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【新闻】美国城市拟立法限制宠物”吵闹”,狗叫扰民主人或被处千元罚款  Atlanta city council seeks to fine residents if dogs bark too much   2022-09-23 09:30
  Atlanta pet owners could soon have to keep their furry friends quiet or face increasingly large fees.

【新闻】为什么奥密克戎仍是新冠病毒最主要的变异株  Why Omicron Might Stick Around   2022-09-23 04:36
  Where is Pi?

【新闻】“我没有任何理由为国家而死”:征兵引发俄罗斯男性出逃潮  ‘A Lot of Panic’: Russian Men, Fearing Ukraine Draft, Seek Refuge Abroad   2022-09-23 03:38
  A little more than 12 hours after he heard that Russian civilians could be pressed into military service in the Ukraine war, the tour guide said he bought a plane ticket and a laptop, changed money, wrapped up his business, kissed his crying mother goodbye and boarded a plane out of his country, with no idea when he might return.

【新闻】“为生命、自由与女性”:伊朗反政府抗议活动升级  Protests Intensify in Iran Over Woman Who Died in Custody   2022-09-23 01:32
  Antigovernment protests in Iran over the death of a 22-year-old woman in police custody are intensifying, and dozens of cities are embroiled in unrest that has been met with a crackdown by the authorities, according to witnesses, videos posted on social media and human rights groups.

【科技】TikTok CEO被指决策权有限,受字节跳动限制  TikTok’s C.E.O. Navigates the Limits of His Power   2022-09-23 01:31
  TikTok recently tried to tamp down concerns from U.S. lawmakers that it poses a national security threat because it is owned by the Chinese internet company ByteDance. The viral video app insisted it had an arm’s-length relationship with ByteDance and that its own executive was in charge.

【新闻】关于伊朗反政府抗议活动,你应该了解的几个问题  What’s Driving the Protests in Iran?   2022-09-23 01:27
  The antigovernment protests that have erupted in cities across Iran in response to a young woman’s death in the custody of the country’s morality police have struck a national nerve.

【经济】浙江开启新一轮促消费活动  Shopping festival to pry open wallets   2022-09-22 14:40
  Authorities in East China's Zhejiang province recently launched a three-month shopping campaign to stimulate consumption and promote high-quality economic development.

【新闻】拜登联合国大会发言批评中国和伊朗人权记录  Biden criticizes Iran and China on human rights and security issues.   2022-09-22 11:39
  In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, President Biden criticized the governments of Iran and China for their human rights records, while vowing that the United States would always stand up for those rights.

【科技】研究:夜猫子患糖尿病和心脏病的风险更高  Night owls at high risk of certain chronic diseases, study says   2022-09-22 08:30
  If you prefer to go to bed and get up later – a sleep chronotype known as being a night owl – you may be at higher risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease, a new study found.

【新闻】普京威胁升级战争,被逼入绝境的他比任何时候都更加危险  A Cornered Vladimir Putin Is More Dangerous Than Ever   2022-09-22 02:14
  Vladimir V. Putin’s menacing televised address on Wednesday was much more than a bid to change the course of his faltering war against Ukraine. It attempted to invert a war of aggression against a neighbor into one of defense of a threatened “motherland,” a theme that resonates with Russians steeped in patriotic history.

【经济】今年前8个月我国吸收外资同比增长16.4%  Jan-Aug FDI up 16%, likely to grow this year   2022-09-21 17:23
  Bright prospects for growth, further opening-up measures and sufficient power supply at a reasonable cost will keep China's attraction for global capital strong-and foreign investment will likely grow by double digits this year, said experts and business executives on Monday.

【新闻】从加冕到国葬:伊丽莎白女王与一代人的生命见证  From Coronation to Funeral: Bookends to the Life of a Queen, and a Generation   2022-09-21 11:05
  LONDON — It has become a kind of badge of honor among baby boomers to recall how they watched on tiny black-and-white television sets on that day in June 1953, when Elizabeth II was crowned as postwar Britain’s first and thus far only queen.

【商业】欧洲企业对华投资兴趣减弱  European Interest in China Investments Wanes   2022-09-21 11:03
  BEIJING — European corporate investment in China, a key source of Western technology and capital since China began opening up its economy four decades ago, is falling steeply and now mostly limited to a handful of multinationals, three new reports show.

【新闻】首次!大英图书馆收录16部中国网文,含《赘婿》、《画春光》……  British Library adds Chinese online novels to collection   2022-09-21 09:30
  Recently, 16 Chinese online novels have been added to the collection of the British Library, including My Heroic Husband, The Era of the Earth, The First Order, Great Doctor Ling Ran, The Wisdom of Great Song Dynasty and Great Power, Heavy Industry. Covering themes of science fiction, history, reality and fantasy, these works are considered the classics of Chinese online literature from the past 20 years.

【新闻】拜登称新冠大流行已经结束,许多美国人并不同意  Biden Says the Pandemic Is Over. But at Least 400 People Are Dying Daily.   2022-09-21 05:15
  WASHINGTON — With 400 to 500 Americans still dying every day of Covid-19, President Biden has declared that “the pandemic is over.”

【新闻】女王形象无处不在,英国王室如何“改头换面”?  What Will the Royal Makeover Cost?   2022-09-21 03:21
  Queen Elizabeth II’s image is ubiquitous. Her face is on British money — the blue five-pound notes, the bronze one-pound coin. It’s on post boxes and stamps. The royal coat of arms is on condiment jars and jackets. Since her death this month, Queen Elizabeth’s face has been all over nonstop news coverage. But before long, the visage of King Charles III will replace his mother’s in official and unofficial capacities.

【新闻】我国将落实扎实稳经济政策措施 促进消费加快复苏  Stimulating consumption atop agenda   2022-09-20 14:19
  China is making all-out efforts to implement a series of stimulus packages and follow-up measures to bolster the economy, the country's top economic regulator said on Monday.

【新闻】美国迪士尼乐园票价飞涨 多数粉丝称乐园已“失去魔力”  Disney World 'enthusiasts' say theme park has 'lost its magic'   2022-09-20 08:30
  A majority of "self-described Disney World enthusiasts" say the Florida theme park has "lost its magic" due to skyrocketing costs, according to a recent study.

【经济】欧洲能源危机致碳酸短缺 德国啤酒厂商愁应对  German drinks makers suffer as energy crisis hits carbon dioxide supplies   2022-09-20 08:00
  A shortage of carbon dioxide is causing German drinks manufacturers to cut production and warn of bankruptcies, in the latest sign of how Europe’s energy crisis is sending shockwaves through the region’s economy.

【文化】她用诗歌唤醒文革记忆,挖掘被掩盖和忽视的历史  Jenny Xie Explores the Subversive Power of the Concealed and the Overlooked   2022-09-20 05:49
  The poet Jenny Xie was exploring the library stacks at the Shanghai campus of N.Y.U., where she was on a fellowship, when a book with a bright red cover caught her eye. In it, she found hundreds of photos of China’s Cultural Revolution.

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