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【新闻】保持大脑年轻不衰老,这4种“补脑”食物要常吃  These are the 4 best foods for your brain   2022-11-14 17:33

【新闻】“逆向旅游”受年轻人青睐 前景看好  More people get off the beaten track for relaxing break   2022-11-14 17:05
  Going against the tide of flocking to well-known yet generally jam-packed tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser-known resorts to seek unique, relaxed holiday experiences.

【新闻】在全球民主国家眼中,美国民主已迷失方向  The World’s Democracies Ask: Why Can’t America Fix Itself?   2022-11-11 10:42
  Lin Wei-hsuan was just a child when he observed his first Taiwanese election. His parents took him to watch the vote-counting, where volunteers held up each paper ballot, shouting out the choice and marking it on a board for all to see — the huge crowd of citizens inside, and many more watching live on television.

【新闻】中期选举后美国外交政策受关注,对华立场或更强硬  Tough Lines on Ukraine and China: Seeing Policy Fallout From U.S. Election   2022-11-11 03:47
  BRUSSELS — As the contours of the new U.S. Congress become clearer, diplomats and policy analysts are trying to discern what it will mean for American support for Ukraine’s fight against Russia, for NATO, and for what may be an even tougher line on China.

【新闻】哪里排放了最多的温室气体?  Who’s Driving Climate Change? New Data Catalogs 72,000 Polluters and Counting   2022-11-11 03:10
  Upstream from Shanghai along the Yangtze River, a sprawling factory complex in eastern China is churning out tens of millions of tons of steel a year — and immense quantities of planet-warming gases.

【经济】数字经济助力实现共同富裕  Digital economy seen as key to common prosperity   2022-11-10 15:10
  East China's Zhejiang province is showcasing its various experiences and achievements as a digital economy powerhouse during the 2022 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit, which takes place from Wednesday to Friday.

【文化】伟大小说家村上春树写了一本失败的回忆录  Haruki Murakami Has Never Found Writing Painful   2022-11-10 10:32
  NOVELIST AS A VOCATION, by Haruki Murakami | Translated by Philip Gabriel and Ted Goosen

【新闻】美国中期选举缘何未现“红潮”,这里是你需要知道的  Five Takeaways From a Red Wave That Didn’t Reach the Shore   2022-11-10 05:09
  Democrats tried to outrun history — and the lead weight of a wounded president who made his final political appearance of the campaign in deep-blue Maryland, in a county he won two years ago by an overwhelming margin.

【新闻】肯尼亚公开中资铁路合同部分细节,或导致肯中关系紧张  Kenya Discloses Part of Secret Railway Contract With China   2022-11-09 09:54
  Kenya’s government has disclosed some details of the loan agreement the country signed in 2014 with China to build a railway, a major step toward political accountability but one that could strain relations with Beijing, the country’s top financier of infrastructure projects.

【新闻】美发界的一股清流,日本“无声理发”服务走红  Covid-Inspired ‘Silent Cut’ Haircutting Service Gains Popularity in Japan   2022-11-09 08:00
  Devised by a Tokyo hair salon during the Covid-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the ‘Silent Cut’ service is becoming increasingly popular in Japan.

【新闻】被大海吞噬的岛屿,被大火烧毁的森林:图片中的气候变化  Ocean-Eaten Islands, Fire-Scarred Forests: Our Changing World in Pictures   2022-11-09 06:30
  Climate change does not lend itself to easy documentation.


【新闻】在两极分化的美国,数百万人用选票捍卫民主  In a Nation Divided, One Area of Agreement: Voting Matters   2022-11-09 04:18
  They had been assured that they were wasting their time. That the fix was in. That a fair outcome was impossible, what with all that Democratic ballot-rigging — or was it Republican voter suppression?

【新闻】海关总署:我国外贸继续保持平稳运行  Foreign trade growth expected to be stable   2022-11-08 15:25
  The growth of China's foreign trade is expected to be stable this year, given the robust performance during the January-October period, which has laid a solid foundation, trade watchers said on Monday.

【新闻】谁会赢得美国中期选举?这里是四种可能性  Who Will Win the Battle for Congress? Four Scenarios.   2022-11-08 06:31
  Just about anything is still possible in this year’s midterm elections.

【新闻】《世界开放报告2022》发布 中国开放指数逆势提升  Experts confident in globalization progress   2022-11-07 18:34
  Facing headwinds, the process of globalization will still continue in the long term despite twists and turns, officials and economists said at a session of the Hongqiao International Economic Forum held on Saturday during the ongoing fifth China International Import Expo.

【科技】机器人公司打造出“世界最快鞋” 步行速度可达每小时11千米  Robotics startup unveils the world’s fastest walking shoes   2022-11-07 08:30
  A Pittsburgh-based robotics and engineering startup recently unveiled Moonwalkers, a pair of battery-powered shoes that it claims can boost walk speeds by up to 250%.

【新闻】悲剧过后的梨泰院:一场漫长、无法醒来的噩梦  A Vibrant Refuge in Seoul Goes Quiet After Deadly Crowd Crush   2022-11-07 04:46
  SEOUL — Seo Hyuk-jun, 36, knelt before the white chrysanthemums as he placed a lit cigarette, incense and a paper cup filled with Jack Daniel’s on the ground. He stood, knelt and bowed twice, performing a traditional Korean ritual for the dead.

【新闻】急于恢复国际声誉,香港为少数国际嘉宾放宽防疫限制  In Bid to Show It Is Open, Hong Kong Bends Covid Rules … for Some   2022-11-07 01:30
  Hong Kong is eager to show the world that the city is open for business after years of pandemic restrictions. Officials this week even found themselves willing to bend some rules for visitors — as long as they could afford it.

【新闻】关于美国中期选举,你应该知道的  A Basic Guide to the U.S. Midterm Elections   2022-11-05 11:10
  If you are broadly aware that the upcoming midterm elections in the United States have major global implications, but you’re not up to speed on the American system of government or you’re having trouble following along, you’re in the right place.

【经济】加强供应链韧性 共促亚太产业链融合发展  China calls for extra cooperation on global supply chain security   2022-11-04 14:34
  China called for more international cooperation to enhance industrial and supply chain security amid pressure from COVID-19 outbreaks, geopolitical tensions and a gloomy global outlook, the country's top economic regulator said on Wednesday.

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