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【新闻】日本将国防预算翻倍,抵御中国军事野心  Japan Moves to Double Military Spending, With a Wary Eye on China   2022-12-19 10:58
  Japan on Friday announced a new national security strategy that will double the amount earmarked for the country’s military defense, breaking with decades-long precedent on spending restraints as it seeks to strengthen its military capabilities to counter China’s rising power.

【新闻】B站年度弹幕出炉!谁“优雅”当选了?     2022-12-17 09:00
  Bilibili, a leading video platform popular among China's younger generation, announced on Thursday the phrase of the year on its site to be "You Ya", or "elegant/elegance" when translated literally.

【经济】11月份国民经济运行总体延续恢复态势  China continues to witness steady recovery   2022-12-16 15:43
  China witnessed steady growth in industrial production and investment in November, while consumption was still weak amid pressures from COVID-19 outbreaks, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

【经济】通胀阴影笼罩美假日购物季,消费者不再“买买买”  Squeezed by inflation, families are tightening their holiday budgets   2022-12-16 08:30
  Anya Remy, a human resources professional in Maryland, has felt the pain of high inflation in recent months. So, she asked her kids to cut down their Christmas lists and has been searching for the best deals.

【新闻】中国盟友与胜利之战:俄罗斯宣传机器如何扭曲乌克兰战争  An Alternate Reality: How Russia’s State TV Spins the Ukraine War   2022-12-16 05:28
  As Russian tanks were stuck in the mud outside Kyiv earlier this year and the economic fallout of war with Ukraine took hold, one part of Russia’s government hummed with precision: television propaganda.

【健康】那些天生不会感染新冠的人  Who Are the ‘Never-Coviders’?   2022-12-16 03:20
  The year began as the surge in the Omicron variant in the U.S. was nearing its peak: On Jan. 20, nearly 160,000 Covid patients were hospitalized, the most at any point in the pandemic. On Feb. 2, the seven-day average of new reported deaths peaked at 2,669.

【新闻】美国再将中国36家公司列入贸易黑名单  U.S. Cracks Down on Chinese Companies for Security Concerns   2022-12-16 01:01
  WASHINGTON — The Biden administration on Thursday stepped up its efforts to impede China’s development of advanced semiconductors, restricting another 36 companies and organizations from getting access to American technology.

【新闻】发烧期间,这5件事千万不要做!  Things You Should Never Do When You Have a Fever   2022-12-15 12:05
  Don't Drink Certain Beverages

【新闻】韩国政坛斗争的新牺牲品:金正恩送的两只狗  Two Dogs from North Korea Become Victims of a Political Squabble   2022-12-15 05:08
  SEOUL — President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea and his predecessor, Moon Jae-in, are both dog lovers. Still, they could not agree on how two dogs given to their country by North Korea should be cared for.

【新闻】香港抗议者遭殴打风波后,中国从英国召回六名外交官  China Withdraws 6 Diplomats From U.K. After Consulate Scuffle   2022-12-15 04:39
  LONDON — China withdrew six of its diplomats from Britain on Wednesday, ending a diplomatic standoff between London and Beijing over a violent clash that took place during a pro-democracy demonstration at the Chinese Consulate in the northern city of Manchester.

【新闻】中美竞争、政变与民主:一个太平洋小国的选举为何成为国际焦点  In Fiji’s Closely Observed Election, the Incumbent Takes the Lead   2022-12-15 03:29
  It was a clash between two former coup leaders, set against the backdrop of a remote and palm-fringed vacation destination that has, of late, taken on outsized importance in a battle for primacy in the Pacific between the United States and China. And with the country’s military constitutionally permitted to intervene if it saw fit, the contest had the potential to become volatile.

【新闻】拜登政府非洲战略强调合作,避谈对抗中国  The U.S. wants to counter China’s moves in Africa. But American officials try    2022-12-15 01:34
  WASHINGTON — There is one word that American officials are trying to avoid saying as they meet with African counterparts during the U.S.-Africa leaders summit in Washington this week: China.

【经济】首届全球数字贸易博览会在浙江杭州开幕  Expo seeks to bring fair access, inclusive benefits   2022-12-14 15:47
  Digital economy and digital trade are breaking down physical barriers and becoming an important force driving global economic and trade recovery, said top officials from China and around the world on Sunday.

【新闻】感染病例激增中的北京:不是封城,胜似封城  As Covid Spreads Fast, Beijing Isn’t in Lockdown. But It Feels Like It.   2022-12-14 10:48
  Restaurants have closed because too many staff members have tested positive for Covid. The usually ubiquitous food delivery workers zipping through traffic on their scooters have nearly vanished because of infections. Pharmacies have been emptied of cold medicine, and supermarkets have been running low on the essentials: disinfectant solution, antibacterial wipes, beer.

【新闻】为何全球许多科学家选择天宫空间站进行科研  Why Some Scientists Choose China’s Space Station for Research   2022-12-14 04:17
  Seeking to burnish its prestige in the world, China is portraying its Tiangong orbital outpost as a space station that is available for scientists everywhere, not just for those who happen to live in other countries with established space programs.

【新闻】三十年太空马拉松:中国如何成长为一个航天大国  China Maps Out Plans to Put Astronauts on the Moon and on Mars   2022-12-14 04:16
  JIUQUAN SATELLITE LAUNCH CENTER — Thirty years ago, the Chinese government initiated a secret plan for its space program, including a key goal of building a space station by 2020.

【新闻】“没有任何不适”:中国推进疫苗接种,力图打消老年人疑虑  ‘It Doesn’t Hurt at All’: In China’s New Covid Strategy, Vaccines Matter   2022-12-13 11:56
  The Chinese government is on a mission: to convince older citizens that its latest Covid-19 vaccines are easy to take and effective.

【新闻】从孟晚舟案到美俄换囚,人质外交真的有效吗?  In Hostage Diplomacy, It’s Often the Hostage-Takers Who Pay   2022-12-13 05:01
  Brittney Griner’s release, nearly a year after Russian authorities detained her, is once more forcing a difficult question in Washington and other capitals. What is the least bad option in dealing with hostage diplomacy?

【教育】申请大学时,他们努力让自己看起来不那么亚裔  Applying to College, and Trying to Appear ‘Less Asian’   2022-12-12 04:42
  When it came time to fill out his college application form, Max Li chose not to declare his race. Even though he knew his last name sounded Chinese, he selected “prefer not to say.”

【新闻】官员预计中国将有数亿人感染新冠,医疗系统承受重压  China’s Looming ‘Tsunami’ of Covid Cases Will Test Its Hospitals   2022-12-12 03:12
  Until recently, China, the world’s most populous nation, was also the world’s last Covid holdout. But in a matter of weeks it will be hit by a wave that a top health official predicts could infect many hundreds of millions of people.

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