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【经济】【双语财讯】工信部原部长苗圩:新能源车渗透率超50%的目标或提前十年实  China expected to achieve 50% NEV penetration rate a decade ahead of schedule   2024-01-24 16:59
【新闻】人类需要冬眠吗?  Do humans need to hibernate, too? What the research shows   2024-01-23 17:30
【新闻】【双语财讯】国家发展改革委:“银发经济”蕴含巨大发展机遇  'Silver economy' offers great biz potential   2024-01-23 16:32
【新闻】【双语财讯】专访彭博全球首席经济学家:中国应将2024年经济增长目标定为  Expert: Nation must aim for 5 percent growth this year   2024-01-22 17:09
【新闻】美国二手房销量降至新低 创下1995年以来最差表现  US home sales see worst year since 1995   2024-01-22 16:45
【新闻】大寒将至:关于大寒的6个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 6 things you may not know about Major Cold   2024-01-19 15:14
【经济】全球贫富差距进一步扩大 五大富豪财富翻倍  World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer   2024-01-15 16:14
【经济】【双语财讯】2023年外贸“成绩单”出炉:货物贸易进出口同比增长0.2%  China's foreign trade up 0.2% in 2023   2024-01-12 17:48
【文化】《繁花》“点燃”上海黄河路,昔日著名美食街“翻红”  Hit TV drama 'Blossoms' drives a new craze in Shanghai   2024-01-12 17:41
【新闻】春节倒计时:中国人过年都有哪些传统?  Must-do prep for prosperous Spring Festival in China   2024-01-11 17:25
【经济】【双语财讯】中小企业发展指数稳步回升  SME performance improves in 2023   2024-01-11 17:00
【新闻】2023年为全球有气象记录以来最暖年  2023 was warmest year on record in China   2024-01-10 17:28
【新闻】【双语财讯】商务部:中国将加快建设贸易强国  China makes efforts to turn into a trader of quality, says Commerce Minister   2024-01-10 15:46
【科技】研究:每升瓶装水含有数十万个纳米塑料 可入侵人体细胞  Bottled water contains thousands of nanoplastics so small they can invade the bo   2024-01-09 17:41
【商业】【双语财讯】央行:提高人民币国际化质量和水平  PBOC to enhance global presence of RMB, manage risks   2024-01-09 17:14
【新闻】养成一个习惯,“21天法则”真的够吗?  Do you really need 21 days to build a habit?   2024-01-08 17:40
【新闻】【双语财讯】三部门公布横琴粤澳深度合作区有关税收政策  China adjusts tariff policies for Guangdong-Macao cooperation zone   2024-01-05 18:15
【经济】因涨价太多 家乐福将下架百事可乐产品  Pepsi pulled from supermarket shelves in Europe over price increases   2024-01-05 14:12
【新闻】意大利名厨在披萨上放菠萝 网友因此吵翻了……  Italy divided over new pineapple pizza   2024-01-04 17:48
【科技】【双语财讯】国家将鼓励民营企业参与国家重大工程项目建设  Private sector to get active support for major projects   2024-01-04 17:38

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