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【科技】硅谷陷裁员寒冬,“码农”不再是“金饭碗”?  Computer Science Students Face a Shrinking Big Tech Job Market   2022-12-09 04:09
  Ever since she was a 10th grader in Seattle, Annalice Ni wanted to develop software for a prominent tech company like Google. So she went to great lengths to meet the internship and other résumé criteria that make students attractive hires to the biggest tech firms.

【新闻】全球购物季促销提升中国品牌知名度  Promo events help boost exports, domestic brands   2022-12-08 17:26
  Chinese brands have seen booming sales and are gaining in popularity among overseas consumers during promotional events like Black Friday and the Cyber Monday online shopping spree, as a rising number of Chinese companies are stepping up efforts to expand their global footprint.

【新闻】放松“清零”政策,中国具体做出了哪些改变?  What Has Changed About China’s ‘Zero Covid’ Policy   2022-12-08 11:43
  The Chinese government on Wednesday unveiled a broad easing of its strict “zero Covid” policy, after an extraordinary outburst of discontent in mass street protests a week ago.

【文化】《纽约时报》2022年度十大好书  The 10 Best Books of 2022   2022-12-08 02:27

【新闻】跨境电商助力中国内陆城市外贸发展  Cross-border e-commerce brings opportunities to inland China city   2022-12-07 17:47
  Every day, Yan Xinhua sees off dozens of containers to the port of Tianjin, some 1,200 km away, where the goods are directly shipped to overseas markets.

【新闻】“阳光维生素”,晒太阳就可以补充!但要注意这几点  The Importance of the "Sunshine Vitamin" During the Dark Winter Months   2022-12-07 08:00
  The connection between sunlight and bone health was made over 200 years ago when a Polish doctor treated inner city children with rickets (or soft bones) by taking them to the countryside for the summer months. In fact, vitamin D promotes heart, metabolic, and immune system health in addition to supporting bone health.

【商业】报告称全球汽车供应链与新疆强迫劳工存在广泛联系  Global Car Supply Chains Entangled With Abuses in Xinjiang, Report Says   2022-12-07 05:03
  The global auto industry remains heavily exposed to the Xinjiang region of China for raw materials, components and other supplies, a new report has found, despite a recent U.S. law intended to restrict purchases from the area, where the Chinese government has committed human rights abuses against mostly Muslim minorities.

【科技】地缘政治担忧下,台积电扩建升级美国芯片工厂  In Phoenix, a Taiwanese Chip Giant Builds a Hedge Against China   2022-12-07 04:42
  U.S. companies and officials have long worried about overly relying on Taiwan, which China claims as its own territory, for the world’s most advanced computer chips. That’s because Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, which is the biggest maker of leading-edge chips, is based there.

【新闻】当代孕妈妈被迫抚养孩子:柬埔寨代孕产业的道德困境  They Were Surrogates. Now They Must Raise the Children.   2022-12-07 02:54
  PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — The baby was not hers, not really.

【健康】房地产金融“组合拳”促进市场健康发展  New policies to boost property sector, facilitate recovery   2022-12-06 16:05
  With a high frequency of supportive measures issued by financial regulators in November, the property market is expected to see a turning point in 2023 as market recovery continues to proceed, industry experts said.

【经济】专家:完善国际经贸规则 护航“一带一路”高质量发展  Work on improving BRI economic, trade rules will help the initiative, experts sa   2022-12-05 17:40
  Work and explorations on how to improve the Belt and Road economic and trade rules will contribute to the high-quality joint construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, benefiting all BRI participants and the world economic recovery as well, according to experts.

【新闻】《韦氏词典》2022年度热词公布,“gaslighting”当选  ‘Gaslighting’ Is Merriam-Webster’s 2022 Word of the Year   2022-12-05 08:00
  This year, the number of times people looked up Merriam-Webster’s definition of gaslighting skyrocketed 1740 percent compared to 2021. So it seems fitting that the dictionary named it 2022’s word of the year.

【科技】“每天八杯水”科学吗?最新研究结果可能颠覆认知     2022-12-03 09:00
  A famous health tip says you'd better drink eight glasses of water (about two liters) a day. However, the results of a new study suggest that less is needed.

【新闻】今年前10个月中国汽车出口创新高  China's auto export accelerates to new record   2022-12-02 15:29
  China's auto export industry registered steady growth amid headwinds such as chip shortage, rise of raw material prices, and the pandemic, with export totaling 2.46 million units in the first 10 months, up 54.1 percent on a yearly basis.

【经济】5年规模增长10倍 跨境电商显示巨大市场活力  Cross-border e-commerce surges tenfold   2022-12-01 17:55
  The cross-border e-commerce trade has become an important tool to stabilize foreign trade and promote consumption thanks to such advantages as online transaction, contactless delivery and short transaction chain, said the People's Daily on Wednesday.

【新闻】“中国传统制茶技艺及其相关习俗”申遗成功     2022-12-01 08:00
  The tea that has delighted and fascinated the world for millennia has finally received top-level global recognition as a shared cultural treasure of mankind.

【新闻】中国手机制造商助力世界杯赛事 开拓海外市场  Smartphones kick-start biz   2022-11-30 15:44
  Chinese smartphone companies are tapping into the zeal for soccer to better resonate with global consumers, as they step up their push to explore overseas markets in efforts to revive the smartphone sector that has been mired in a sales slump amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

【经济】税务总局:年内全国累计办理出口退免税逾1.6万亿  China's export tax refund and exemption reach 1.64t   2022-11-29 17:44
  China's tax department continuously accelerated the export tax refund this year, offering powerful support for the steady growth of foreign trade, Securities Times reported.

【新闻】高分写作单词本:比good更高级的赞美形容词     2022-11-29 08:00
The word excellent is a synonym for “positive” with the sense of “emphasizing what is laudable, hopeful, or to the good.” Excellent means “possessing outstanding quality or superior merit.”

【新闻】冬季“无痛”早起攻略!早起困难户请查收~  5 Steps to Take to Become a Morning Person   2022-11-28 17:24
  1. Seek out as much natural light as possible

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