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【新闻】中国“长征五号B”火骸坠落问题再次引发担忧  China’s Out-of-Control Rocket Booster Is Headed Back to Earth   2022-11-04 05:15
  On Monday, China launched another Long March 5B, the powerful rocket it needed to loft pieces of its Tiangong space station. This one sent the third and final piece of the outpost into orbit.

【健康】晚上睡不着?不如把头伸进冰箱  Can’t Sleep? Try Sticking Your Head in the Freezer.   2022-11-04 01:41
  A good night’s sleep can make us more empathetic, more creative, better parents and better partners, according to Aric Prather, a psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco who treats insomnia and is the author of the new book “The Sleep Prescription.” Sleep can help us manage stress; it can make us competent and capable and better able to take on the day. But Dr. Prather says we too often view sleep as an afterthought — until we find ourselves frozen in the middle of the night, our thoughts racing, fumbling for rest or relief.

【健康】打扫卫生、照顾家人:无偿家务劳动伤害女性身心  Why Unpaid Labor Is More Likely to Hurt Women’s Mental Health Than Men’s   2022-11-04 01:05
  In countries around the world, women do more unpaid labor — housework, child and elder care, and the mental load of managing a family — than men. New research suggests it takes a health toll on many of them.

【新闻】央行将实施稳健的货币政策 加大对实体经济的支持  More policy support set for real economy   2022-11-03 16:50
  China is ramping up monetary support to consolidate the country's economic recovery, with the property market showing signs of a pickup while pro-investment measures are set to take effect in the fourth quarter, said Yi Gang, the country's central bank governor.

【新闻】俄军轰炸和限电下的基辅:一座习惯了黑暗的首都  A Capital Draped in Darkness   2022-11-03 12:46
  KYIV, Ukraine — As night falls and darkness descends on Kyiv, the flashlights on smartphones begin to flicker on like fairy lights, leading the way home. Dogs wear glow sticks around their necks; flower merchants switch on headlamps to show off the vibrant colors of their lilacs and peonies; and children are outfitted in reflective clothing for safety.

【新闻】专家解惑:为什么人老了会变矮?  Why do you shrink when you get older? Experts explain   2022-11-03 08:30
  Once you become an adult, you typically reach your full height. But your height can change with age, and it's no myth — you shrink with time.

【新闻】普京真的会使用核武器吗?你需要知道这些要点  The Reality Behind Russia’s Talk About Nuclear Weapons   2022-11-03 03:18
  President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia began ramping up his nuclear rhetoric this fall, raising the specter that he could use such a weapon in Ukraine. As Mr. Putin was making threats, senior Russian generals were discussing the circumstances when they might possibly use a tactical nuclear weapon, The New York Times reported.

【新闻】加拿大制定创纪录移民引入目标:未来三年吸引145万人  Canada Aims to Add 1.45 Million Immigrants by 2025   2022-11-03 01:45
  With nearly one million job vacancies across the country, Canada is turning more squarely toward foreigners to address its labor shortage and has set record-breaking immigration targets for the coming three years.

【经济】《促进个体工商户发展条例》施行 新政提振市场信心  Self-employed businesses enter new era as regulation takes effect   2022-11-02 14:51
  A major regulation to promote China's self-employed businesses came into force on Tuesday — and government officials and industry experts said it will greatly stabilize expectations of individual businesses amid COVID-19, and drive the real economy over the long term.

【新闻】通胀压力下 英国民众被迫选择不健康饮食  In Britain's inflation crisis, healthy diets are a casualty   2022-11-02 08:30
  Fresh vegetables and fish are falling off the menu. Packaged pizzas and processed meat are the dishes of the day.

【新闻】首尔踩踏事故报警记录曝光:数小时无人响应  Pleas for Help Went Unheeded for Hours in Deadly South Korea Crush   2022-11-02 05:57
  SEOUL — The first, desperate call for help, warning of people at risk of being “squashed to death,” came at 6:34 p.m. on Saturday — nearly four hours before the South Korean authorities have said they received the initial report of a crowd crush that would kill more than 150 people.

【新闻】哈佛招生歧视案:最高法院展开辩论,种族偏好问题成焦点  A Diverse Supreme Court Questions the Value of Diversity   2022-11-02 05:55
  WASHINGTON — Over five hours of Supreme Court arguments on Monday on the fate of affirmative action in higher education, the justices and the lawyers arguing before them mentioned diversity more than 200 times.

【经济】全球最大单体免税店海口开业  World's largest duty-free complex opens in Hainan   2022-11-01 15:13
  Thousands of people waited in line for hours until 10:30 am Friday for the grand opening of the Haikou International Duty Free City Shopping Complex — the world's largest stand-alone duty-free facility.

【新闻】中国发射“梦天”实验舱,“天宫”空间站三舱合一  China Launches Its Space Station’s Third and Final Module   2022-11-01 11:16
  China launched the third and final module of its space station on Monday, a significant step as the country expands its extensive scientific research outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

【新闻】“绝对可以避免”?首尔梨泰院踩踏事件谁之过  Halloween Crowd Crush in Seoul Was ‘Absolutely Avoidable,’ Experts Say   2022-11-01 04:10
  SEOUL — When the K-pop group BTS staged a show in South Korea that drew a crowd of 55,000, the police were ready, assigning 1,300 officers to keep people safe. And when political protests are held, however modest in size, the country’s police are famous for laying careful plans to make sure crowds do not get out of control.

【健康】在人群大量聚集的场合,你该如何避免陷入踩踏?  What to Do if You Find Yourself in a Crowd Crush   2022-11-01 01:51
  A crowd surge during a Halloween celebration in Seoul that killed at least 151 people became the latest in a number of recent crowd-crush-related tragedies. November will mark the one-year anniversary of the Astroworld festival in Houston, when 10 people died and hundreds were injured at a Travis Scott concert; earlier this month, more than 100 people died in a stampede at an Indonesian soccer match.

【新闻】印度百年吊桥坍塌酿惨剧:134人死亡,民众呼吁追责  How a Festive Stroll Over a Historic Bridge Turned to Carnage in India   2022-11-01 01:48
  They had flocked to the newly reopened suspension bridge on a Sunday evening during India’s most festive season, buying a ticket costing the equivalent of about 20 cents or less to experience the sensation of swaying across the wide Machchhu River in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

【新闻】那些消失在梨泰院小巷中的年轻生命  Young Dreams Extinguished in the Crush of a Halloween Crowd in Seoul   2022-11-01 01:37
  A small-town girl, three days shy of turning 20, who dreamed of studying fashion design. A newly-minted college graduate, just settling into her first real-world job as a consultant. A budding polyglot with a passion for international business, two months into a semester abroad that had been delayed by the pandemic.

【新闻】中国经济结构转型将助力国内外发展  Structural transformation gives rise to development   2022-10-31 16:41
  China's structural transformation, which takes the economic transition as the mainstay, will lay a solid foundation for the country's high-quality development and inject strong impetus into global economic growth, according to experts attending the 88th International Forum on China Reform in Haikou, the capital of Hainan province.

【新闻】首尔梨泰院踩踏:一场狂欢如何演变为超150人死亡的惨剧  A ‘Sea of Bodies’: How a Festive Night in Seoul Turned Deadly   2022-10-31 10:51
  SEOUL — It was supposed to be a festive evening, throngs of raucous youngsters dressed as zombies, princesses and super heroes converging on one of Seoul’s most popular nightlife districts for their first restriction-free Halloween celebration since the pandemic began.

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