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【健康】2023年,如何改善你的心理健康  Small Steps to Improve Your Mental Health in 2023   2022-12-28 05:10
  This year may not have been the sea of calm you had hoped for after the tumult of 2020 and 2021. The pandemic continued; war broke out in Europe; we experienced natural disasters and troubling shortages; and more viruses stoked fears. But 2022 was also a year of learning and discovery.

【经济】助力消费复苏,数字人民币试点再扩围  Digital yuan continues domestic march   2022-12-27 17:34
  The trial use of digital yuan has played a significant role in boosting domestic consumption as such use has been utilized in more Chinese cities and application scenarios, thus further boosting company participation, said experts.

【新闻】中国放松国际旅行限制,取消入境隔离  China to Drop Covid Quarantine for Incoming Travelers   2022-12-27 11:34
  China on Monday announced that travelers from overseas would no longer be required to enter quarantine upon arrival, in one of the country’s most significant steps toward reopening since the coronavirus pandemic began.

【新闻】美国专家:中美关系亟需恢复互信  Expert stresses mutual trust in Sino-US ties   2022-12-27 10:00
  China and the United States should restore mutual trust by reopening consulates that have been closed and work together on global challenges, abandon a zero-sum trade mindset and engage more robustly, says Stephen Roach, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia.

【新闻】全球投资者对中国经济抱有信心  Investors confident of yuan asset attractiveness, Chinese economy   2022-12-26 17:35
  Financial analysts said the market response to the People's Bank of China's issuance of central bank bills in Hong Kong demonstrates the attractiveness of yuan-denominated assets and the confidence of global investors in the Chinese economy.

【新闻】单身中国老年人如何寻找伴侣?欢迎参加相亲节目  Lonely, Single and Over 50? China Has a Game Show for That.   2022-12-26 04:05
  The introductory music was thumping, the male dating show contestant had walked onstage, and now came the interview portion, where female guests asked questions. One of the women launched right in.

【新闻】盘点2022年朝鲜导弹试射:数量破纪录,不断更新换代  Tracking North Korea’s Record Number of Missile Launches   2022-12-26 02:41
  SEOUL — North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast on Friday, the South Korean military said. It was the latest provocation from the North, which has vowed to increase its nuclear and missile capabilities to counter Washington and Seoul.

【新闻】美国经济学家:中国经济明年表现将更强劲  U.S. economist says Chinese economy expected to deliver solid rebound in 2023   2022-12-23 17:34
  The Chinese economy is poised to deliver solid rebound next year, bolstered by its underlying strength and policy stimulus, a senior U.S. economist has said.

【新闻】作家西西去世,用诗意写作记录香港被忽视的意义和困境  Xi Xi, Whose Writing Defined a Changing Hong Kong, Dies at 85   2022-12-23 10:55
  HONG KONG — Xi Xi, whose poems and stories described with playful humor and poignancy life in the margins of Hong Kong and the city’s limbo between British and Chinese rule, died on Sunday in Hong Kong. She was 85.

【科技】字节跳动调查发现员工不当获取美国TikTok用户数据  ByteDance Inquiry Finds Employees Obtained User Data of 2 Journalists   2022-12-23 02:59
  ByteDance, the Chinese parent company of TikTok, said on Thursday that an internal investigation found that employees had inappropriately obtained the data of U.S. TikTok users, including that of two reporters.

【科技】2022国际科技创新中心指数发布 北京位列三甲  Beijing third most innovative hub globally, Nature Research shows   2022-12-22 16:53
  Beijing surpassed London for the first time to rank third globally in innovation, according to the Global Innovation Hubs Index 2022 released on Dec 19.

【经济】中央经济工作会议积极定调提振信心  Policies boost confidence of global firms   2022-12-21 17:11
  China's efforts to build an institutional system conducive to high-level opening-up and to seek to join high-standard economic and trade deals will further boost market expectations and the confidence of global companies in 2023, market observers and corporate executives said on Monday.

【新闻】网友投票:马斯克应辞去推特CEO  Twitter users say Elon Musk should step down as CEO in a poll   2022-12-21 08:00
  Twitter users voted with a majority in a weekend poll indicating that Elon Musk should step down as CEO of the social media company.

【新闻】防疫政策急转弯后,中国多地陷入药物短缺危机  China’s Abrupt Covid Pivot Leaves Many Without Medicines   2022-12-21 04:30
  When demand for fever-reducing drugs more than quadrupled the price of ibuprofen, a city in eastern China began rationing sales by selling the pills individually.

【新闻】图片中的2022年  THE YEAR IN PICTURES 2022   2022-12-21 04:22
  The Year in Pictures 2022 (Part 1 & Part 2)

【新闻】我国货币政策释放积极信号  Additional monetary flexibility seen soon   2022-12-20 16:40
  China's monetary policy might have more room for easing early next year as the US Federal Reserve has started to slow down rate hikes while domestic economic growth requires more support, experts said on Thursday.

【文化】《纽约时报》2022年度最佳电影  Best Movies of 2022   2022-12-20 04:04
  Manohla Dargis


【新闻】美国研究:嗅觉味觉减退的新冠感染者或产生更高水平抗体  Impaired Taste & Smell After A Covid-19 Infection Linked To Higher Levels Of   2022-12-19 17:38
  In a new study published in the journal PLOS One, a group of researchers based in the United States found that the odds of developing greater amounts of antibodies to the coronavirus could be two times higher among those who experienced altered smell and taste post infection.
  美国一项新研究发现,感染新冠病毒后出现嗅觉和味觉减退的人,其产生更高水平抗体的可能性要高出两倍。该研究发表在PLOS One期刊上。

【新闻】毕马威:英国经济衰退或将持续至明年年底  UK faces longest recession since records began   2022-12-19 17:33
  The UK has fallen into a recession which will be the longest since records began in the 1950s, economists have warned.

【新闻】俄罗斯如何搞砸乌克兰战争:时报调查报道的八个要点  Eight Takeaways From The Times’s Investigation Into Putin’s War   2022-12-19 11:33
  A team of New York Times reporters investigated one of the central questions of the war in Ukraine: Why has Russia bungled its invasion so badly?

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