled routine paperwork to take part in a suit filed following the F.B.I.’s search this month of Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and private club.

【经济】踩在啤酒上走路是什么感觉?据说很特别……  Walk on beer with these limited-edition sneakers with beer-filled soles   2022-08-25 08:30
  Dutch beer company Heineken recently teamed up with sneaker designer and customizer Dominic Ciambone, aka The Shoe Surgeon, to create a special sneaker with beer-filled soles.

【新闻】若台海爆发冲突,中国可能怎样封锁台湾  How China Could Choke Taiwan   2022-08-25 05:31
  Taiwan’s geography leaves it vulnerable to a blockade. Its population, industry and ports are concentrated on its western flank, closest to China.

【新闻】冰冷的数字背后,乌克兰战争的惨重代价  Thousands of Civilian Deaths and 6.6 Million Refugees: Calculating the Costs of    2022-08-25 02:46
  Day after day for 181 days, the grim ledger of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine grows longer with each missile strike, burst of gunfire and report of atrocities.

【科技】脸书、Twitter等平台移除促进美国影响力相关帐户  Facebook, Twitter and Others Remove Pro-U.S. Influence Campaign   2022-08-25 01:30
  SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter have removed an influence operation from their networks that promoted U.S. foreign policy interests abroad, according to a report on Wednesday by researchers from the Stanford Internet Observatory and the research company Graphika.

【新闻】电影院里的“正能量”:《小黄人2》中国上映版本结局被改  In China’s Version of ‘Minions’ Movie, Morality Triumphs   2022-08-24 10:59
  HONG KONG — The bright yellow creatures known as Minions have caused plenty of chaos on movie screens. When their latest film, “Minions: The Rise of Gru,” opened in China last Friday, censors decided to impose some law and order.
  香港——这些被称为“小黄人”的亮黄色生物在电影屏幕上引起了不少混乱。上周五,当它们的最新影片《小黄人大眼萌:格鲁的崛起》(Minions: The Rise of Gru)在中国上映时,审查机构决定强制实行一些法律与秩序。

【新闻】乌克兰战争半年后,各方如何看待这场冲突?  6 Months Into War, Ukraine and Russia Are Both Reshaped   2022-08-24 05:34
  For six months, a major land war has sown horror in Europe.

【新闻】“世界上的另一个你”也许真的存在  Your Doppelgänger Is Out There and You Probably Share DNA With Them   2022-08-24 02:45
  Charlie Chasen and Michael Malone met in Atlanta in 1997, when Mr. Malone served as a guest singer in Mr. Chasen’s band. They quickly became friends, but they didn’t notice what other people around them did: The two men could pass for twins.

【新闻】终审维持原判,马来西亚前总理纳吉布入狱服刑  Najib Razak, Malaysia’s Former Prime Minister, Is Headed to Prison   2022-08-24 01:10
  Malaysia’s former prime minister, Najib Razak, who was convicted two years ago of participating in a multibillion-dollar corruption scandal, was headed for prison Tuesday to start serving a 12-year sentence after the nation’s highest court rejected his final appeal.

【经济】专家:央行降息将促进我国经济复苏  Experts: Rate cuts set to boost economic recovery   2022-08-23 16:09
  The reduction in China's benchmark lending rates on Monday will boost the nation's economic recovery by spurring corporate and household spending and stabilizing the real estate sector, experts said.

【新闻】在全球范围内,民主是如何受到威胁的?  How Democracy Is Under Threat Across the Globe   2022-08-23 12:06
  The United States is far from alone in facing pressure on its democratic norms and institutions. According to data from V-Dem, a monitoring institute based in Sweden, more democracies are declining, and even sliding into autocracy, today than at any point in the last century. This trend, continuing for over a decade, appears to be accelerating, data shows, affecting established and fragile democracies alike across the globe.

【新闻】高温干旱对中国经济造成新打击,央行宣布降息  Drought Hurts China’s Economy as Central Bank Cuts Rates   2022-08-23 10:00
  HONG KONG — Record-high temperatures and a severe drought in west-central China have crippled hydropower generation and prompted the shutdown of many factories there, in the latest blow to a Chinese economy that already has stagnant consumer spending and a deeply troubled real estate market.

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