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【经济】【双语财讯】工信部原部长苗圩:新能源车渗透率超50%的目标或提前十年实 China expected to achieve 50% NEV penetration rate a decade ahead of schedule 2024-01-24 16:59 | |
Miao Wei, former minister of industry and information technology, said "China's new energy vehicle development has entered a brand-new stage of comprehensive market expansion, which will drive the NEV penetration rate to reach 50 percent as early as 2025."
苗圩表示:“我国新能源汽车已进入全面市场化拓展的新阶段,最早在2025年新能源汽车渗透率将达到50%。” | |
【新闻】人类需要冬眠吗? Do humans need to hibernate, too? What the research shows 2024-01-23 17:30 | |
“If you feel like sleeping more in the winter, you’re not alone,” said Dr. Raj Dasgupta, an associate professor of clinical medicine at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, California, citing research that found at least a third of American adults reported they sleep more in the winter.
加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳亨廷顿纪念医院临床医学副教授拉吉·达斯古普塔博士说:"如果你觉得冬天睡得更多,那你并不孤单。"他引用的研究发现,至少有三分之一的美国成年人表示他们在冬天睡得更多。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】国家发展改革委:“银发经济”蕴含巨大发展机遇 'Silver economy' offers great biz potential 2024-01-23 16:32 | |
China has seen new growth opportunities arising from its aging populace, and its latest decision to promote the "silver economy" will significantly address the needs of the graying demographic and inject new impetus into the economy, officials said on Monday.
国家发展改革委1月22日表示,中国从老龄化人口看到了新的发展机遇,新出台的支持“银发经济”发展的文件将积极应对老龄化人口需求,为经济注入新动能。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】专访彭博全球首席经济学家:中国应将2024年经济增长目标定为 Expert: Nation must aim for 5 percent growth this year 2024-01-22 17:09 | |
China should aim for an economic expansion of "around 5 percent" for 2024, as that will help boost confidence and revive its recovery momentum, Bloomberg Economics' chief economist Tom Orlik said.
彭博全球首席经济学家欧乐鹰表示,中国应将2024年的经济增长目标定为“5%左右”,这将有助于提振信心,增强经济回升向好态势。 | |
【新闻】美国二手房销量降至新低 创下1995年以来最差表现 US home sales see worst year since 1995 2024-01-22 16:45 | |
Home sales in the US sank to the lowest in nearly 30 years, as a sharp rise in interest rates increased costs for buyers and persuaded many potential sellers with lower rates to stay put.
由于美国房贷利率大幅上涨增加了潜在买房者的购房成本,也劝退了很多以低息贷款购房的潜在卖房者,美国二手房销量降到了近30年来的最低点。 | |
【新闻】大寒将至:关于大寒的6个小常识 24 Solar Terms: 6 things you may not know about Major Cold 2024-01-19 15:14 | |
The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Major Cold, the 24th solar term, begins this year on Jan 20 and ends on Feb 3.
中国传统二十四节气的第24个节气是大寒,今年的大寒从1月20日开始,2月3日结束。 | |
【经济】全球贫富差距进一步扩大 五大富豪财富翻倍 World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer 2024-01-15 16:14 | |
The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes to $869bn since 2020, while the world’s poorest 60% – almost 5 billion people – have lost money.
全世界最富有的5个人自2020年以来财富已经翻倍,达到了8690亿美元,而全世界最贫穷的60%(近50亿人)财富却缩水了。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】2023年外贸“成绩单”出炉:货物贸易进出口同比增长0.2% China's foreign trade up 0.2% in 2023 2024-01-12 17:48 | |
China's annual foreign trade posted better-than-anticipated performance and registered 41.76 trillion yuan ($5.82 trillion) in 2023, up 0.2 percent year-on-year, the General Administration of Customs said on Friday.
海关总署1月12日称,2023年我国货物贸易进出口总值41.76万亿元,同比增长0.2%,表现好于预期。 | |
【文化】《繁花》“点燃”上海黄河路,昔日著名美食街“翻红” Hit TV drama 'Blossoms' drives a new craze in Shanghai 2024-01-12 17:41 | |
Formerly known as a gastronomy paradise, Shanghai's Huanghe Road used to be home to over 100 restaurants, many of which served high-end fare that only the rich and famous could afford.
上海的黄河路曾被誉为美食天堂,这里坐落着100多家餐馆,其中许多餐馆供应富豪名流才消费得起的高端美食。 | |
【新闻】春节倒计时:中国人过年都有哪些传统? Must-do prep for prosperous Spring Festival in China 2024-01-11 17:25 | |
The 23rd day of La Yue in north China and the 24th day of the month in south China are the Xiao Nian Festival on the Chinese lunar calendar. Xiao Nian is also called "Little (Chinese) New Year," symbolizing the start of the Spring Festival.
北方腊月二十三、南方腊月二十四是小年,人们在小年这天开始进入过年的节奏。 | |
【经济】【双语财讯】中小企业发展指数稳步回升 SME performance improves in 2023 2024-01-11 17:00 | |
Business performance of China's small and medium-sized enterprises improved in 2023 on the back of the gradual resumption of work and production after the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside a package of supportive policy measures, the latest data showed on Wednesday.
1月10日最新发布数据显示,随着疫情防控转段,企业逐步复工复产,稳经济一揽子政策的落地见效,2023年我国中小企业经营状况有所好转。 | |
【新闻】2023年为全球有气象记录以来最暖年 2023 was warmest year on record in China 2024-01-10 17:28 | |
A climate change monitoring report from the National Climate Center said on Monday that 2023 was the warmest year on record since meteorological records began, surpassing the previous global temperature record.
国家气候中心1月8日发布的气候变化监测报告表明,2023年为全球有气象记录以来的最热年份,打破最暖纪录。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】商务部:中国将加快建设贸易强国 China makes efforts to turn into a trader of quality, says Commerce Minister 2024-01-10 15:46 | |
China will make dedicated efforts to turn the country into a trader of quality, as part of its efforts to achieve Chinese modernization, Commerce Minister Wang Wentao said on Tuesday in Beijing.
商务部部长王文涛1月9日在北京表示,中国将致力于建设贸易强国,为实现中国式现代化贡献力量。 | |
【科技】研究:每升瓶装水含有数十万个纳米塑料 可入侵人体细胞 Bottled water contains thousands of nanoplastics so small they can invade the bo 2024-01-09 17:41 | |
In a trailblazing new study, researchers have discovered bottled water sold in stores can contain 10 to 100 times more bits of plastic than previously estimated — nanoparticles so infinitesimally tiny they cannot be seen under a microscope.
在一项开拓性新研究中,研究人员发现,商店售卖的瓶装水所含的塑料颗粒物比原先预计的多出10到100倍,有些纳米塑料小到用显微镜也看不见。 | |
【商业】【双语财讯】央行:提高人民币国际化质量和水平 PBOC to enhance global presence of RMB, manage risks 2024-01-09 17:14 | |
China will boost the internationalization of the RMB, guard against systemic risks, and foster a sound monetary and financial environment, according to the country's central bank.
央行表示,将推动人民币的国际使用,防范化解系统性风险,营造良好的货币金融环境。 | |
【新闻】养成一个习惯,“21天法则”真的够吗? Do you really need 21 days to build a habit? 2024-01-08 17:40 | |
The number of days it takes to form a new habit depends on the habit, on you, and on what strategies you’re using to build and maintain that habit. Scientific estimates have ranged from 21 days to eight months or more. Let’s look at why that range is so big, and what you can do to build habits faster.
养成一个新习惯所需的天数取决于什么习惯、你自己以及你用来培养和保持该习惯的策略。科学估计,养成习惯需要21天到8个月或更长时间。让我们来看看为什么这个范围如此之大,以及如何才能更快地养成习惯。 | |
【新闻】【双语财讯】三部门公布横琴粤澳深度合作区有关税收政策 China adjusts tariff policies for Guangdong-Macao cooperation zone 2024-01-05 18:15 | |
China has adjusted tariff policies for the Guangdong-Macao in-depth cooperation zone in Hengqin to promote efficient goods flows and the diversified development of Macao's economy.
中国调整了横琴粤澳深度合作区有关税收政策,以推动货物高效便捷流动,促进澳门经济多元化发展。 | |
【经济】因涨价太多 家乐福将下架百事可乐产品 Pepsi pulled from supermarket shelves in Europe over price increases 2024-01-05 14:12 | |
Carrefour, one of France’s biggest supermarket chains, will stop selling PepsiCo products because they have become too expensive, in the latest clash between retailers and their suppliers over prices.
法国最大的连锁超市之一家乐福将停止售卖百事可乐产品,因为百事可乐定价太贵。这是零售商和供应商之间由价格引发的最新冲突。 | |
【新闻】意大利名厨在披萨上放菠萝 网友因此吵翻了…… Italy divided over new pineapple pizza 2024-01-04 17:48 | |
But 2024 might just be the year that pineapple pizza cracks Italy, thanks to Gino Sorbillo, the renowned Naples pizzaiolo (pizza maestro) who has added the dreaded “ananas” to his menu in Via dei Tribunali, the best known pizza street in the world capital of pizza.
但2024年有些规矩要被打破了,这要归功于知名那不勒斯披萨大师吉诺·索比略。索比略在世界披萨之都最著名的披萨街Via dei Tribunali的菜单上增加了令意大利人“望而却步”的菠萝披萨。 | |
【科技】【双语财讯】国家将鼓励民营企业参与国家重大工程项目建设 Private sector to get active support for major projects 2024-01-04 17:38 | |
China will roll out pragmatic measures to support the growth of the private economy, such as encouraging private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national engineering projects, officials said at a conference.
政府官员日前在一个大会上表示,中国将推出支持民营经济发展的务实措施,比如鼓励民营企业参与国家重大工程项目建设。 | |
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