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【新闻】美国城市拟立法限制宠物”吵闹”,狗叫扰民主人或被处千元罚款  Atlanta city council seeks to fine residents if dogs bark too much   2022-09-23 09:30
【新闻】为什么奥密克戎仍是新冠病毒最主要的变异株  Why Omicron Might Stick Around   2022-09-23 04:36
【新闻】“我没有任何理由为国家而死”:征兵引发俄罗斯男性出逃潮  ‘A Lot of Panic’: Russian Men, Fearing Ukraine Draft, Seek Refuge Abroad   2022-09-23 03:38
【新闻】“为生命、自由与女性”:伊朗反政府抗议活动升级  Protests Intensify in Iran Over Woman Who Died in Custody   2022-09-23 01:32
【科技】TikTok CEO被指决策权有限,受字节跳动限制  TikTok’s C.E.O. Navigates the Limits of His Power   2022-09-23 01:31
【新闻】关于伊朗反政府抗议活动,你应该了解的几个问题  What’s Driving the Protests in Iran?   2022-09-23 01:27
【经济】浙江开启新一轮促消费活动  Shopping festival to pry open wallets   2022-09-22 14:40
【新闻】拜登联合国大会发言批评中国和伊朗人权记录  Biden criticizes Iran and China on human rights and security issues.   2022-09-22 11:39
【科技】研究:夜猫子患糖尿病和心脏病的风险更高  Night owls at high risk of certain chronic diseases, study says   2022-09-22 08:30
【新闻】普京威胁升级战争,被逼入绝境的他比任何时候都更加危险  A Cornered Vladimir Putin Is More Dangerous Than Ever   2022-09-22 02:14
【经济】今年前8个月我国吸收外资同比增长16.4%  Jan-Aug FDI up 16%, likely to grow this year   2022-09-21 17:23
【新闻】从加冕到国葬:伊丽莎白女王与一代人的生命见证  From Coronation to Funeral: Bookends to the Life of a Queen, and a Generation   2022-09-21 11:05
【商业】欧洲企业对华投资兴趣减弱  European Interest in China Investments Wanes   2022-09-21 11:03
【新闻】首次!大英图书馆收录16部中国网文,含《赘婿》、《画春光》……  British Library adds Chinese online novels to collection   2022-09-21 09:30
【新闻】拜登称新冠大流行已经结束,许多美国人并不同意  Biden Says the Pandemic Is Over. But at Least 400 People Are Dying Daily.   2022-09-21 05:15
【新闻】女王形象无处不在,英国王室如何“改头换面”?  What Will the Royal Makeover Cost?   2022-09-21 03:21
【新闻】我国将落实扎实稳经济政策措施 促进消费加快复苏  Stimulating consumption atop agenda   2022-09-20 14:19
【新闻】美国迪士尼乐园票价飞涨 多数粉丝称乐园已“失去魔力”  Disney World 'enthusiasts' say theme park has 'lost its magic'   2022-09-20 08:30
【经济】欧洲能源危机致碳酸短缺 德国啤酒厂商愁应对  German drinks makers suffer as energy crisis hits carbon dioxide supplies   2022-09-20 08:00
【文化】她用诗歌唤醒文革记忆,挖掘被掩盖和忽视的历史  Jenny Xie Explores the Subversive Power of the Concealed and the Overlooked   2022-09-20 05:49

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