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【新闻】查尔斯继承王位:从丑闻和质疑中走出的新任英国君主  Long an Uneasy Prince, King Charles III Takes On a Role He Was Born To   2022-09-09 05:47
  LONDON — Never, perhaps, has an heir been more ready for the crown.

【新闻】女王伊丽莎白二世逝世:英国在位最长君主,见证时代起落  Queen Elizabeth II Dies at 96; Was Britain’s Longest-Reigning Monarch   2022-09-09 01:57
  LONDON — Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-serving monarch, whose broadly popular seven-decade reign survived tectonic shifts in her country’s post-imperial society and weathered successive challenges posed by the romantic choices, missteps and imbroglios of her descendants, died on Thursday at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, her summer retreat. She was 96.

【经济】提高资源利用效率产业前景看好  Energy efficiency emerging as big business with investment potential   2022-09-08 14:43
  Energy efficiency is emerging as a burgeoning market with increasing investment opportunities as China pledged to accelerate the formation of a resource pricing mechanism during a recent meeting amid attempts to call for sustainably using resources while minimizing environmental impact, experts said.

【经济】为减少碳排放 荷兰城市全球首禁肉食广告  Dutch city becomes world’s first to ban meat adverts in public   2022-09-08 08:30
  A Dutch city will become the first in the world to ban meat adverts from public spaces in an effort to reduce consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

【新闻】在美国,有些人开始“躺平”  Who Is Quiet Quitting For?   2022-09-08 06:03
  “I recently learned about this term called ‘quiet quitting’ where you’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond,” says Zaiad Khan, a TikTok user with over 10,000 followers, in a soothing voice, juxtaposed with a video of the New York City subway. “You are still performing your duties, but you are no longer subscribing to the hustle culture mentally that work has to be our life.”
  “我最近了解到一个叫做‘躺平’(quiet quitting)的说法,它的意思是,虽然没有直接离职,但放弃了努力进取的想法,”在一段以纽约市地铁为背景的视频中,有上万关注者的TikTok用户扎伊亚德·汗用舒缓的声音说道。“你仍在履行职责,但你心里不再认同工作就是生活的全部这种奋斗文化。”

【新闻】追逐“巨型冰雹”  The Hunt for Big Hail   2022-09-08 04:10
  In August, a couple of days before his 68th birthday, Leslie Scott, a cattle rancher in Vivian, S.D., went to the post office, where he received some bad news. His world record had been broken, the clerk told him. That is, the hailstone Mr. Scott collected in 2010, which measured eight inches across and weighed nearly two pounds, was no longer the largest ever recorded. Some people in Canada had found a bigger one, the clerk said.

【经济】高通胀或致全美数百万人税负增加,得州税收额创历史新高涨幅近26%  Texas tax revenue jumps by record 26% as inflation rages   2022-09-07 17:43
  Texas is raking in a record-high amount in tax revenue, thanks in part to economic growth and surging inflation pushing the cost of everyday goods higher.

【新闻】美国最新解密情报:俄罗斯向朝鲜购买武器  Russia Is Buying North Korean Artillery, According to U.S. Intelligence   2022-09-07 12:57
  WASHINGTON — Russia is buying millions of artillery shells and rockets from North Korea, according to newly declassified American intelligence, a sign that global sanctions have severely restricted its supply chains and forced Moscow to turn to pariah states for military supplies.

【科技】中国如何塑造了今天的iPhone  How China Has Added to Its Influence Over the iPhone   2022-09-07 12:23
  This fall, Apple will make some of its flagship iPhones outside China for the first time, a small but significant change for a company that has built one of the most sophisticated supply chains in the world with the help of the Chinese authorities. But the development of the iPhone 14, which is expected to be unveiled on Wednesday, shows how complicated it will be for Apple to truly untangle itself from China.
  今年秋天,苹果将首次在中国以外的地方生产部分旗舰款iPhone,对于这家在中国政府的帮助下打造出全球最复杂供应链之一的公司,这是一个动静虽小却意义重大的变化。但预计将于周三发布的iPhone 14的研发过程还是表明,苹果要真正脱离中国将会多么困难。

【科技】科学家发明蟑螂机器人 可用于搜索和救援任务  Scientists create a remote-controlled cyborg cockroach   2022-09-07 08:00
  While it may sound like something that has crawled out of your nightmares, cyborg cockroaches have arrived as friends rather than foes.

【新闻】远离战火与流血,莫斯科人如常生活  ‘Nothing Has Really Changed’: In Moscow, the Fighting Is a World Away   2022-09-07 04:19
  MOSCOW — On a recent evening in Red Square, a corps of elite paratroopers dressed in camouflage performed a battle-like dance with pyrotechnics. An Egyptian performer dressed as a pharaoh rode back and forth in a chariot wielding an ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life, as a band played “Katyusha,” a Soviet-era patriotic war song.

【经济】2022年服贸会圆满收官 为世界经济复苏注入动力  CIFTIS ends, sees large number of deals, agreements, product launches   2022-09-06 16:24
  The grand event, which concluded on Monday in Beijing, saw 1,339 deals clinched, including 513 commercial transactions, 175 investment agreements and 173 releases of new product and service solutions, according to the fair's organizing committee.

【新闻】恶性通胀导致生活质量骤降 英国掀起罢工潮  Strikes sweep Britain as soaring inflation savages living standards   2022-09-06 08:30
  Workers in the United Kingdom have had enough of falling living standards.

【新闻】中国跨境电商Shein为何风靡美国  The People’s Republic of Shein   2022-09-06 05:22
  PLANO, Texas — There was some desperation in the air at the indoor mall where Shein had opened a pop-up store.

【新闻】英国新首相特拉斯:新“铁娘子”如何应对内忧外患?  A Hawkish Diplomat Takes Control, Facing Hard Times and Johnson’s Ghost   2022-09-06 02:36
  LONDON — As a passionate 19-year-old student at Oxford in 1994, Elizabeth Truss called for a referendum to abolish the British monarchy, telling an audience of fellow Liberal Democrats, “We do not believe that people should be born to rule.”

【经济】四大行加大逆周期信贷投放力度 稳定经济增长  Big Four to up lending in H2, stabilize growth   2022-09-05 14:00
  Liao Lin, president of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, said the lender will see a higher increase in credit extension year-on-year in the second half and for the full year of 2022.

【新闻】拜登政府批准超11亿美元对台军售,中国威胁将反制  China Threatens Reaction After U.S. Announces Arms Sales to Taiwan   2022-09-05 09:58
  HONG KONG — China threatened over the weekend to take countermeasures after the Biden administration approved the sale of more than $1.1 billion worth of arms to Taiwan.

【科技】美国将进一步限制对中俄出口高端芯片  U.S. Restricts Sales of Sophisticated Chips to China and Russia   2022-09-05 09:55
  The Biden administration has imposed new restrictions on sales of some sophisticated computer chips to China and Russia, the U.S. government’s latest attempt to use semiconductors as a tool to hobble rivals’ advances in fields such as high-performance computing and artificial intelligence.

【新闻】揭晓:最消耗热量的8种减肥运动方式  These 8 exercises burn the most calories for weight loss, according to experts   2022-09-05 08:30

【新闻】训练残酷、药物泛滥:受训学员之死暴露海豹突击队阴暗面  Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs   2022-09-05 05:38
  CORONADO, Calif. — Kyle Mullen always had the natural drive and talent that made success look easy. Until he tried out for the Navy SEALs.

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