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【健康】新冠亚变体XBB.1.5有什么特点?我们应该担心吗?  There’s Already Another New Dominant Covid Strain. Here’s What to Know.   2023-01-06 03:31
  Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations have steadily ticked up in the United States over the past couple months. This is due, at least in part, to half a dozen subvariants that seem to be better at immune evasion and at transmission than previous virus versions.

【新闻】欧盟敦促成员国要求自中国入境旅客提供核酸阴性证明  E.U. Urges Nations to Require Negative Covid Tests for Travelers From China   2023-01-05 11:11
  BRUSSELS — The European Union on Wednesday “strongly encouraged” its 27 member nations to require a negative Covid-19 test for travelers boarding flights from China to the region, amid a surge in coronavirus cases in the country and Beijing’s lifting of its draconian travel restrictions.

【新闻】金正恩“最心爱的女儿”会成为金氏政权接班人吗?  ​Is Kim Jong-un’s ‘Most Beloved Daughter’ North Korea’s Next Leader?   2023-01-05 10:31
  North Korean state media has not revealed much about the cherub-faced young girl who has made several appearances with Kim Jong-un, the country’s leader, in recent weeks.

【新闻】正在中国上演的新冠悲剧  China’s unfolding tragedy   2023-01-05 04:26
  In early December, China suddenly reversed its “zero Covid” policy. That set off a wave of infections that has swept across the nation, overwhelming hospitals and funeral parlors.

【商业】几分钟内送达的代价:在极限中奔忙的印度外卖骑手大军  Need an Onion? These Indian Apps Will Deliver It in Minutes.   2023-01-05 02:34
  The clock was ticking.

【新闻】北京谴责多国针对中国的旅行限制,威胁反制  China Denounces Covid Testing Rules Imposed on Its Travelers   2023-01-04 12:11
  The Chinese government on Tuesday denounced Covid testing requirements imposed by other countries on travelers arriving from China as unscientific or “excessive,” and threatened to take countermeasures.

【科技】美国大举投资芯片产业,但光靠金钱可能不够  U.S. Pours Money Into Chips, but Even Soaring Spending Has Limits   2023-01-04 11:46
  In September, the chip giant Intel gathered officials at a patch of land near Columbus, Ohio, where it pledged to invest at least $20 billion in two new factories to make semiconductors.

【新闻】众议院议长选举僵局背后,一个分裂混乱的共和党  Speaker Fight Reveals a Divided and Disoriented House Majority   2023-01-04 05:09
  WASHINGTON — House Republicans began their new majority rule on Tuesday with a chaotic and historic debacle, an embarrassing failure to rally around a leader that showcased the difficulties they will face in performing even the basics of governing and their lack of a unifying agenda.

【商业】“墨西哥,帮帮我”:中国之后,全球化将把我们带向哪里  ‘OK, Mexico, Save Me’: After China, This Is Where Globalization May Lead   2023-01-04 04:09
  As American companies recalibrate the risks of relying on Chinese factories to make their goods, some are shifting business to a country far closer to home: Mexico.

【新闻】图片中的历史:苏联诞生100年  100 Years Since the Birth of the Soviet Union, in Pictures   2023-01-03 06:31
  It is the disintegration of the U.S.S.R. that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia says he wants to remedy by waging war against Ukraine; it is the legacy of Moscow’s dominance that Ukrainians hope to free themselves of by defeating Moscow.

【经济】数字经济和平台企业的发展将推动经济增长  Digital economy and platforms spur growth   2022-12-30 17:53
  China's latest push to the digital economy and platform companies is expected to spur economic growth, boost market confidence and help private enterprises to bolster technological innovation, company executives and experts said on Wednesday.

【新闻】美国赌场里那些孤独的老年中国移民赌客  Casinos Target a Vulnerable Clientele: Older Asian Gamblers   2022-12-30 12:43
  MONTICELLO, N.Y. — Soon after the white coach bus pulled up on a recent Monday morning, the passengers stepped off into the frigid cold. Outside, they rushed to the nearest tree, railing, wall or grassy knoll to stash their plastic bags crammed with thermoses of rice and soup.

【商业】过去一年,新闻中的重要数字  The Numbers in the News   2022-12-30 11:11
  Numbers that count

【文化】《鬼乐》:像鬼魂一样被困于生活  For An Yu, the Living Are More Adrift Than the Ghosts   2022-12-30 05:04
  《鬼乐》(Ghost Music),作者:安於

【健康】新年九条健康饮食小贴士  9 Nutrition Tips for the New Year   2022-12-30 04:22
  As 2022 comes to a close, Well is taking a look at our coverage of food and nutrition over the past year and reflecting on what we have learned about eating (and drinking). Here are some of our favorite nuggets of healthy wisdom.

【新闻】中国疫情形势有多严峻?一场大型科学猜谜游戏  How Bad Is China’s Covid Outbreak? It’s a Scientific Guessing Game.   2022-12-30 04:06
  As Covid barrels through China, scientists around the world are searching for clues about an outbreak with sprawling consequences — for the health of hundreds of millions of Chinese people, the global economy and the future of the pandemic.

【新闻】中国新冠危机最前线:医疗系统极限承压,面临“惨烈战役”  ‘Tragic Battle’: On the Front Lines of China’s Covid Crisis   2022-12-29 10:09
  Slumped in wheelchairs and lying on gurneys, the sickened patients crowd every nook and cranny of the emergency department at the hospital in northern China. They cram into the narrow spaces between elevator doors. They surround an idle walk-through metal detector. And they line the walls of a corridor ringing with the sounds of coughing.

【科技】英媒:科学家开发出诊断阿尔茨海默病的血液检测法  Scientists develop blood test for Alzheimer’s disease   2022-12-29 08:00
  Scientists have developed a blood test to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease without the need for expensive brain imaging or a painful lumbar puncture, where a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is drawn from the lower back. If validated, the test could enable faster diagnosis of the disease, meaning therapies could be initiated earlier.

【新闻】中国高端制造业快速发展  High-end manufacturing on fast track   2022-12-28 17:25
  China's high-end manufacturing sector is on a fast development track with an increasing number of companies going public, gaining higher profits and expanding their footprints overseas, according to a report by the China Association for Public Companies on Monday.

【文化】“你吃了吗?”:走进中餐馆,走近华人在全球扎根的故事  A Documentarian Travels the World Asking: ‘Have You Eaten Yet?’   2022-12-28 05:41
  HAVE YOU EATEN YET?: Stories From Chinese Restaurants Around the World, by Cheuk Kwan

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