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【新闻】共享中国机遇 第二十二届投洽会圆满落幕  How amazing trade fair set record amid heat wave   2022-09-19 15:04
  Yet, in front of the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center, men and women in business professional attire were a busy lot. They went through the security checks in an orderly way, to reach the 22nd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT), held from Sept 8 to 11.

【新闻】美国按揭利率创下14年新高 购房成本大增  US mortgage rates hit 14-year high as inflation soars   2022-09-19 08:30
  The cost of a typical mortgage in the US has hit its highest level since the 2008 financial crisis as the country battles to rein in soaring prices.

【健康】总是觉得累,这是抑郁还是倦怠?  How Can I Tell if I’m Depressed or Burned Out?   2022-09-19 05:08
  Q: I’m tired all the time and feel unproductive at work. How do I know if I’m depressed or burned out?

【新闻】他们哀悼英国女王,也哀悼香港的过去  In Mourning the Queen, Some in Hong Kong Mourn the Past   2022-09-19 03:11
  HONG KONG — Many people lining up outside the British Consulate General here this week were mourning not just the death of Queen Elizabeth II but the loss of what the city once was.

【新闻】减税降费政策为市场主体添活力  China's tax, fee cuts, deferrals inject market vitality   2022-09-16 15:32
  China's tax and fee cuts and deferrals are injecting vitality into the country's market players, official data shows.官方数据显示,中国的减税降费及退税缓税缓费政策为市场主体注入活力。
  The country's accumulated tax refunds, tax and fee cuts, and tax and fee deferrals this year topped 3.3 trillion yuan (477.56 billion US dollars) by Aug. 31, according to the State Taxation Administration.国家税务总局数据显示,今年以来截至8月31日,累计新增减税降费及退税缓税缓费超过3.3万亿元。

【教育】荷兰学生发明“捕碳”电动车 行驶中可“吃掉”二氧化碳  Dutch students devise carbon-eating electric vehicle   2022-09-16 08:00
  The sporty all-electric car from the Netherlands resembles a BMW coupe, but is unique: It captures more carbon than it emits.

【商业】芯片的魔力:当“硅盾”成为台湾的保护伞  How Silicon Chips Rule the World   2022-09-16 03:21
  When I first arrived in Taiwan as a college student in the summer of 1973, there was no ambiguity whatsoever about the American role on the island.

【新闻】关于伊丽莎白女王葬礼,你应该知道的  A Detailed Rundown of Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral Day   2022-09-16 03:02
  LONDON — The processions, mourning and commemorations that have followed the death of Queen Elizabeth II will culminate on Monday with the queen’s funeral at 11 a.m. (London time) at Westminster Abbey, an event that will draw dignitaries from across the globe and a massive worldwide audience watching online and on television.

【新闻】中国对世界经济增长贡献率全球居首 具备长期发展坚实基础  China biggest contributor to global growth   2022-09-15 15:00
  China is playing an increasingly important role in driving global economic recovery amid fears over a gloomy world economic outlook and pressures from COVID-19 outbreaks and geopolitical tensions, experts said.

【新闻】欧洲计划禁止使用强迫劳动制造产品,或打击新疆出口  Europe Plans to Ban Goods Made With Forced Labor   2022-09-15 12:22
  BRUSSELS — The European Union said on Wednesday that it aimed to ban all goods that were the product of forced labor, a move that analysts predicted could hit exports from Xinjiang, the Chinese region where Beijing is believed to be forcing ethnic Uyghurs to work in camps.

【新闻】通胀打击消费力 美国送礼季不再疯狂  Americans won’t be going crazy with holiday gifting this year   2022-09-15 08:30
  The kids, the grandparents, the babysitter, maybe your favorite aunt or uncle. That’s it.

【文化】一名维吾尔作家消失在新疆拘禁营,这部小说替他发声  A Uyghur Author and Translator Were Detained. Now, Their Novel Speaks For Them.   2022-09-15 04:38
  Perhat Tursun was eager for his novel, “The Backstreets,” to come out in the United States. It would be the first Uyghur novel to appear in English, and he considered the grim tale of one man’s struggle within an oppressive environment one of his most consequential works.
  帕尔哈提·吐尔逊非常渴望自己的小说《后街》(The Backstreets)能在美国出版。这将是第一部用英文出版的维吾尔小说,他认为这个讲述了一个人在压迫环境中挣扎的残酷故事是他最重要的作品之一。

【新闻】中国成为推动全球能源转型关键力量  China 'key' to global green transition   2022-09-14 17:17
  China's advances in new energy development have won it the opportunity to lead the creation of international standards for new power systems, which will further accelerate the global transition to a low-carbon energy structure, experts said.

【新闻】我们在上海封城时相爱,却在解封后说了再见  Lockdown Was Our Romantic Bubble, but Bubbles Burst   2022-09-14 05:18
  During the two months of lockdown last spring in Shanghai, residents were mostly confined to their homes and hallways. For a single woman like me who, at 29, lives alone and is self-employed, my entire life was reduced to me, myself and I.

【新闻】山西“老醋月饼”卖爆了!网友:爱吃醋和不爱吃醋的都沉默了     2022-09-11 08:00
  As Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, people are looking for their favorite mooncakes with different fillings. Some like sweet ones, while others prefer savory.

【科技】网恋为什么流行?研究:看不见对方,更容易产生好感  Why it’s really possible to fall in love online   2022-09-10 08:00
  Falling in love sight unseen, often through the written word, has been happening for centuries. The Web has only made it easier.

【新闻】我国1-8月外贸表现强劲 下半年有望保持两位数增速  Stronger foreign trade expected   2022-09-09 16:00
  China's foreign trade is expected to expand steadily in the coming months, driven by the government's supportive policies and the resilience of its industrial chain in electromechanical industry, experts said on Wednesday.

【商业】中国罕见干旱进一步扰乱全球供应链  Climate Change Could Worsen Supply Chain Turmoil   2022-09-09 10:52
  Chinese factories were shuttered again in late August, a frequent occurrence in a country that has imposed intermittent lockdowns to fight the coronavirus. But this time, the culprit was not the pandemic. Instead, a record-setting drought crippled economic activity across southwestern China, freezing international supply chains for automobiles, electronics and other goods that have been routinely disrupted over the past three years.

【经济】瑞士节能新规:今冬供暖室温不得超19度,违者最高判3年  Violators of Swiss heating rules could go to jail   2022-09-09 10:00
  The Swiss government has taken drastic steps to alleviate the energy crisis gripping Europe, local newspaper Blick reported on Tuesday. Those who violate the government’s heating regulations this winter could be given a fine or even jail time, it said.

【经济】比尔·盖茨联手三星发明环保马桶 能把便便净化成灰  Bill Gates and Samsung are working on a toilet that turns your poop into ash   2022-09-09 09:21
  For over a decade, Bill Gates has had a distinct focus on toilets. As part of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Reinvent the Toilet Challenge launched in 2011, part of an effort to transform toilet technologies to manage human waste safely and effectively for the billions of people using unsafe sanitation facilities across the globe.

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