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【新闻】花钱真的可以减轻悲伤吗?你需要注意这一点......     2022-10-16 08:00
  According to a study done by University of Michigan researchers, shopping to relieve stress was up to 40 times more effective at giving people a sense of control and that shoppers were three times less sad compared to those that only browsed for items.

【科技】地方银行保险业各展所长 加大对初创科技企业的金融支持  Govt ramps up efforts to support sci-tech startups   2022-10-14 14:14
  The China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission's Anhui and Tianjin offices guided banks and insurers in their jurisdictions to increase supply of financial resources to innovation-intensive companies, in keeping up with the increased necessity of technological breakthroughs to continue pushing economic growth.

【新闻】拜登政府遏制中国技术的新全球策略是如何形成的?  With New Crackdown, Biden Wages Global Campaign on Chinese Technology   2022-10-14 04:05
  WASHINGTON — In conversations with American executives this spring, top officials in the Biden administration revealed an aggressive plan to counter the Chinese military’s rapid technological advances.

【新闻】拜登政府发布国家安全战略:“超越中国并遏制俄罗斯”  Biden’s National Security Strategy Focuses on China, Russia and Democracy at H   2022-10-13 01:44
  President Biden declared on Wednesday that the overwhelming challenge for the United States in the coming years would be “outcompeting China and restraining Russia” while focusing on restoring a damaged democracy at home.

【新闻】让好莱坞明星爱上中国菜的“伍夫人”  Madame Wu’s Chinese Food Was Glamorous and Transformative   2022-10-12 06:27
  In the mid 1970s, as the Pritikin diet drifted over the Westside of Los Angeles like a bland and joyless cloud, Sylvia Wu strategized. How could she keep big-ticket dishes like Peking duck on the menu at Madame Wu’s Garden when A-listers wanted more low-fat, low-salt, low-sugar foods?

【新闻】俄罗斯轰炸基辅能让乌克兰投降吗?历史告诉我们:不能  Bombing Kyiv Into Submission? History Says It Won’t Work.   2022-10-12 03:44
  President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, in ordering missile strikes on Kyiv and other Ukrainian cities, follows a long line of wartime leaders who have sought to cow their adversaries by bombing enemy capitals.

【新闻】为何在全球范围内,大规模抗议活动越来越难以成功?  Even as Iranians Rise Up, Protests Worldwide Are Failing at Record Rates   2022-10-11 01:30
  Iran’s widening protests, though challenging that country’s government forcefully and in rising numbers, may also embody a global trend that does not augur well for the Iranian movement.

【新闻】在中国,当新冠“清零”成为日常  In China, Living Not ‘With Covid,’ but With ‘Zero Covid’   2022-10-10 10:40
  SHENZHEN, China — The signs of a looming lockdown in Shenzhen, China, had been building for a while. The city had been logging a few coronavirus infections for days. Daily Covid tests were required to go pretty much anywhere. Individual buildings had been sealed off.

【新闻】美国计划强化台湾武器储备  U.S. Aims to Turn Taiwan Into Giant Weapons Depot   2022-10-10 05:15
  WASHINGTON — American officials are intensifying efforts to build a giant stockpile of weapons in Taiwan after studying recent naval and air force exercises by the Chinese military around the island, according to current and former officials.

【经济】美媒:美联储激进加息引发全球“加息潮” 世界经济前景亮起红灯  Global Fallout From Rate Moves Won’t Stop the Fed   2022-10-09 15:57
  The Federal Reserve has embarked on an aggressive campaign to raise interest rates as it tries to tame the most rapid inflation in decades, an effort the central bank sees as necessary to restore price stability in the United States.

【经济】美举报人揭露:FBI对不端性行为员工处罚不当 665名官员为逃避处分离职  665 FBI employees left agency after misconduct investigations: whistleblower dis   2022-10-09 09:00
  Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said he obtained internal records from a whistleblower alleging 665 FBI employees retired or resigned following misconduct investigations to avoid receiving final disciplinary letters.

【经济】超3.4万亿元税费红包落地 助企纾困稳增长  Tax, fee incentives a strong boost to economy   2022-10-08 15:00
  China has ramped up its tax and fee incentives and supporting policies to enterprises, a move that has not only offered a "timely rain" to companies in financial drought but also served as a shot in the arm for the economy.

【商业】全球经济放缓,多国深陷中国债务泥潭  In Global Slowdown, China Holds Sway Over Countries’ Fates   2022-10-08 12:38
  BEIJING — When Suriname couldn’t make its debt payments, a Chinese state bank seized the money from one of the South American country’s accounts.

【新闻】精彩抢鲜看:10月上映的国外佳片  4 of the best films to watch this October   2022-10-02 08:00
  1. Decision to Leave

【新闻】放松疫情管控后,香港能否恢复“国际都会”的往日光彩?  After Pandemic Barriers, Can Hong Kong Recover as a Global Metropolis?   2022-10-01 02:17
  HONG KONG — Luxury storefronts have been replaced by pop-up shops selling masks. Whole floors of skyscrapers are deserted. Streets once crammed with locals and visitors jostling for space are quiet.

【新闻】约会App在中国有了新“玩法”:交友  Dating Apps Thrive in China, but Not Just for Romance   2022-10-01 02:17
  When Qu Tongzhou, a photography assistant in Shanghai, set out on a long-awaited trip to western China in June, she found the cities she visited to be unwelcoming. As an aftereffect of the country’s “zero-Covid” policies, locals were leery of travelers, and some hotels refused Ms. Qu, fearing she could introduce the virus.

【健康】什么是健康食物?我们的认知可能过时了  What Is a ‘Healthy’ Food? The F.D.A. Wants to Change the Definition.   2022-09-30 02:50
  The Food and Drug Administration unveiled a new proposal on Wednesday that would change the criteria for which packaged foods the agency considers “healthy,” in an attempt to modernize its approach to nutrition and reduce the burden of diet-related diseases.

【新闻】美国将制裁两家协助伊朗出口石油的中国企业  U.S. Penalizes Chinese Companies for Aiding Iran’s Oil Exports   2022-09-30 02:10
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration announced on Thursday that it would impose sanctions on two Chinese companies that transport and store Iranian oil, a shift to a tougher stance on Tehran amid signs that efforts to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have failed.

【经济】上海发布稳增长“22条”  聚焦助行业强主体  22 policies in Shanghai to help boost market mood, keep recovery pace   2022-09-29 15:46
  The Shanghai municipal government has given a solid boost to market confidence by announcing 22 favorable policies on Wednesday, which will help maintain the strong momentum in economic recovery, local officials said.

【科技】研究发现:孤独抑郁比吸烟更容易加速衰老  Feeling lonely, unhappy can accelerate aging more than smoking   2022-09-29 10:00
  Humans have two different ages. There is chronological age, which measures how much time a person has spent on Earth, and then there is biological age, referring to how old a person seems.

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