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【新闻】“埋葬自由与希望”:俄罗斯人追悼戈尔巴乔夫,普京缺席  Russians Mourn Gorbachev in Silent Protest Against an Absent Putin   2022-09-05 04:36
  MOSCOW — Thousands of Russians on Saturday stood for several hours in snaking lines amid a heavy police presence to pay their respects to Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, who died on Tuesday.

【新闻】美国秘密研发生物武器?克里姆林宫荒谬而持久的阴谋论  Russia’s Unfounded Claims of Secret U.S. Bioweapons Linger On and On   2022-09-05 01:51
  The United States secretly manufactured biological weapons in Ukraine. It trained birds to carry pathogens into Russia. It created Covid-19. It operated laboratories in Nigeria that engineered this year’s outbreak of monkeypox.

【科技】扎心了!研究发现缺觉的人胳膊大腿更粗     2022-09-04 08:00
  Short sleepers had higher trunk, arms and legs Fat Mass Index, compared to normal sleepers, whereas no significant difference was found in long sleepers.
  这项“扎心”的研究被刊登在国际营养学杂志《Nutrients》上。研究分析了 2011-2018年美国国家健康和营养检查调查(US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)中9413位参与者的睡眠情况,将人们每天的睡眠时长(sleep duration)分为短睡眠时长(少于7小时)、正常睡眠时长(7-9小时)和长睡眠时长(9小时以上)。

【经济】关机不断电?注意了,这个情况你家也有……     2022-09-03 08:00
  Did you know that if your TV, computer and other appliances are plugged in, they are quietly draining electricity - all day, every day - even when they are turned off? Electric power consumed by products when they are switched off or in a standby mode is known as standby power (sometimes called vampire power or phantom power).

【新闻】联合国人权报告对维吾尔人来说意味着什么  For Uyghurs, U.N. Report on China’s Abuses Is Long-Awaited Vindication   2022-09-02 10:11
  HONG KONG — At first China said there was “no such thing” as re-education centers that held vast numbers of people in its far western Xinjiang region. Then, as more reports emerged that hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs and members of other largely Muslim groups were being detained, Beijing acknowledged the camps’ existence but described them as vocational training centers.

【新闻】美国人均预期寿命两年减少近三岁 新冠疫情是罪魁祸首  US life expectancy plunged again in 2021, down nearly a year   2022-09-02 08:00
  US life expectancy dropped for the second consecutive year in 2021, falling by nearly a year from 2020, according to a government report being released Wednesday.8月31日美国官方发布的一份报告显示,2021年美国人均预期寿命连续第二年下降,较2020年缩短了近一年。
  In the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the estimated American lifespan has shortened by nearly three years. The last comparable decrease happened in the early 1940s, during the height of World War II.在新冠疫情暴发后的前两年,美国人均预期寿命缩短了近三年。上一次类似的下降发生在20世纪40年代初,即第二次世界大战高潮时期。

【文化】日本投降后的十年,战争在亚洲大陆爆发  When Japan Surrendered, Wars Broke Out   2022-09-02 04:08
  A CONTINENT ERUPTS: Decolonization, Civil War, and Massacre in Postwar Asia, 1945-1955, by Ronald H. Spector

【经济】今年1-7月我国中小企业经营企稳 为经济平稳运行奠定基础  China's SMEs show stable development in Jan-July period   2022-09-01 16:19
  China's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) showed stable development in the first seven months of the year, laying a solid foundation for the steady operation of the country's macroeconomy, official data showed Tuesday.

【新闻】戈尔巴乔夫逝世:终结冷战掀开“铁幕”、任内苏联解体  Mikhail S. Gorbachev, Reformist Soviet Leader, Is Dead at 91   2022-09-01 10:48
  Mikhail S. Gorbachev, whose rise to power in the Soviet Union set in motion a series of revolutionary changes that transformed the map of Europe and ended the Cold War that had threatened the world with nuclear annihilation, has died in Moscow. He was 91.


【新闻】通过乌克兰战争,普京试图抛却戈尔巴乔夫的政治遗产  With War in Ukraine, Putin Tries to Unravel Gorbachev’s Legacy   2022-09-01 10:07
  The day that Russia invaded Ukraine, Feb. 24, the legacy of Mikhail S. Gorbachev loomed over President Vladimir V. Putin’s predawn speech.

【新闻】英国女大学生成不化妆参加英格兰小姐选美第一人  Miss England finalist becomes first in pageant's history to compete without    2022-09-01 08:30
  A Miss England finalist has become the first ever beauty queen to compete without wearing any makeup in the pageant's nearly century-long history.

【新闻】西方对戈尔巴乔夫和自由主义胜利的幻觉  The West’s Illusions About Gorbachev and the Victory of Liberalism   2022-09-01 05:29
  PARIS — Mikhail S. Gorbachev believed the Soviet Union could be preserved without recourse to violence. This proved to be a misunderstanding of the nature of the repressive empire he ruled. The Soviet imperium collapsed in 1991, its ending embraced by the West as a victory for freedom and liberal democracy.

【新闻】联合国人权报告:中国在新疆可能犯下危害人类罪  U.N. Says China May Have Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang   2022-09-01 02:01
  GENEVA — In a long-awaited report released on Wednesday, the United Nations’ human rights office accused China of actions that “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity,” in its mass detention of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim groups in its far western region of Xinjiang.

【新闻】2025年中国公有云市场规模将达900亿美元  Public cloud to double to $90b by 2025 in nation   2022-08-31 15:10
  China's next wave of cloud migration is expected to be spearheaded by critical industrial and manufacturing sectors, and the country's public cloud market will more than double from $32 billion in 2021 to $90 billion by 2025, said global management consulting firm McKinsey& Company.

【新闻】中国管控、朝鲜封闭:疫情下沈阳遭遇双重打击  Lockdowns in China, and North Korea, Deal Double Blow to Bridge City   2022-08-31 03:54
  SHENYANG, China — There are plenty of reasons that business has been lousy recently at Steven Wen’s clothing store in Shenyang, the largest city in northeastern China.

【新闻】所罗门群岛暂停外国军舰访问,美国担忧其转向中国  Solomon Islands Suspends Visits by Foreign Military Ships, Raising Concerns in U   2022-08-31 02:43
  WASHINGTON — The Solomon Islands has suspended visits by U.S. and other foreign military vessels, American officials said Tuesday, raising concerns in Washington that the Pacific nation is turning away from engagement with the United States in favor of working with China.

【商业】一段70年的城市发展史:香港大型锯木厂志记将关闭  ‘Wood Is Life’: A Hong Kong Sawmill’s Last Days   2022-08-30 07:23
  HONG KONG — From the brine-soaked docks of a ferry pier to the red-painted pillars of a Buddhist temple, many an aging wooden structure in Hong Kong has found new purpose in the hands of Wong Hung-kuen.

【新闻】芬兰总理派对风波:我们期待怎样的国家领导人?  In Finland, a Partying Prime Minister Draws Tuts, and Cheers   2022-08-30 04:48
  HELSINKI, Finland — Last fall, Prime Minister Sanna Marin of Finland, a 36-year-old leather-jacket-wearing regular at rock festivals, vowed that she wanted to “live like a person my age” and “shake up” the highest office in the government.

【健康】猴痘病毒如何颠覆了科学家的认知  This Is Not the Monkeypox That Doctors Thought They Knew   2022-08-30 04:21
  Early in the monkeypox outbreak, a man in his 20s arrived at an emergency department in Northern California, tiny blisters on his lips, hands and back. Within 12 hours, doctors diagnosed him with monkeypox.

【新闻】佩洛西访台后,美国军舰首次通过台湾海峡  U.S. Warships Sail Taiwan Strait, Defying Chinese Pressure   2022-08-29 11:02
  HONG KONG — The U.S. Navy said that two of its warships were sailing through the Taiwan Strait on Sunday, the first such passage by American ships since China began large-scale military exercises in response to a visit to Taiwan by Speaker Nancy Pelosi early this month.

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