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【新闻】物价飙升民众苦不堪言 1/7英国人为省钱选择少吃饭  One in 7 Britons skipping meals in cost of living crisis, says TUC   2022-10-24 09:56
【商业】一切皆有可能:为马定制的流行运动鞋将上市  Horse Kicks – $1,200 horse sneakers are a real thing that exists   2022-10-24 09:36
【经济】民营企业家:二十大报告增强民营经济高质量发展动力  Private companies get support, guidance   2022-10-21 14:53
【健康】懒得去健身?朋友可以助你一臂之力!  Friends could be key to finding fitness motivation   2022-10-21 08:30
【新闻】韩国反萨德抗议再起,首尔在美中竞争中陷入两难  ‘Yankees, Go Home!’: Seoul Gets Squeezed Between the U.S. and China   2022-10-21 01:57
【新闻】“英国最短命首相”:特拉斯为何黯然辞职  What Happened With Liz Truss in Britain? A Guide to the Basics.   2022-10-21 01:38
【经济】广佛全域同城化发展持续推进  Integration boosts development of twin cities in Guangdong province   2022-10-20 16:19
【新闻】日媒:中国不断优化的科研环境正吸引日本青年人才  Young Japanese scholars head to China for stable, independent jobs   2022-10-20 09:05
【新闻】普京征兵令下“消失”的莫斯科男性  Where Have All the Men in Moscow Gone?   2022-10-20 05:12
【经济】我国能源供给质量和效益不断提升  Country to boost energy distribution   2022-10-19 15:32
【新闻】养生季:助你延年益寿的8种“超级食物”  Eat these foods to live a long life, experts say   2022-10-19 09:23
【科技】研究:三餐晚吃4小时更易诱发肥胖  When you eat may dictate how hungry you are, study says   2022-10-19 09:10
【新闻】黄柳霜,美元上第一张亚裔面孔  Anna May Wong Will Be the First Asian American on U.S. Currency   2022-10-19 05:12
【新闻】推进高水平对外开放 发挥外资积极作用  Nation set to advance high-level opening-up   2022-10-18 14:23
【新闻】英国防部称中国招募前皇家空军飞行员培训解放军空军  China Recruiting Former R.A.F. Pilots to Train Its Army Pilots, U.K. Says   2022-10-18 11:16
【健康】新研究:近半数新冠患者尚未完全康复  Nearly Half of Covid Patients Haven’t Fully Recovered Months Later, Study Find   2022-10-18 09:54
【新闻】美国幼儿托育服务缺口巨大 乡村地区陷托育危机  'Desperation': Child care struggle worsens in rural US   2022-10-18 08:30
【新闻】中国可再生能源发展领先世界  Nation leads way with renewable energy   2022-10-17 17:34
【新闻】国外Z世代评选"十大中老年表情包",这个表情挑衅又冒犯  Gen Z canceled the ‘hostile’ thumbs-up emoji   2022-10-17 09:05
【新闻】那些在战争中幸存的乌克兰代孕母亲  How Ukraine’s Surrogate Mothers Have Survived the War   2022-10-17 05:16

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