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【新闻】物价飙升民众苦不堪言 1/7英国人为省钱选择少吃饭  One in 7 Britons skipping meals in cost of living crisis, says TUC   2022-10-24 09:56
  One in seven people in the UK are skipping meals or going without food, according to new polling data released by the Trades Union Congress (TUC).

【商业】一切皆有可能:为马定制的流行运动鞋将上市  Horse Kicks – $1,200 horse sneakers are a real thing that exists   2022-10-24 09:36
  Horse Kicks are just what they sound like – sneakers for horses. Created from popular human models like Air Jordan or Yeezy Boost, each pair sells for at least $1,200.
  Horse Kicks这家公司可谓是“名副其实”,专门为马打造跑鞋。该公司的新款跑鞋灵感源自耐克乔丹鞋或阿迪椰子鞋等流行品牌,每双售价至少1200美元(约合人民币8696元)。

【经济】民营企业家:二十大报告增强民营经济高质量发展动力  Private companies get support, guidance   2022-10-21 14:53
  China's latest commitment to unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the nonpublic sector will boost confidence among private enterprises and stimulate market vitality for greater economic growth, according to private company executives and industry experts.

【健康】懒得去健身?朋友可以助你一臂之力!  Friends could be key to finding fitness motivation   2022-10-21 08:30
  Social interaction could be key to kick-starting a fitness regime, US research suggests.

【新闻】韩国反萨德抗议再起,首尔在美中竞争中陷入两难  ‘Yankees, Go Home!’: Seoul Gets Squeezed Between the U.S. and China   2022-10-21 01:57
  SOSEONG-RI, South Korea — Do Geum-yeon, 86, has lived in this valley in South Korea all her life. During the Korean War in the 1950s, her village was so peaceful that she remembers refugees taking shelter in its humble homes and quiet hills. These days, though, Ms. Do spends much of her time protesting an unwanted guest: an American military base that is expanding on a nearby hilltop.

【新闻】“英国最短命首相”:特拉斯为何黯然辞职  What Happened With Liz Truss in Britain? A Guide to the Basics.   2022-10-21 01:38
  LONDON — The rapid political collapse of Liz Truss ended as she announced her resignation on Thursday, a little more than six weeks after she became Britain’s leader. Her agenda had floundered, her own party had turned on her and commentators widely speculated on whether she could outlast a head of lettuce. She couldn’t.

【经济】广佛全域同城化发展持续推进  Integration boosts development of twin cities in Guangdong province   2022-10-20 16:19
  It takes residents of Foshan less than an hour to reach their workplaces in the southern Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou, thanks to the intercity subway that facilitates an extraordinary daily commute.

【新闻】日媒:中国不断优化的科研环境正吸引日本青年人才  Young Japanese scholars head to China for stable, independent jobs   2022-10-20 09:05
  Motoyuki Hattori was promising young scholar in Japan, held a position at the nation’s most elite university, and had career prospects that were far more solid than those of his peers.

【新闻】普京征兵令下“消失”的莫斯科男性  Where Have All the Men in Moscow Gone?   2022-10-20 05:12
  MOSCOW — Friday afternoons at the Chop-Chop Barbershop in central Moscow used to be busy, but at the beginning of a recent weekend, only one of the four chairs was occupied.
  莫斯科——位于莫斯科市中心的快手发廊(Chop-Chop Barbershop)到了周五下午通常会很忙碌,但最近的一个周末,一开始四张椅子只有一张有人。

【经济】我国能源供给质量和效益不断提升  Country to boost energy distribution   2022-10-19 15:32
  China will continue stepping up domestic energy supplies and reserve capacity, with the ambition of having annual comprehensive energy production capacity exceed 4.6 billion metric tons of standard coal equivalent by 2025, an official said on Monday.

【新闻】养生季:助你延年益寿的8种“超级食物”  Eat these foods to live a long life, experts say   2022-10-19 09:23
  1. Greens

【科技】研究:三餐晚吃4小时更易诱发肥胖  When you eat may dictate how hungry you are, study says   2022-10-19 09:10
  We all know that eating later in the day isn’t good for our waistlines, but why? A new study weighed in on that question by comparing people who ate the same foods – but at different times in the day.

【新闻】黄柳霜,美元上第一张亚裔面孔  Anna May Wong Will Be the First Asian American on U.S. Currency   2022-10-19 05:12
  LOS ANGELES — As a 14-year-old girl, the daughter of immigrants in this city’s Chinatown, Anna May Wong talked her way into her first role in a movie. Over the decades-long career that followed, she rose to become the first Asian American film star in Hollywood. When Wong died in 1961, The New York Times called the actress, known for her large, expressive eyes and flapper-era styles, “one of the most unforgettable figures of Hollywood’s great days.”

【新闻】推进高水平对外开放 发挥外资积极作用  Nation set to advance high-level opening-up   2022-10-18 14:23
  China will release the sixth list of major foreign investment projects and further expand the 2022 industry catalog of sectors encouraging foreign investment as part of its latest efforts to advance high-level opening-up, a senior government official said on Monday.

【新闻】英国防部称中国招募前皇家空军飞行员培训解放军空军  China Recruiting Former R.A.F. Pilots to Train Its Army Pilots, U.K. Says   2022-10-18 11:16
  LONDON — China has recruited as many as 30 retired British military pilots, including some who flew sophisticated fighter jets, to train pilots in the People’s Liberation Army, according to Britain’s Defense Ministry. A senior official said the ministry worried that the practice could threaten British national security.

【健康】新研究:近半数新冠患者尚未完全康复  Nearly Half of Covid Patients Haven’t Fully Recovered Months Later, Study Find   2022-10-18 09:54
  A study of tens of thousands of people in Scotland found that one in 20 people who had been sick with Covid reported not recovering at all, and another four in 10 said they had not fully recovered from their infections many months later.

【新闻】美国幼儿托育服务缺口巨大 乡村地区陷托育危机  'Desperation': Child care struggle worsens in rural US   2022-10-18 08:30
  A shortage of child care in the US has become so acute that it’s reaching far into rural communities, including one northwestern Oregon county where future embryos are in line for a spot at Amy Atkinson’s nursery and preschool.

【新闻】中国可再生能源发展领先世界  Nation leads way with renewable energy   2022-10-17 17:34
  Supported by full supply chains and robust policy measures, China has achieved leapfrog development in renewable energy in recent years, with its installed capacity ranking top globally.

【新闻】国外Z世代评选"十大中老年表情包",这个表情挑衅又冒犯  Gen Z canceled the ‘hostile’ thumbs-up emoji   2022-10-17 09:05
  Sending a thumbs-up can be seen as passive aggressive and even confrontational, according to Gen Z who claim they feel attacked whenever it is used.Z世代将“点赞”视为带有挑衅色彩,甚至是咄咄逼人的表情。在任何聊天中对他们使用这个表情,他们都会感到被冒犯。

【新闻】那些在战争中幸存的乌克兰代孕母亲  How Ukraine’s Surrogate Mothers Have Survived the War   2022-10-17 05:16
  KYIV, Ukraine — After months huddled in a basement to escape shelling, a surrogate mother named Viktoria was able to get her family, and the unborn child she carried for foreign clients, away from the fighting in northeastern Ukraine.

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