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【经济】上海数据交易所揭牌一年 数商生态走向融合发展  Data trading set to grow despite odds   2022-11-28 15:05
  Although data exchanges built nationwide are spurring trading in data, more efforts are needed to establish the basic trading mechanism and construct related infrastructure, experts said on Friday, on the occasion of the anniversary of the Shanghai Data Exchange.

【健康】你有多大几率患上阿兹海默症?  How to Know if You Have a Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s   2022-11-25 05:33
  The actor Chris Hemsworth announced last week that he’s taking a break from acting to focus on his health. The news came after Mr. Hemsworth learned through genetic testing that he has two copies of the APOE4 gene variant, which is associated with increased odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. The 39-year-old star of “Thor” has not reported having any symptoms, but he told Vanity Fair that he wanted to focus on mitigating his risk as much as possible.

【新闻】美国正面对一个与伊朗直接对抗的新时代  United States Enters a New Era of Direct Confrontation With Iran   2022-11-25 04:18
  Over the past few days, Iran has told international inspectors that it plans to begin making near bomb-grade nuclear fuel deep inside a mountain that is hard to bomb, and dramatically expand its nuclear fuel production at a plant that Israel and the United States have repeatedly sabotaged.

【新闻】联合国新人权高级专员面临新疆问题等多重考验  Meet the World’s New Human Rights Crisis Manager. He Has a Lot to Do.   2022-11-25 02:19
  GENEVA — Barely a month after taking office as the United Nations’ new human rights chief, Volker Türk was in Sudan’s war-torn Darfur region last week meeting victims of a conflict that has displaced millions.

【新闻】在纽约皇后区品尝独具川味的藏式美食  Restaurant Review: Why Does This Tibetan Kitchen Also Cook Sichuan Food?   2022-11-25 01:07
  If, like many New Yorkers with a taste for Tibetan food, you are used to finding your momos and shapaley at the top of rickety staircases, or behind cellphone stores, or in the backs of gift shops, your first trip to Nha Sang in Elmhurst, Queens, may come as something of a shock.

【经济】长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区加快高质量发展  Yangtze River Delta steps up development, innovation   2022-11-24 16:31
  The demonstration zone for integrated ecological and green development in the Yangtze River Delta region, which was launched three years ago, has stepped up its high-quality development, driven by institutional innovation and the expansion of industry leaders, said government officials.

【新闻】全球人口80亿,他希望人类“自愿灭绝”  Earth Now Has 8 Billion Humans. This Man Wishes There Were None.   2022-11-24 11:19
  PORTLAND, Ore. — For someone who wants his own species to go extinct, Les Knight is a remarkably happy-go-lucky human.

【新闻】美国官员称今年冬季新冠威胁有所下降  A Year After the Omicron Surge, Officials See a Reduced Covid Threat This Winter   2022-11-24 04:24
  Federal health officials expressed optimism on Tuesday that the nation was better prepared to weather a surge of Covid-19 infections this winter compared with a year earlier, and they renewed their pleas for Americans to get an updated booster shot ahead of the holidays.

【新闻】俄克拉荷马州大麻农场枪击案:四名华人遭“处决式”杀害  Suspect Arrested in ‘Execution-Style’ Killings of 4 at Oklahoma Marijuana Fa   2022-11-24 02:32
  The authorities in Oklahoma on Tuesday arrested a suspect who they believe killed four people “execution style” and injured one more in an attack at a rural marijuana farm on Sunday.

【新闻】世界知识产权报告:中国成为2021年有效专利数量最多的国家  Nation leads surge in global patent applications   2022-11-23 17:42
  Global intellectual property applications rose last year despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with China leading the growth, World Intellectual Property Organization data shows.

【新闻】哈里斯批中国在南海争议水域“恐吓胁迫”行为  In Philippines, Harris Promises Support and Denounces China   2022-11-23 12:05
  PUERTO PRINCESA, Philippines — Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday denounced China for what she called “intimidation and coercion” in the disputed waters of the South China Sea and promised that the United States would stand by the Philippines, at a time when the Biden administration is looking for ways to counter Beijing’s influence in the region.

【新闻】图片中的“清零”封控之国  This Is What China’s Renewed War on Covid Looks Like   2022-11-23 10:23
  Less than a month after softening pandemic restrictions, China has reinstated some “zero-Covid” policies in an effort to control a new wave of infections surging across the country.

【新闻】北京治理雾霾初见成效,为什么印度无法效仿?  Beijing Is Tackling Its Air Pollution Problem. Why Can’t New Delhi?   2022-11-23 05:49
  A decade ago, the capitals of Asia’s two largest countries both had some of the dirtiest skies in the world. On the worst days, millions were enveloped in thick gray canopies of smog that darkened the sun and besieged the lungs.

【新闻】不带孙子,要当“网红”:中国老年人在网上重新定义衰老  China’s Grandparents Are Done Babysitting and Ready to Go Viral   2022-11-23 05:42
  HONG KONG — The 65-year-old woman crouches in a field and holds up a head of cabbage. Behind her, two friends sway back and forth, cucumber and radish in their hands. “This rotten cabbage, let’s pull it out, eat it, achieve some foodie freedom,” Guo Yifen, the woman with the cabbage, raps in a low and creaky voice in the song “Spicy Hot Pot Real Rap.”

【新闻】中国商飞获首张企业5G专网频率许可  Private 5G network license to hasten development of industrial internet   2022-11-22 15:27
  China has granted the first private 5G network license to Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, the maker of the country's first self-developed single-aisle passenger jet, the C919, for 5G connectivity in its plants.

【旅游】离开都市,探索一个不一样的韩国  Exploring ‘The Land of Morning Calm’   2022-11-22 12:58
  Before South Korea became globally known for its beauty products, kimchi and pop groups, it was known as the Land of the Morning Calm. The name has long been used to refer to the Korean Peninsula, before the division of South and North Korea, because of its tranquil, temple-dotted mountains and serene forests where dawn breaks on the Asian mainland.

【新闻】九平方米超迷你公寓:东京年轻人的“蜗居”生活  A 95-Square-Foot Tokyo Apartment: ‘I Wouldn’t Live Anywhere Else’   2022-11-22 10:50
  TOKYO — At the end of a long day at work in the offices of Japan’s professional baseball league, Asumi Fujiwara returned to her apartment and changed into pajamas. She wanted to get in a light workout before going to bed, so she placed her vinyl yoga mat on the floor in front of the toilet, rolling it past the single kitchen burner and the one-slot toaster and toward the foot of her desk.

【科技】继承特斯拉“休克疗法”,马斯克对推特“打鸡血”  What Elon Musk Is Doing to Twitter Is What He Did at Tesla and SpaceX   2022-11-22 04:52
  Elon Musk was sleeping at the office. He dismissed employees and executives at will. And he lamented his company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

【文化】球员拒唱国歌、女演员摘下头巾:伊朗名人支持国内抗议  In Silence or Aloud, High-Profile Iranians Signal Support for Protests   2022-11-22 03:19
  At the World Cup in Qatar, Iran’s soccer players on Monday declined to sing their country’s national anthem. In Tehran, two well-known actresses were arrested over the weekend for defiantly removing their head scarves. And at least nine prominent Iranians were summoned for questioning for daring to criticize the authorities.

【旅游】京都期待外国游客回归,但有一些礼貌的建议  Kyoto Wants You Back, but It Has Some Polite Suggestions   2022-11-22 01:04
  In the months before March 2020, the food sellers in Kyoto’s Nishiki market often wished for an end to the seemingly endless stream of photo-hungry visitors from abroad who always seemed to be underfoot.

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