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【新闻】日本将国防预算翻倍,抵御中国军事野心  Japan Moves to Double Military Spending, With a Wary Eye on China   2022-12-19 10:58
【新闻】B站年度弹幕出炉!谁“优雅”当选了?     2022-12-17 09:00
【经济】11月份国民经济运行总体延续恢复态势  China continues to witness steady recovery   2022-12-16 15:43
【经济】通胀阴影笼罩美假日购物季,消费者不再“买买买”  Squeezed by inflation, families are tightening their holiday budgets   2022-12-16 08:30
【新闻】中国盟友与胜利之战:俄罗斯宣传机器如何扭曲乌克兰战争  An Alternate Reality: How Russia’s State TV Spins the Ukraine War   2022-12-16 05:28
【健康】那些天生不会感染新冠的人  Who Are the ‘Never-Coviders’?   2022-12-16 03:20
【新闻】美国再将中国36家公司列入贸易黑名单  U.S. Cracks Down on Chinese Companies for Security Concerns   2022-12-16 01:01
【新闻】发烧期间,这5件事千万不要做!  Things You Should Never Do When You Have a Fever   2022-12-15 12:05
【新闻】韩国政坛斗争的新牺牲品:金正恩送的两只狗  Two Dogs from North Korea Become Victims of a Political Squabble   2022-12-15 05:08
【新闻】香港抗议者遭殴打风波后,中国从英国召回六名外交官  China Withdraws 6 Diplomats From U.K. After Consulate Scuffle   2022-12-15 04:39
【新闻】中美竞争、政变与民主:一个太平洋小国的选举为何成为国际焦点  In Fiji’s Closely Observed Election, the Incumbent Takes the Lead   2022-12-15 03:29
【新闻】拜登政府非洲战略强调合作,避谈对抗中国  The U.S. wants to counter China’s moves in Africa. But American officials try    2022-12-15 01:34
【经济】首届全球数字贸易博览会在浙江杭州开幕  Expo seeks to bring fair access, inclusive benefits   2022-12-14 15:47
【新闻】感染病例激增中的北京:不是封城,胜似封城  As Covid Spreads Fast, Beijing Isn’t in Lockdown. But It Feels Like It.   2022-12-14 10:48
【新闻】为何全球许多科学家选择天宫空间站进行科研  Why Some Scientists Choose China’s Space Station for Research   2022-12-14 04:17
【新闻】三十年太空马拉松:中国如何成长为一个航天大国  China Maps Out Plans to Put Astronauts on the Moon and on Mars   2022-12-14 04:16
【新闻】“没有任何不适”:中国推进疫苗接种,力图打消老年人疑虑  ‘It Doesn’t Hurt at All’: In China’s New Covid Strategy, Vaccines Matter   2022-12-13 11:56
【新闻】从孟晚舟案到美俄换囚,人质外交真的有效吗?  In Hostage Diplomacy, It’s Often the Hostage-Takers Who Pay   2022-12-13 05:01
【教育】申请大学时,他们努力让自己看起来不那么亚裔  Applying to College, and Trying to Appear ‘Less Asian’   2022-12-12 04:42
【新闻】官员预计中国将有数亿人感染新冠,医疗系统承受重压  China’s Looming ‘Tsunami’ of Covid Cases Will Test Its Hospitals   2022-12-12 03:12

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