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【新闻】11月将在海外上映的佳片前瞻  4 of the best films to watch this November   2022-10-31 08:30
  1. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

【文化】被绑架、被贩卖、女扮男装,大洋彼岸“黛玉”的一生  Abandoned, Trafficked, Living as a Man: A Chinese-American Coming of Age   2022-10-31 06:14
  《天之四宝》(Four Treasures of the Sky) 作者:张廷慧(Jenny Tinghui Zhang)

【新闻】佩洛西丈夫在家中遇袭加剧对美国政治暴力的担忧  Pelosi Attack Highlights Rising Fears of Political Violence   2022-10-31 05:05
  WASHINGTON — Members of Congress have watched warily in recent years as threats and harassment against them have crescendoed, privately worrying that the brutal language and deranged misinformation creeping into political discourse would lead to actual violence.

【新闻】五角大楼最新国防战略:中国构成长期挑战  Pentagon’s Strategy Says China and Russia Pose Very Different Challenges   2022-10-28 04:14
  WASHINGTON — Eight months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and as China pushes to increase its nuclear, space and cyberforces, the Pentagon outlined a sweeping new strategy on Thursday that called for more robust deterrence at an increasingly tense moment in international security.

【科技】经济寒冬即将到来?硅谷科技巨头发出黯淡信号  Tech’s Biggest Companies Are Sending Worrying Signals About the Economy   2022-10-28 02:28
  Google this week reported a steep decline in profits. Social media companies such as Meta said that advertising sales — the heart of their businesses — have rapidly cooled off. And Microsoft, perhaps the tech industry’s most reliable performer, predicted a slowdown through at least the end of the year.

【科技】马斯克,全球政治舞台的混乱制造者  How Elon Musk Became a Geopolitical Chaos Agent   2022-10-28 02:23
  In the last four weeks, Elon Musk has offered a peace plan for Russia and Ukraine that outraged Ukrainian officials. He has posted a tweet about Iranian internet access that exposed government protesters to a phishing scheme. He has also suggested in a newspaper interview that China could be appeased if it were given partial control of Taiwan. An official in Taipei demanded that he retract his suggestion.

【新闻】中国民族主义“教父”王小东:中国的民族主义走得太远  China’s Chest-Thumping Nationalism Now Goes Too Far, Movement’s Godfather Sa   2022-10-28 01:57
  Wang Xiaodong once gave a speech declaring that “China’s forward march is unstoppable.” He published essays calling on China to build up its military. He co-wrote a book, bluntly titled “China Is Unhappy,” in which he said the country should aim to control more land and shape global politics. “We should lead this world,” he said.

【经济】国务院发文支持个体工商户发展 11月1日起施行  Self-employed ranks get big boost from latest Cabinet regulation   2022-10-27 14:35
  The State Council, China's Cabinet, rolled out a major regulation on Tuesday to promote the country's 111 million self-employed businesses, which industry experts said will greatly boost confidence and resilience among private smaller businesses over the long term.

【新闻】为什么俄罗斯突然开始谈论“脏弹”?这里是你需要知道的  Why Is Russia Suddenly Talking About ‘Dirty Bombs’?   2022-10-27 07:51
  Western officials quickly rejected Russia’s claim over the weekend that Ukraine was planning to use a so-called dirty bomb in its own territory. The United States and its allies have issued a series of statements accusing leaders in Moscow of making “transparently false allegations” to create a pretext for escalating the war.

【新闻】面对孤立,俄罗斯与缅甸“抱团取暖”  Shunned by the West, Russia and Myanmar Form a Partnership of Unequals   2022-10-27 04:32
  Myanmar has been cut off from the West and shunned by its neighbors after its military seized power last year and imposed a brutal crackdown. Even China, its closest ally, has signaled it is not thrilled about the instability.

【新闻】中国被指非法在荷兰设立警务办事处恐吓中国公民  Dutch Are Investigating Reported Illegal Chinese Police Stations   2022-10-27 01:22
  The Dutch government said on Wednesday that it was investigating reports that Chinese law enforcement agencies illegally operate offices in the Netherlands — without Dutch knowledge or approval — to police Chinese citizens overseas.

【经济】前三季度线上消费增势良好  Q1-Q3 recovery backed by online sales   2022-10-26 14:53
  China's consumption market saw steady recovery in the first three quarters, with online sales driving growth and providing economic momentum.

【新闻】懒人福音:日本公司拟研制“人类洗澡机”  This Japanese company is working on a human washing machine   2022-10-26 08:30
  Science, a Japanese technology company specializing in bathroom and kitchen innovation, recently unveiled plans to produce a washing machine for humans.

【商业】“我也是”运动高潮后,好莱坞以一种微妙的方式倒退  After #MeToo Reckoning, a Fear Hollywood Is Regressing   2022-10-26 03:26
  Harvey Weinstein’s second sex crimes trial began Monday in Los Angeles. “She Said,” about the journalistic investigation that took him down and helped ignite the #MeToo movement, arrives in theaters on Nov. 18. “The Woman King” opened to strong ticket sales last month, with Viola Davis saying she thought about the man who sexually assaulted her to power her visceral performance as the leader of an all-female group of African warriors.
  哈维·韦恩斯坦的第二次性犯罪审判于周一在洛杉矶开庭。以那场将他打败并帮助点燃“#我也是”(#MeToo)运动的新闻调查改编的电影《她说》(She Said)将于11月18日上映。《达荷美女战士》(The Woman King)上个月上映后票房强劲,维奥拉·戴维斯扮演一个全女性非洲战士团体的领袖,她说,她会在脑海里回想这个对她进行性侵犯的男人,以增强她表演的真情实感。

【经济】前三季度我国进出口同比增长9.9%  Jan-Sept data show stable trade growth   2022-10-25 17:29
  China's foreign trade is expected to maintain its growth momentum despite rising uncertainties arising from the slowdown in global economy, thanks to the nation's complete and stable industrial and supply chains, experts said on Monday after reviewing data on the first three quarters of this year.

【商业】告别亚洲战略:芬兰航空的困境与抉择  How Finnair’s Huge Bet on Faster Flights to Asia Suddenly Came Undone   2022-10-25 12:46
  Nestled near Europe’s rooftop, Finland spent decades leveraging its location to become a popular gateway for Asian travelers. Its flagship airline, Finnair, offered flights from Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai to Helsinki that, by crossing over Russia, were hours shorter than flights to any other European capital. Airport chiefs invested nearly $1 billion in a new terminal with streamlined transfers. There were signs in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, and hot water dispensers for the instant noodle packets favored by Chinese tourists.

【商业】特斯拉下调在华销售价格,凸显中国市场竞争加剧  Tesla Cuts Prices in China in Sign of Slowing Demand   2022-10-25 10:46
  Tesla on Monday cut prices for its cars in China, a sign of intensifying competition in the world’s largest car market that provoked a slump in the company’s shares.

【教育】菲律宾大学生自制“防作弊帽”走红  Philippines: Student 'anti-cheating' exam hats go viral   2022-10-25 09:05
  Images of students wearing so-called "anti-cheating hats" during college exams have gone viral on social media in the Philippines, sparking amusement.

【新闻】英国新首相苏纳克:创造历史,也面临经济难关  Rishi Sunak Wins Contest to Lead U.K. and Confront Economic Storm   2022-10-25 04:16
  LONDON — Rishi Sunak prevailed in a chaotic three-day race for leader of Britain’s Conservative Party on Monday, a remarkable political comeback that doubled as a historical milestone, making him the first person of color to become prime minister in British history.

【经济】广交会“暖产品”走俏欧洲 家电企业出口订单大增  Chinese heating products see orders surge from Europe during Canton Fair   2022-10-24 16:00
  Many Chinese home appliance enterprises saw demand for their heating products rise from the European market during the ongoing 132nd session of the China Import and Export Fair, or Canton Fair, the Shanghai Securities News reported on Friday.

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