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【新闻】关于北溪天然气管道泄漏,我们目前所知道的  Mysterious Blasts and Gas Leaks: What We Know About the Pipeline Breaks in Europ   2022-09-29 03:29
【经济】646.3亿元稳岗资金直达市场主体  China offers $9b to businesses to maintain jobs   2022-09-28 13:49
【新闻】西班牙拟推出“数字游民签证” 最长可居住五年  Spain plans ‘digital nomad’ visa scheme to attract remote workers   2022-09-28 08:30
【新闻】我们能避免“小行星撞地球”的毁灭性结局吗?  NASA Smashes Into an Asteroid, Completing a Mission to Save a Future Day   2022-09-28 05:38
【科技】Meta移除中国宣传运动,称其意图干预美国中期选举  Meta Removes Chinese Effort to Influence U.S. Elections   2022-09-28 01:14
【新闻】我国将加大对新型基础设施建设的支持力度  Nation to boost major projects   2022-09-27 15:13
【文化】《我们失去的心》:伍绮诗的反乌托邦式美国噩梦  Celeste Ng’s Dystopia Is Uncomfortably Close to Reality   2022-09-27 12:45
【商业】人民币对美元中间价“破7”,中国央行出台措施抑制下跌  China Lets Its Currency Weaken Past a Key Barrier and Tries to Manage the Fall   2022-09-27 11:12
【新闻】为减少食物浪费 日本酒店研制出“无边面包”  Company develops bread with white crust to decrease food waste   2022-09-27 08:30
【新闻】从山东到加拉帕戈斯群岛:中国的全球捕鱼行动  How China Targets the Global Fish Supply   2022-09-27 05:54
【新闻】“对头巾说不,对压迫说不”:女性站在伊朗抗议最前沿  Women Take Center Stage in Antigovernment Protests Shaking Iran   2022-09-27 04:30
【商业】央行发布报告:人民币国际化各项指标总体向好  Renminbi's global use set to expand   2022-09-26 17:26
【新闻】人到中年经常做噩梦?警惕或是痴呆症前兆  Bad dreams in middle age could be sign of dementia risk, study suggests   2022-09-26 10:00
【新闻】“他们没什么可失去了”:伊朗年轻人为何再次走上街头抗议  ‘They Have Nothing to Lose’: Why Young Iranians Are Rising Up Once Again   2022-09-26 05:33
【新闻】让乌克兰人自相残杀:俄罗斯在占领区征兵引发抵制和恐惧  Russia Begins Mobilizing Ukrainians to Fight Against Their Own Country   2022-09-26 03:51
【新闻】为什么日本民众反对为安倍举行国葬  Why Japan Is Angry About a State Funeral for an Assassinated Leader   2022-09-26 01:40
【新闻】3万韩元买一只炸鸡,吃炸鸡在韩国已成为一种奢侈?     2022-09-25 08:00
【新闻】110克酸奶卖19元!“雪糕刺客”之后,又来了“酸奶土匪”……     2022-09-24 08:00
【新闻】我国将推进实施自贸区提升战略  Nation to advance FTA strategy   2022-09-23 15:01
【新闻】为吸引员工返岗 英国公司允许带狗上班  Pet perks tempt staff back into the office   2022-09-23 09:40

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