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【新闻】伊丽莎白女王:一部视觉词典  Queen Elizabeth: A Visual Dictionary   2022-11-22 01:02
  Over her seven decades on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II understood the power of visuals. The first British monarch to have a televised coronation, she watched the world turn its attention from the radio to the TV set, and by the time she died this month at 96, having celebrated her Platinum Jubilee just a few months earlier, she — well, the royal family — had an Instagram account and a YouTube channel.

【文化】防弹少年团队长RM,从超人气偶像到艺术“大使”  RM, Boy Band Superstar, Embraces New Role: Art Patron   2022-11-22 01:00
  SEOUL — RM, the leader of the South Korean pop group BTS, first visited Grand Central Terminal in Manhattan to perform for Jimmy Fallon’s “Tonight Show.” It was early 2020, before the coronavirus lockdown, and in middle of the night, joined by a sizable dance crew, BTS’s seven members put on a raucous display for their single “ON” in the otherwise empty hall.

【新闻】“中国元素”闪耀卡塔尔世界杯  Chinese brands bet on sponsorships for Qatar World Cup   2022-11-21 17:29
  As the World Cup approaches in Qatar, "made in China" are having increasing presence in this biggest football bonanza across the globe, with Chinese brands betting on amounting sponsorship to enhance their international influence, according to Global Data, a consulting and analytic company headquartered in London, Beijing Business Today reported.

【新闻】金正恩女儿首次公开亮相,现身朝鲜导弹发射现场  Kim Jong-un Takes His Daughter to Missile Test Launch   2022-11-21 10:26
  SEOUL — As North Korea fired its largest ballistic missile on Friday, the country’s leader, Kim Jong-un, appeared at the launch along with his wife, Ri Sol-ju, and a young girl who had never been publicly seen before.

【新闻】拜登迎来80岁生日,高龄对总统来说是问题吗?  President Biden Is Turning 80. Experts Say Age Is More Than a Number.   2022-11-21 03:21
  WASHINGTON — President Biden has said it is a “legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit” to serve in the White House. To those who question his fitness, he has a stock answer: “Watch me.”

【文化】2022年《纽约时报》/纽约公共图书馆最佳儿童绘本  The 2022 New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Bo   2022-11-21 01:06
  The 10 winners of The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Books Award are chosen each year by a rotating panel of three expert judges.

【经济】国家发改委:一系列稳经济举措将在四季度集中显效  NDRC push to speed up steps for stability   2022-11-18 15:12
  China's top economic regulator will continuously promote the implementation of a package of policies to stabilize the economy, further expedite the financing of projects via policy-based and developmental financial instruments, accelerate infrastructure projects and proactively expand effective investment, said an official with the National Development and Reform Commission on Wednesday.

【新闻】复盘梨泰院踩踏案:警方曾预判拥挤人流,为何惨剧仍发生  Police Expected the Halloween Crowd. Why Couldn’t They Stop the Disaster?   2022-11-18 04:29
  For years, officials had known that Halloween weekends in Itaewon, a popular nightlife district in Seoul, attracted large crowds, warning internally that people could be “crushed to death.”

【新闻】“狠角色”佩洛西:美国首位女议长职业生涯经典画面回顾  Portrait of a Speaker: Nancy Pelosi’s Most Enduring Moments   2022-11-18 03:00
  In her two decades leading House Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has been one of the most powerful and iconic women in Washington. When she was sworn in as speaker in 2007, surrounded by the children of members of Congress, she became the first woman to serve in that post. And over the years, Ms. Pelosi was often photographed as the lone woman in rooms full of men, even after the ranks of Congress became more diverse.

【经济】三部门:新增可再生能源消费不纳入能源消费总量控制  Clean power use gains support   2022-11-17 17:28
  Newly added renewable capacity will be exempt from energy consumption caps to further promote clean and low-carbon energy transformation and ensure high-quality development in the country, the government said on Wednesday.

【体育】2024年巴黎奥运公布吉祥物“弗里热”,灵感来自一顶“小红帽”  Phrygian caps to be the Paris 2024 Games mascots   2022-11-17 08:00
  Phrygian caps will be the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots as organizers look to celebrate the French revolution's spirit.

【新闻】广州海珠区长时间封控引罕见抗议,民众推翻警车  Covid Lockdown Chaos Sets Off a Rare Protest in a Chinese City   2022-11-17 02:36
  A lengthy lockdown and shortages of food prompted residents to take to the streets in China’s southern manufacturing hub of Guangzhou, a rare protest that reflected the growing public frustration with disruptions caused by the country’s Covid restrictions.

【新闻】英国安全部门强调来自伊朗、中国等多重威胁  U.K. Sees Myriad Domestic Threats, Mainly From Iran, Russia and China   2022-11-17 02:34
  LONDON — Iran has tried to kill or kidnap at least 10 critics based in Britain since the start of the year, the head of the British security service said on Wednesday as he underscored perceived threats from a diverse range of sources, including Russia, China and Islamist and far-right terrorists at home.

【经济】10月国民经济保持恢复态势  Current quarter looking up   2022-11-16 15:55
  China's economy is expected to regain steam in the fourth quarter with the government's effective measures to coordinate COVID control and economic development along with stimulus policy measures gradually taking effect, economists and analysts said.

【新闻】中国和伊朗等威权政府利用美国私家侦探监视在美异见人士  Iran and China Use Private Detectives to Spy on Dissidents in America   2022-11-16 10:49
  The job that came in through Michael McKeever’s website was unremarkable, the kind of request he often received in his decades working as a private investigator in New York.

【新闻】中国等六国官员曾在特朗普酒店大肆消费  Documents Detail Foreign Government Spending at Trump Hotel   2022-11-16 06:40
  WASHINGTON — Officials from six nations spent more than $750,000 at former President Donald J. Trump’s hotel in Washington when they were seeking to influence his administration, renting rooms for more than $10,000 per night, according to documents that his former accounting firm turned over to Congress.

【新闻】全球人口达到80亿,低出生率或拖累中国经济  World Population Reaches 8 Billion, U.N. Says   2022-11-16 02:11
  Until 1804, fewer than one billion people roamed our planet. More than a century later, in 1927, we crossed two billion.

【新闻】中国人工智能发展成效显著  AI gaining more ground in China   2022-11-15 17:29
  Artificial intelligence, a key technology for driving digital transformation, is playing an increasingly vital role in accelerating China's push for industrial upgrading and promoting the in-depth integration of the digital economy and real economy, business leaders and experts said.

【新闻】亚洲七人橄榄球赛误将抗议歌曲当中国国歌,港府要求调查  Hong Kong Demands Inquiry After Protest Song Is Played Before Rugby Match   2022-11-15 09:51
  The Hong Kong government on Monday demanded “a full and in-depth investigation” after a song associated with the pro-democracy protests of 2019 was played instead of the Chinese national anthem before a match by the city’s rugby sevens team at a tournament in Incheon, South Korea.

【新闻】中期选举提振拜登士气,未来挑战犹存  Biden Celebrates Beating the Odds, but He Faces a New Challenge   2022-11-15 01:42
  WASHINGTON — President Biden on Wednesday celebrated avoiding the “giant red wave” that many had anticipated in this week’s midterm elections and reaffirmed that he intends to run again in 2024, even as he vowed to work across the aisle with ascendant congressional Republicans.

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